Tell the Devs what Weapon Styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by oasenhoheit, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Is it this one?


    'Cause I posted that a couple or 3 years ago, but my old image link is broken because my old image hosting site decided to pull the plug on the free accounts. It's already in the game, used by various NPCs, so it should be relatively easy to make it available for player weapons. The NPC I snapped a screenshot of was in the Doomsday Metropolis content, I believe.

    It appears to be based on the real life H&K MP7-A1 SMG used by Snake-Eyes in the movie G.I.*Joe: Retaliation:



    Naturally, I need it to be available to Player Characters, for reasons that will be clear in a second...


    Now you know... AND KNOWING'S HALF THE BATTLE! ;)
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    No it’s not that one. In fact, that style is available. It’s called Machine Gun.
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  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    John Stewart uses a hard light construct rifle as his weapon in Legends (maybe his regular NPC too, not sure) - could add that to the list.
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    WHAT?!? I've never seen it available from any in-game weapon, never gotten it in a Vault Drop or Promethium Lockbox, and I haven't even seen it listed in the Wikia's listing of Dual Pistol Styles! Therefore, I must research this further.

    Best thing you can do is what I did: Take a screenshot of the one you're wanting to see, and post it here, so the Devs know the exact style it is.
  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It’s super rare, I’ve only seen it twice. Once in Brainiac Bottle Ship and again in a purple weapon box from a more recent episode. I think it was either Titans or BoP. Or possibly Metal part 1.
  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Yes, I did some research, the Unattuned Weapon Box with it drops in the Brainiac's Ship Tier 7 8-Player raid that probably nobody runs anymore.

    There are, or at least WERE R&D Plans available from Vendor 212223 to let you just go to an R&D Station and MAKE those Unattuned Weapon Boxes as needed, but I don't even know if the R&D Plans can be obtained anymore, as a lot of old Plans are no longer available after Game Update 85. I'll be researching this in-game tonight.

    Thanks for telling me what NO ONE ELSE EVER DID about that Weapon Style. Much obliged. :)
  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m certain it was later used again for another purple weapon box, and you can buy those with source marks. I think it was BoP.
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  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I'll check that out, as well. Thanks again! :)
  9. Shazammm Well-Known Player

    There is a Green Energy style for all weapons in the marketplace, but the rifle looks like pretty terrible.

    Honestly, I'd rather they just add an "Energy" or "Hard Light" material so you can apply it to any style weapon you already have. Also, it's be cool if you could select the color for that material (like some of the neon chromas that are in-game). That way, you can make yourself any color lantern you want.
  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    They ALREADY HAVE! They were released in the Powerset Based Materials set, and include Glowing (for GLs), Sinister (for Sinestro Corps Members) and Furious (for Red Lanterns.)

    Here's how the Glowing Material can look on weapons (being used by my recreation of the Green Lantern known as Boodikka):



    What I've found is that you need a certain level of detailing on the weapon to really make it look good. In action in the game, you'll see glowing edges, corners, etc, that look really nice and help "sell" the effect of it being a ring construct. But weapons that are very simple and lacking in detail don't look nearly as good. That's why I chose the particular swords you see her using, because they look really good with that Material applied.

    And to anticipate the comment I expect, NO, they are NOT translucent ("see-through") like the Ring Construct Weapon Packs in the Marketplace/Loyalty Vendors. The Developers have explained on numerous occasions that there are technical limitations in the game's engine that prevent them from doing transparency effects in a lot of instances where we would want them to do so. So, if what you're after are translucent ring construct weapons, the Weapon Packs in the Marketplace are your only option.

    So, being a very longtime Green Lantern fan, and having seen how some versions of the story depict the differences between rookie "poozers" and veteran GLs in terms of their ring constructs, here's how I look at it: Those Marketplace packs are great for a ring-slinger that's just starting out. If you compare the look of them to the ring constructs generated by your in-game powers, though, you'll notice that the weapons from those packs look, by comparison, like they're poorly formed and barely holding together, the sort of thing you see in the Green Lantern movie when Hal is first learning to use his ring. All that swirling energy, with parts of the weapon looking like they're barely there, that's what I would expect the constructs of a novice to look like, someone struggling just to make the construct at all.

    But the ring constructs generated by your in-game powers are more uniform, being more fully, solidly formed. They're the sort of thing an experienced ring-slinger can make. The Glowing, Sinister and Furious Materials will give that same, fully formed ring construct look to your weapons, just minus the translucency, because it wasn't possible to implement that. It can even look good on certain Back Styles, such as this sword and shield combo that I tried it out with:


    Those Powerset Materials have come from Resurgence Mega Capsules on 2 occasions. If you didn't get them while they were dropping, your only option now is to hunt them down on either the Auction Broker or Trade Chat. Every ring-slinger character should have them in their selection of Materials, In My Opinion. :cool:
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, that was a bust. Went to BOP, checked out the available Weapon Boxes. One gives Semi-Auto Pistol, and the other gives a totally different Machine Pistols style.

    I also checked out the Vender 212223, and those R&D Plans for the Unattuned Machine Guns Weapon Box are long gone. Deleted with Game Update 85. And no one's selling it in the Auction Broker, either. Looks like the only way to get them is in the Brainiac's Bottle Ship 8-Person Raid. It's doubtful I'll ever be able to queue into that one, as old as it is.

    So again I say to the Devs... give us another way to obtain the Machine Guns Dual Pistols Style!

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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m certain I saw it again somewhere after that, I just don’t remember where exactly. Maybe it was Legion. Gah! This is going to bug me now.
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The biggest problem I'm having is that the 2 online wikia guides we have are badly out of date. Neither one mentions how to obtain this style today, and neither one even shows screenshots of it. The info provided about Vendor 212223 and the R&D Plans is clearly Pre-Game Update 85. I didn't even know these existed in-game until after that GU removed what was by far the easiest way to obtain them. :(
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I swear it’s in a purple box from a recent episode that you can buy. I just can’t remember which one it was.
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've checked all the other Episode Vendors in the same wing as the BOP Portal. I also went through all the portals I could with my highest level character to check all the vendors in those Episodes, and no one has it. I can't get into one of the Dark Nights Metal portals until I complete a specific mission, so I didn't get to check that one yet.
  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I don’t think it was Metal anyway. I’m starting to think it might have been Legion.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And I can't get into that one right now, need a few more CR levels before I can go back into it.
  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm pretty sure he means a Light/Energy Material that would make the weapon look like a construct, i.e. transparent. I don't have any kind of programming experience but I don't think a material like that would be possible unless it was only allowed to be applied to weapons. I think the way some of the styles in the game works is that it replaces some of your body parts rather than just covering them up, so for example if you were to add a transparent material to a legs style it could just make it look like you have no actual legs beneath the style. Again, not 100% sure on this, but that's how I think it works for many styles.
  19. The Multiverse New Player

    What about Aura's that only activate when you attack or enter your movement mode.

    Thow a fist? Hand auras light up.
    Start flying? Energy aura engulfs you.
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  20. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The things you mention are exactly why the Devs say there's technical limitations on doing transparency effects.

    But the thing about ring constructs, right, their basic thing... is that they are created from the imagination of the ringbearer. The comics did a really good job, back during the Green Lantern Rebirth and War of Light Era, of making it clear that every ring-slinger's constructs are different and unique to them. And different constructs will be different from one another, even when created by the same power ring user. Some will be transparent because the ring-slinger is doing a "quick and dirty" construct. Some will be created with greater care, will be more detailed, and will be SOLID. The Post-Crisis comics have done a great job of showing a wide variety in the constructs.

    So the Powerset Materials I mentioned above STILL work for constructs. Even in the movie, you see that more experienced ring-slingers like Sinestro create weapons that are more solid and "real" looking, not transparent ones that look like holograms. ;)