Tell the Devs what Weapon Styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by oasenhoheit, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Or Batman's Kryptonite spear from BvS. Huntress' crossbows for DP. A Darryl style crossbow(based on weapon animations this would probably only work for Rifle). Ninja Turtle weapons(Psi's and nunchaku's would work for DW). Joker's ridiculously long barrel revolver. This one should be a reality considering it was a weapon you could get with Facebook codes from 2011 when the game first launched along with Harley's mallet, Penguin's Gunbrella, and Catwoman's claws. They were put in the trinket spot.
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  2. Furnburn Active Player

    One-handed pistol, there are NPCs that use one and available resources could be ported over to the PC side. Its mechanics could differ with lower rate of fire but greater impact. What I'd really like to see is a secondary weapon slot in the utility belt to enable quick weapon switching, some weapons are better at CC and some at single target and different cross-weapon combos are active depending on the weapon that's equipped. It would be make having mastered a weapon that's secondary useful outside of cross-weapon mastery.
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  3. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    I have the DP Huntress Crossbows, I also have the DP Joker's long barrel guns with and without the Bang Flag I also have the Penguins Gunbrella along with the DW style for Melee .. I wish we could still get the Facebook Codes again. I would love those trinkets on my other account. I use them all the time :)
  4. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I think something up the isle of Spawn would be pretty cool. Having long chains as melee and ranged, would be neat for a tank or troller. Lots of options for attacks and possibly holding for draining life from a target or group. Tank power would be similar, use the chains to lasso and group enemies at a distance or pull them. For dps roll maybe a damage increase with the group grab or pull. Starting at x upto z with 5 or more enemies. Just a thought.
  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Yeah. I got those on my old PS3 main. Hell, I'd settle for realistic firearms instead of the hokey made up ones.
  6. Reverse Sentry Active Player

    So does the assymetrical version of the Cutlass still exist ?
  7. Reverse Sentry Active Player

    Might aswell quote myself o_O. It indeed does still exist.
  8. Brit Loyal Player


    The style is called "Cutlass". The item that has the style is called "Nightstep Knives". It drops in the Ocean Master hideout of the pre-30 story.
  9. Capt Mephisto Active Player

    A rapier would be nice. If there is one already, please tell me where, thank you.
  10. Reverse Sentry Active Player

    Oh okay, thank you! So they replace the Jebediah's Timeworn Khopesh with the current Cutlass (the symmetrical) and the one you mentioned is the assymetrical. Thanks a lot! With Ocean Master Hideout you mean the Condemned Shipyard ?
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Something I definitely need is for the Apokoliptian General Battle Axe to be added to the Iconic Weapon Style Box assortment.


    We need it as One-Handed, Two-Handed, and Dual-Wield versions.
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  12. Charon Lead Content Designer

    As a heads up you guys will be getting some stuff in the future of this episode for the new iconic weapon drops:
    • Chainsaw of Truth 1h and DW sword weapon styles
    • Death Metal Batman Scythe staff weapon style
    • Death Metal Guitar Axe twohanded weapon style (with emblem support)
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not really the right thread but any word on Episode 43 base items?
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    They won't be released at the same time as these but some are good to go and others need conversion and it's on the list. Being down an Oceans has slowed that process down in particular but staffing up with some great artist candidates that will make base items released more reliably as they were before.
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Thanks Charon, we base builders were kinda almost hopeless haha.
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  16. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    LOVE IT!

    And then, if you could consider that guitar as rifle style, that'd be great!
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  17. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Tempus Fuginaut's staff style!
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  18. Lord Xanatos New Player

    I don't know if there has been before a whole episode or set of episodes based on The New 52.
    We do have some New 52 outfit styles thanks to Dr. Fate but I would also like to play a set of episodes from that universe, with the New 52 Trilogy, with each mentor be that hero or Villain.
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  19. LegionnaireV Active Player

    I'd like to see Blue Beetle Sonic Cannon that appears on the hand when the weapon is used and disappears when it is not.
    Also a staff for Star Girl.
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  20. sebfm Well-Known Player

    Batman Batarangs as Martial art weapon styles :)
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