Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

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  2. Icon Well-Known Player

    I would love to see larger base items more in line with their counterparts in the various missions across the game.
    I want more window pieces that have moving landscapes in them like large space windows & ceilings showing stars, asteroids, and comets streaking by.
    I want to change the light setting in the bases to make them lighter or darker.
    I want more base layouts that have circular and asymmetrical designs, multi levels with more views, transparent walls, floors and ceilings with intricate designs beneath them.
    More interactive base item pieces with walls/paintings/pictures that slide open revealing weapons. Clicking on items like chairs or bed to sit or lay on them. Elevators that take us up and down levels in the base.
    More vehicle base items (where is Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet, the Batcycle?) such as all the ingame cars, trucks, police cars, etc...
    Base crowd pets; sets of 3-5 that we can purchase as many as we want to fill up the base. Random human "pets" that perform various functions such as Paparazzi walking around taking pics, Security guards on watch and questioning intruders, Partygoers dancing around. Staff inspecting, interacting with various base items/amenities.
    FREE PLACEMENT of all Amenities! (requested for the umpteenth time)
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  3. creatine1 Committed Player

    posters of creature commandos show
    posters of new superman movie
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  4. The Nature Troll New Player

    the street chimneys, trash can fire. perhaps a interactive swing set. the head of Darkseid. an Alfred totem. the beetoven batman bust. the flashing red batman phone. Riddler's henchmen Echo and Qwerty totem. base with added amenitiys
  5. Achikah All About That Base

    So, this might be an unpopular opinion, but after seeing the 2025 Anniversary base items, I'd like to request the creation of iconic DC architectural items rather than just overloading us with the iconic triumphs/statues.

    The statues/triumphs thus far are really wonderful- they look great and a lot of people are quite pleased with them I'm sure, but there's only so much you can do with those items outside of using them as, well, a statue or an npc stand-in within a base. For those that create Iconic DC inspired bases, they need more than just symbols and statues, they need that character's, and their world's, architectural items. Columns, Pillars, Walls, Arches, Flooring, Tables, Chairs, etc.

    A great example of this in-game is Themysciran items. There are Grecian pillars, walls, arches, benches, even balconies AND all the smaller detailed items as well, like weapon racks, vases, urns. The Kryptonian items from past content are also great for making an actual Kryptonian inspired bases, especially along with the additional items the team created for the Sunstone Fortress drop. We could really use sets like that for places like Thanagar, Ranx, Zamaron, Apokolips, and various other maps/locations/planets so we can transform our bases to these locations since there aren't themes yet available for them. Also, if there could be League Hall sized versions of them too that'd be even better!

    So, when creating Iconic figures as statues, please consider the smaller, or really larger, details of that character. Really, just in base item creation as a whole, think about how you'd design a level in-game with assets. Those assets are what we also want, and really need to tell a full, rich, detailed story through visual and environmental scene setting, because that's what a lot of us set out to do when we decorate our bases!
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  6. valarithtrea New Player

    I was hoping to have a request fulfilled about the Treeline item changed from spring/summer leaves to autumn leaves in golds/reds/browns. Just change the texture for the foliage. I have two bases, one that is all spring/summer leaves and would love to make an all autumn forest based place. I've collected over 40 Treelines for both bases and would love to be able to have a alternate season theme with the Treeline items. Would also like to request wooden windows be able to be dropped on floors since I have a few sheds I put together to make a small cabin, the windows would be great to fix onto the walls of the sheds to make a nice cabin in the woods theme. OR you could make a beautiful cedar cabin just the right size to fit in a Ancient base. I've asked a long time ago to have a base like the Ancient base to be completely blank save for the stonework with no torches or columns to bar the way of decorations.
  7. Lantern Gblue Level 30

    To add to this request - autumnal canopies like the oak canopy and cherry blossom canopy would be a great addition too.
  8. Lantern Gblue Level 30

    +1 to Achikah's post. The HOJ raid has some really cool items dotted around in the big room where you fight the first boss, and then the last room before you get to the final boss.

    As for the statues: for the sake of 'parity' with heroes, some villain mentor statues that align with the hero ones from HOJ/brainiac DLC would be welcome, so we have more than just the 'ice' versions.
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  9. sebfm Well-Known Player

    We definitely need Cheetah vendor to sell more hero/villain themed decorations. Sunstone additions where perfect. It would be nice to have :
    - a whole set for a Flash Museum (the market place one is a nice small debut, but come on, we can do much more for the scarlet speedster)
    - a whole set for a Green Lantern base (especially with most decorations locked in survival vendor)
    - a whole set for a Hall of Justice/Hall of Doom base/league hall
    - I'd love to see a decoration allowing to create doors pointing to other bases/league halls in order to connect them.
    - Please oh please a fake exit for manor lair Batcave (right now, if I start the Batmobile or the Batwing reactors, Batcave is filled with smoke and Alfred is pissed off ^^)
    - Speaking of Alfred... Would it be possible to have a moving Alfred Pennyworth?
    - More interactive decos, I love them.
  10. The Nature Troll New Player

    Hero / villian interactive totems characters. Garage theme. Iron man-like workshop. Batcave Computer Base's need an overhaul. allow pieces to be transfered to other alt. Diluted Fire pit should be account bound. Give everyone another armory. Keep an armory in the league hall.
  11. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    Honestly, what I would love is if the devs in charge of deciding base furniture would watch the extra life twitch stream from this past year. I believe there were 8-9 bases toured and each of them had a very detailed hand crafted environment to showcase their styles and the vibe of their characters. If you watch the video, you will see what types of items are used and maybe more importantly, how they are used! This game has some restrictions on base building that the crafters have found a way to work through and are creating beautiful things! I know my base was the last one that was toured, and Dev Glitter and Dev Carp were really surprised and excited at the items I made in my Art Studio. Maybe speak to them for ideas if they are not the ones in charge of that type of thing. Anyway, thanks for listening. I am always hopeful!