Tell Devs Why you think DCUO is DPS Universe Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 10, 2015.

  1. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    I didn't read everybody's responses but most of them, "My opinion" is right from the start of the game they shouldn't have made it so every power could dps, the powers should have been split up so only certain ones could Tank, Heal, Troll or Dps but obviously it's to late to go back and change that.
    Players should be given some kind of incentive to play support roles even if there only minor ones, Vanity pets, different styles, etc.... Also introducing more role specific accumulative feats might be more of an incentive. These I just a few ideas that have been mentioned many times before but they either don't hear our cries or don't care about them and if they do and actually do have something planned then they're being very tight lipped about it, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt on the latter but sadly I don't think that's the case.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lets see to name a few?

    people like myself refuse to play a game to be hassled by chumps in a VIDEO game because a instanced didn't go 100% perfect the 1st time.

    trolls have it easier now days then any role in game, followed by healers, with tanks getting the lump sum of BS from players.

    another reason is why care for 7 other people when you can care for just yourself? after all you dont play for others you play for yourself.

    lets see what else is there?...

    its much more fun to watch numbers fly then the boring WM into 1-2 powers, or if a tank in the new hard raid 1-2 powers block rinse repeat til mob / boss is dead.

    no1 including myself finds that s*** fun, is why I always say tank role needs major love but thats me, I dont find blocking 95% of a fight fun, yes it mitigates dmg alot of dmg, but its not fun at all not even as a rage tank.

    is why DPSing is more to some then others because you can sit back and watch adds and bosses health be depleted by YOU when your strong enough to do the craz dmg.

    not to mention look at all the new content since like AF1 all the adds and bosses have had insane health, this is just for DPS sake, no tank healer or troll can burn that health in a decent amount of time. So its directed at DPS' no1 else. I think this is why its called DPS Universe Online.

    When they make content they base it around DPS no1 else and imo thats a bad way to make content. It should be based on all roles not just 1.
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  3. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I think this would have made everything worse, given how things play out already. You'd just have 70% of the population playing DPS and not even the option to play support at all. No option for a DPS to switch to <support role> mid fight after the <support role> dies and recover from what would have been a wipe. But mostly just because without doing everything else mentioned here to support support roles more from the developers, it would have just decimated the support population.

    As much as I prefer the support role on all my characters when in groups, I do everything in dps role when solo, so given the first 30 levels and all the soloing needed after that to progress at a reasonable rate, I can't say I'd have stuck with having so many support characters should dps not have been there as a secondary role.

    I think role specific accumulative feats would also just result in players gaming the system and not playing the roles as intended. I hope they don't do this, that won't help and could make everything worse.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    if im solo trolling I wont do the barrel, I mean seriously? there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, DPS' let 1 of those lames get it I mean after all there is FIVE of them to my 1.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    as derio said above, we're already forced to DPS up til level 10, thats 10 LEVELs of 1 role, whats 1 instance to learn our alternate role? which people may actually like better?
  6. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    All very good valid points, difference is all of the things I've stated I've seen work in another MMO which has 4 million+ "Paid" subscribers and shows no signs of being in or having any of the trouble you mentioned.
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  7. Inpent New Player

  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's not a bad thing, but it's not necessary.

    I've got about a dozen characters, eight of them actively going through the tiers and four just kind of meandering through (more along the lines of vanity characters than anything else). Of those eight active ones, two (Light and Rage) are DPS only. I've never once explored their Controlling or Tank aspects and consciously made the decision to have them be DPS only. I have other characters I can go to for Controlling and Tanking if I so desire. Funny enough, my Light character is at Tier 6 content now with my Rage character close behind and have both made it to that point without once going off-DPS.

    On top of that, all my characters have made it to their respective points with minimal group content runs, minus seasonal instance runs. On all those characters, the Hidden tab on the quest journal is full of the group and PvP missions that get unlocked as you progress through the tiers and Episodes. There's plenty of missions to choose from for content runs in any particular tier, but there isn't one piece of content that's absolutely required for me to progress outside of the quests to level 30. My progress is definitely slower by avoiding group content, but by no means has my progress been stopped by not doing it.

    Forcing those characters through a tutorial that holds no interest for me, in content that I actively avoid and that would actually stop my progress would not only be a waste of my time but also the time spent by a developer to make it. All it would do is irritate me and make me less likely to play, and I imagine I wouldn't be alone in that regard.
  9. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    They were probably that way from launch with balanced distribution, complex sub classes or mechanics.

    Yes it would have been better that way from launch, or to simply go the GW2 approach.

    My point was more that doing that in DCUO while all else remains the same wouldn't have done good things for the game. Many of those other MMOs also have bigger groups than 4, to accommodate for the trinity. Yet DCUO decided to make us require a tank a healer and a troll and left only one space for dps, despite the obvious popularity of dps play styles.

    Which MMO are you referring to though, as it's possibly one I've not played.
  10. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Not sure why the question marks, maybe I could have worded my post better.

    I was requesting at least one piece of solo content per support role, that requires/teaches and helps players play that role better.
  11. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    I did state if it was from the start of the game and obviously would be to difficult to implement now, the MMO I was referring to is FF14 and they only use the traditional trinity with Tank, Heal and Dps classes there is no Controller role, each of the 3 roles handle crowd control with the tanks doing the majority of it and each class has powers or abilities that generate some kind of MP (magic points) or AP (ability points) back.
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  12. NightBandit New Player

    Devs, things gotta die in order for me to advance, so this is dps universe online. Keep giving me better ways to kill them.

    On a side note- give fire tanks AM ability and no damage penalty. ;)
  13. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    So does forcing me to play legends PvE for feats...why does my character need legends feats...better to care less how Batman would play and better to figure out how you yourself should play.
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  14. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I keep getting told to try it but somehow the older I get (I'm 33) the less attention span I seem to have, so before the intro finished I was looking at cats on imgur or something.

    If I'm not mistaken FF14 has that trinity and a group size of 4, so 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps would be the norm? That works, I think for having 4 roles, a group size of 4 is way too small, still it's what we have so I guess best to consider how to make that work before I digress further quizzing you on FF14 >.>
  15. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Instead of asking for support to be nerfed why not instead ask for every role to be balanced? People play dps roles because they are overpowered in comparison to support roles. No other role can run an alert with just their role, but dps, in a time efficient way. It would make more sense to make all roles equally powerful. Make all roles equally as fun.
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  16. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    A group size of 4 for the dungeons yes with the set-up you mentioned but it also has 8 player raids and trials and 24 player raids, in some cases raids or trials will call for 2 tanks some are only 1, the 24 person raids of which there's only 3 of run 3 tanks, 6 heals and 15 dps for two of them and there's one out of the three that runs 6 tanks, 6 heals and 12 dps, a lot of fun my favorite one's to run.
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Where is it written that you HAVE to have those feats, though? There's nothing in the game that says you need them as far as I know, so the only one forcing you to do anything is you.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You dont have to have LPVE feats, but they are like free feats, and they do add up to several skill points.
  19. Yui Loyal Player

    I think I'm just going to just DPS and not work on my support roles. The community wants more support roles and yet many of them don't even bother playing their support role. I mean seriously. This is proven by the amount of time I look for support roles in LFG.

    Me: LF all roles for "X raid". PST.
    DPS: 10+ players send me tells (In less than 10 minutes)
    Controller: 1-4 (most likely less than that) players send me tells (5-15 minutes)
    Healer: 1-4 (most likely less than that) player send me tells (5-20 minutes)
    Tank: It would be a miracle if even one player sends me a tell (More than 20 minutes)

    These are not exact numbers by the way. I'm aware that people start logging in less often than before whenever a DLC is "about to end" and a new DLC is about to start. And I'm also aware that each server have different population from one another, with the PS server having the most population. But, yeah, these numbers should give you an idea how hard it is to look for support roles on USPC.
  20. Gwalir Loyal Player

    The issue here as far as I can see isn't that the devs are making people want to play DPS due to how they designed content, but that people naturally gravitate to DPS. It's like that in just about every game.

    Right now I'm currently playing another MMO, which is Neverwinter on my Xbox One. That game has seven classes you can choose from, with each being locked into one of 4 roles: Defender which is a Tank, Striker which is a DPS, Leader which is a Healer, and Controller which does stuns and group damage. Of those seven classes, one is a Defender, one is a Leader, one is a Controller, and the other four are Striker. That means over half the classes in-game are DPS, and that's not even counting the fact that the Controller class, the Wizard, is mainly setup to do damage instead of control.

    Even Dungeons and Dragons, the game that mainly started RPGs, favors the DPS role over the others. The four basic classes are Rogue (DPS), Wizard (DPS), Cleric (DPS), and Fighter (DPS or Tank depending on how it was made).