Tell us what auras or materials you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Gingerbread cookie chroma!
    Mat1 gingerbread
    mat2 frosting
    mat3 candycane
  2. TracyStraussEU New Player

    Thanks so much for your reply. It makes a little more sense and I understand it's pretty much near impossible to get it now. I had my membership but of course it was all still too late. Hoping it might return this winter or anytime for that matter. I'd pay for it, not gonna lie. (If you still have it, would sell on switch and read this, hit me up)
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I don't know if it was ever offered on the Switch version of the game, to be honest. It came out far enough back that it might predate the Switch version of the game. :oops:
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  4. TracyStraussEU New Player

    All the more reason to bring it back this year ;) It won't fix the current issues, but it certainly won't hurt either.
  5. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I'd like the materials from the chemoids we get turned into while fighting Chemo in Dakota City.
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  6. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Talk about extortion, I saw a seller asking 800.00 USD for the shaded comic material. Outrageous. I hope they just put some of these sought after materials and chromas in the Marketplace. I'd buy a few shaded comic mats for 5000 MP cash. It's time to update the styles tab anyway in the Marketplace. Lacking substantially. Oh... And I'd pay to get a certain emblem too but I digress.
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  7. The Nature Troll Level 30

    the ability to have another aura slot, or a slot aura per gear piece thats 8 active auras.
    Neck auras, League auras. Metal auras Chains, armor plates, zippers, junkyard auras, Henchmen Auras.