Tell the Devs what Weapon Styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by oasenhoheit, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    Stargirl's staff, I have a toon decked out to look like her but none of the staff choices come close in my opinion.
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  2. Rankins New Player

    How about being able to use a skill from another power tree as an additional super-charge slot. Like as a GL being able to use Quantum Oblivion after you enraptured some adds.
  3. Fukutora New Player

    Can we get Flaming Scythe, Spartan Spear, Big Venomous Pickaxe, Plasma Sword or Lightsaber, Big Mace- with blue sonic vibrations around, Lightning Sword, Energy Reinforced Mace, Tornado Sword (as tornado vortex instead of blade), BLack Hole Mace, Lava Axe as a Two Sided Axe but the metal part made of lava and the handle made of stone, Star mace as a Yellow, Red, Neutron as the tip, as a Two Handed Weapons. Can we get Tornado Weapon as single handed/two handed weapon too?
  4. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Can we have Unarmed weapon variations:) For 1-hand, 2-hand, hb, etc.
  5. Legoman Active Player

    Like an empty hand? If you mean hand blasters by hb, then we already have that for hb, brawling, and martial arts.
  6. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    Well, with latest Valentine's day release, we now have Violet Lantern Uplink Device and Violet Lantern Henchmen. Previously was the "Heart of the Predator" Star Sapphire suit, as well as both Enhanced and non-Enhanced Star Sapphire Emblem. What's missing now???

    We need more colored Energy Weapon Style Packs. Perhaps a Purple/Pink to benefit and close that last page in Star Sapphire characters.
  7. infinitygauntlt Well-Known Player

    Good Evening
    1. Chains 1handed, like lantern whip thrash!
    2. War hammers/ Mace styles aka Hawkman. 1handed/2handed.
    3. Sword&Shield together, dual wield.
    4. Lightsaber style weapons, all types
    5. Blackhole style weapons, all types
  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Mallet for Two-handed. (Harley Quinn inspired)
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  9. testerz New Player

    How about finally putting all of the turf weapon styles in a box
  10. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    All the firearms go 'bang bang bang' regardless of weapon type. Would it be possible to change effects dependent on the weapon being wielded? The futuristic style ones could zap rather than bang - 'pew pew' and all that.
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  11. creatine1 Committed Player

  12. creatine1 Committed Player

  13. creatine1 Committed Player

  14. creatine1 Committed Player

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  15. creatine1 Committed Player

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  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    More varieties of two-handed sword. Maybe move Insectoid onehand over to Two-Hand as a style as well.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    We already have 1 version of a sai, the Weapon Style is called Jeweled Stiletto and I think it's available from at least one Vendor Weapon. But don't quote me on that.
  18. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Ah simple one ah tommy gun for Rifle
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  19. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Whip, dual whips
    Thank you
  20. Shazammm Well-Known Player

    For brawling/martial arts/hand blast: Tentacles. Tentacles that have a squirming motion. That would be cool.