Tell the Devs what Weapon Styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by oasenhoheit, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    I don’t think we ever got Black Manta’s swords… so that
  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    We are LOOOOOONG overdue for a WEAPON STYLES VENDOR! Let's get one created and posted in the Hall Of Legends ASAP!!!
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  3. Experiment Magnus New Player

    Would really love if Cyborg's Hand Blaster was added. Not the one from 10 years ago but the one he has currently please.
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  4. sebfm Well-Known Player

    Batman's batarang for martial arts plz :)
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  5. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Since Lex Luthor's Kryptonite spear is now a back style, give us it as a weapon style for Staff
  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Still hoping for the Firestorm effect. Two atoms spinning around the wrists. When you attack they could spin faster. Color changeable would be a nice plus.
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  7. Lanzlo New Player

    Whips/chains/vines as weapons. Have them as a one-handed, dual-wield, and a two-handed style. For those of us playing as a street punk/Zorro/Plant Goddess style character. You could probably take inspiration from Lobo and his animations.
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  8. Northernfire New Player

    Honestly an entire street signs weapons bundle wold be fun and doable
    Brawling - Bent one way signs and razor wire
    Staff - no parking sign and post
    Shield - Stop/Yield signs
    Dual Wield - construction worker traffic control signs
    One-Handed - Crossing Guard sign
    2-Handed - Speed Limit sign
    Bow - In game street sign decorated Bow
    Rifle - Daisy rifle bb gun
    Dual Pistols - potao guns

    the guns and bow and Martial Arts I am not sure on
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  9. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    Much like St. Patrick's brings us a staff (the shillelagh), and already too late, I know, why not a one-handed prize/purchase of the Pumpkin king sword, similar to the back piece?
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  10. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Source energy henchmen
    Cosmic henchmen
    Nebula henchmen

    Cosmic uplink device
    Nebula uplink device

    Cosmic supply drop
    Nebula supply drop

    Cosmic and nebula pets but please don’t put any of these things in SM. Pleaaase.
  11. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    One handed - sword and shield
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  12. EthanBlack Level 30

    I would love a whip weapon style. Like cat woman or Lobo and his chains.
  13. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Can we get some of the weapons that are part of costume style pieces to be made into weapon styles? Stuff like:

    Gotham Knight back escrimas
    Expert Marksman back rifle
    Future Warden back rifle
    Bat Buster
    The many many sword back styles
    Apokoliptian General back axe
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  14. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    For the one-handed style we need more short blade knife styles. From kitchen knives to survival knives to even doctor’s scalpels….
    I’m doing a Ripper cosplay on my Bookworm character and he needs a period appropriate blade to stalk the alleys of White Chapel with
    [IMG]Untitled by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]Untitled by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
  15. Incineration Inferno Active Player


    1.) Japanese Sai syle (Dual Wield)

    Weapon Material Syle

    1.) Blood
  16. Superman4E New Player

    Still waiting for SWORD and SHIELD (Duel Wield) style!! We already have Wonder Woman and others doing it in the game. An idea: “You can have it as a One Handed Sword style and just shows the Shield on the other arm (Plus you can put emblem on the Shield).”
  17. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    Can you guys bring back the dual wielding Phoenix Ax's the one that is the Egyptian style? We still have the two handed version, but can no longer get the dual wielding style doing the Gotham University Mission (forgot the name of it but it's the Isis one)
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  18. sebfm Well-Known Player

    Batman Weapon style for Martial Arts plz, providing batarangs for range attacks :)
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  19. Omega91 Well-Known Player

    Not sure if already in the game but Iron Man like Hand Blasters, preferably ones that aren't too bulky and can fit with the Future Warden chest xD
  20. Arsenal Prime New Player

    Maybe a new set completely.. Whip/Lasso