Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Royy New Player

    They definitely drop in the game but its randomized across all older content, since its an og ish base item.
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  2. Ed Burke New Player

    I'd like to see all 9 Num Lock keys pathable to builds for Armories, instead of the four we have now. My Num Lock pad repeats the first four builds twice, so I think it could be done easily.
  3. JoeAce65 New Player

    Active force field generators from the Batman who Laughs Batcave.
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  4. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    More different styles of walls and doors.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Interactive Statue base item of the player.

    We already have this in the league hall, the player could imprint their style/build onto the statue and have it on display in their base.
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  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Black Mist (black recoloured version of the Blanket of Fog base item)
    Black Cloud (black recoloured version of the Snow Clouds - Large base item without the snow falling)

    The above in the following colour variants: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Green, Pink, Red
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  7. Ryll Committed Player

    Boom Tubes
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  8. darkgalahad Level 30

    The retro style computers from the playing card factory in the Riddler's lair from when you fight Deathstroke. Also, the transparent style computer consoles you find a various places and Star Labs and other areas. Also base items like you find and the bombshells episodes really fit the Golden age slash pulp aesthetic for those type of characters.
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  9. Futurebatman01 New Player

    I have to say it's not so much what I would like to see as a base item but more of what I would like you devs to do for us.

    1. First thing, I would like for us to use any of our already unlocked armories style to be placed in any of our bases not locked into only to that certain base style. Example: House of legends armories style into the cave base style.

    2. I would love to be able to place our base items not just limited freely but actually freely in our base. What I mean by that is if: I wanted to place a plant upside down hanging from the ceiling I can. Not just wait for a base item to come out to match what am looking for. Another prime example of this is the gingerbread house that came out during the last winter event. You have the walls able to be placed together, however, the roof has to be placed up on the ceiling that way the roof fits with the walls. This could be avoided if we were allowed to place them actually freely in-game.

    3. I would love if dev team, allowed us to place our amenities at any location of our desire, not locked into only the purple circle area. I would have so much more option if this was the case. but only limited my creativity in creating my base.

    4. Please, take this as constructive criticism into improving the base system in-game. As this needs almost a major overhaul. Me and other players love creating and building our bases up. But we are limited by the capacity of the game base system.

    5. Most importantly. Please put a system in place to being able to buy exactly what furniture we want not just random drops in a specified area where it could drop or the whole Doctor fate base item box that is random. The cheetah vendor helps out with current and coming DLC's. But the older ones did not get base items stores so its hard to get it. for example, I have to run phantom zone to get sunstone ceiling and floors. or a better example is having to run argus or shattered Gotham and fellowship of the arcane to get library doors and walls and library columns.
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  10. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I have asked this around this time for the last few years, so here goes again :)

    For the winter seasonal, can we have some New Year's related base items (and now I'll add emotes) thrown into the wintry mix?

    Easy to add would be signs and decorations to put up on the walls and ceiling.
    Medium would be a Gotham or Metropolis animated TV showing city streets decorated or the winter seasonal and one shot of the New Year's Eve ball atop a tower.
    Difficult would be a table with a few revelers (like inside the new Ice Berg Lounge)

    Emote can be either throwing streamers or blowing a party horn (at least we do have sparklers already)
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  11. vRad Well-Known Player

    A Nanda Parbat inspired base could be close, and they'd be able to rely on existing assets in the game for furniture, surface textures, etc. vs developing it all from scratch.
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  12. creatine1 Committed Player

    apokoliptian base
    mother box base item
    Trigon base
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  13. sebfm Well-Known Player

    Alfred Pennyworth as a butler
    a fake cave exit for the mansion cave
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  14. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

  15. Alx2k5 New Player

    Scanned this thread briefly, and seems like there is a lot of "this item from this episodes, or this area" etc. Old stuff that exists in game but not as base items.

    I assume it takes some time aka money to convert from in game to base item. Same with updating cheetah and similar.

    I'd be open to some form of booster bundle, resurgence capsule etc featuring nothing but new base items. Give a guaranteed set of items per capsule, that we know in advance, and then randomize some others. Maybe amake a couple new ones that are top tier available in the rng.

    If it is reasonable cost wise, and can also be unlocked with stabilizers or similar, could be a long term goal over time to get items you need. Especially if it contains items you want duplicates of like walls, floors, etc.

    Can theme them out like magic, Amazon, real world, fun house, military, specific heroes/villains. A JL or HOD themed set with stuff from multiple heroes and villains. One that has items from old events that may not be coming back like oan, fortress, apokalips items, etc. Do wall packs, a bookcase pack, a tech pack, all grouping up existing stuff.

    Bottom line, reduce input needed by gathering up existing in game items, and charge (reasonably) for it. Maybe give some away as membership perks, Fade them into cheetah or booster for quarks over time.

    An example - good chunk of lex luthor items from previous eps not available as base items. Birds of prey, doomed DC, dk metal DC, and more from early game. Vehicles, crates, barrels, etc. Anything lexcorp or luthor - gather that up into one bundle. Add a couple new or upgraded items, and let me grind for it or buy it. No fluff. Example upgraded item - the lex hologram from doom DC - bigger.

    Anyway that's my 2 cents.
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  16. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Pub walls with doorways on the sides rather than just in the middle
  17. Icon Well-Known Player

    Wonder Woman’s invisible jet
    Justice League Javelin
    Batmobile variants
    Batgirl motorcycle
    Robin’s motorcycle
    Forever People’s Super-Cycle
    Thanagarian Assault Craft
    Additional variations of vehicles: cars, SUV’s, motorcycles, helicopters, school bus, vans

    FULL SIZED only not miniature versions please
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  18. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    No necessarily a base ITEM, but a theme

    Oan themed base! Lets get a little lantern respite with some nice views of the Science cells and the central power battery! Double down, Qward for the villains!
  19. BSEison Well-Known Player

    Base themes I would love to see in game:
    1) Oan / Green Lantern themed base and any other Lantern home world base
    2) An underwater base styled like the small space base
    3) A room at Titans tower
    4) A base on Themyscira
    5) A tropical island version of the Fortress of Solitude base
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  20. BSEison Well-Known Player

    Base items I would love to see in the game:
    1) Any tech/computer/weapon/science displays that are already in the game but not available as base items. Especially anything that is hero or villain themed or DC team themed.
    2) More weapon display pieces especially if they display weapons that are useable in-game.
    3) More statues and posters of characters that do not already have them.
    4) The ability to have your character as a statue item besides armories, similar to the statues in League Halls.
    5) More items that you can interact with, like it would be fantastic if our characters could actually sit on their furniture.
    6) The ability to change the music playing in your base instead of the music for each base being specific to it.
    7) More full sized vehicles both iconic and generic.
    8) True floor to ceiling moveable walls that match the style of the bases.
    9) Henchmen/employees or other type characters that can occupy your base. Similar to Ambush Bug but hopefully not as chatty.
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