Tell Devs Why you think DCUO is DPS Universe Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 10, 2015.

  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Maybe so but they are going to cater to what they perceive the community wants. It's just good business. If I have an ice cream parlor and most people want chocolate I'm going to have more of it on hand. It may upset the butter pecan people but in business you really don't have much of a choice.
  2. Crimson Jonni New Player

    More like Hypocrite universe online in all honesty- A game where people will continually call out the faults of other players and turn around and do something extremely similar and try to give an excuse for it.

    That aside, biggest issue I see is lack of mechanics that require role inclusion. If i had to put it bluntly, the way it seems to go is" Run with supports if you feel like it" because aside from end game content, the level of necessity they have is going down.

    Also, how exciting it is to play other roles is lacking, If I had to rank it, I'd say #1 for dps, #2 For Tank, #3 for healing, #4 for trolling. Thats because as a dps you get "oo ah explosions! Killing enemies" type of feels and with tanking you're in the thick of all the action. But with healing and trolling, it feels like you're sitting on the sidelines watching the game, and that bores people.

    Also, you have to remember, the three things that are most appealing about this game are the lore, customization, and the COMBAT. and since Dps are the main roles associated with combat, of course they'll appeal to more players.

    Also when you consider that the only mechanics they teach you on the braniac ship are combat mechanics, its no wonder its the most popular role; its the one players are most exposed to. I'm not going to buy into that whole "people only play dps because they dont like responsibility" bull crap, cause there are people who play a multitude of roles and still enjoy dps. I play support roles and yet i find trolling to be absolutely dreadful in its current state, so on my main i play as a dps most of the time just because trolling is an absolute mess as of now.

    Also, if we throw in the fact that updates and new content does little to improve inclusive mechanics or improve support play styles, its no wonder why things are the way they are.

    Looking at group relations, people will always look for a way to finish content faster. That, coupled with the fact that for the most part double supports are rarely needed equates to the situation we have now. I believe its time to drop the high health adds and one shot BS in favor of more dynamic an involving mechanics or else this situation will keep repeating itself.
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    Why you think DCUO is DPS Universe Online... Because you're an idiot who doesn't realize there's a 'C' in the acronym.
  4. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't every single instance in the game completed by delivering enough damage to take down your enemies?

    Thus damager is the only way to actually progress. You can be a poor damager (but excellent healer) and no matter what you want, or how you try to play if you (as a group) don't get that damage out, you don't finish.

    The purpose of enrage timers originally was to tell damagers to "get good" or maybe just "get better" instead of trying to do this we, the community, decided to go with "get more damagers" thus quantity over quality. *sigh*

    What I find interesting is that the Dev team state that they test EVERYTHING as 2-2-2-2, thus they must (surely) have completed everything in that way, including the release version of Paradox, Throne (Elite) and back with FOS2 in the day. Makes you wonder.....
  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Because the scoreboard matters....That has been the focus on this game, how much damage did a player do in the instance.

    You know what is bad. When you are the tank and solely only using your abilities to keep the adds on you and keep the group alive and at the very end of the instance a DPS sends you a tell and tells you to learn your power to be a better DPS.

    I sent him a tell back and said, "You are an idiot. You are now ignored."

    I wish the game would enforce the following....

    Level 10: Level progression is put on hold until the player completed Area 51 as the support role.
    Level 15: Level progression is put on hold until the player completes Gorilla Island as the support role.
    Level 20: Level progression is put on hold until the player completes Hive Moon base as the support role.
    Level 25: Level progression is put on hold until the player completes Bludhaven as the support role.

    Players have to que into the instance and once taken in the instance the game shows / completes the role change for the player and that option is than removed until they complete the instance.

    Throughout the first instance it would do the following.

    For Trollls, the game instances will explain Power Over Time, Power Dumps, and CC effects, providing examples when to use them.
    For Tanks, the game instance will explain the importance of pulls and agro and provide example when to use a pull or power to gain agro. In addition, the later alerts will discuss immunity and Tank CC effects.
    For Healers, the game instance will explain the difference between Healing over Time and Burst heals. Discuss the importance of using a shield, etc...


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  6. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Misleading Scoreboard....FINALLY!!! Someone gets it!!! The whole scoreboard revolves on who did the most DPS...and little Fing else...been saying that for months got it!!!!!!!
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's why I tend to ignore it. LOL About the only thing I check on the scoreboard is the amount of time it takes to run a piece of content, and that's more out of curiosity than anything else.
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  8. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player


    I've made a thread about ways to better support roles. It got derailed and shot down by negativity on bettering support roles... On just trying to bring ideas to make support roles more interesting.....after DPS role gets consecutive & multiple revamps and tweaks, yet more disagree then agree'ed.

    I've also made a thread saying "How much damage is enough". An the main answer was " There can never be enough damage" come on.

    DPS make the game go round. This is more of a Action Based MMO so I can see how it came to this. I just stop carring for Support Role acknowledgment as in Im part of a minority an many people dont really care. The majority of people on the game are just waiting for there favorite power to be next in line for damage tweaks. Little to none care about the aspects of Support Roles.
  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    squabble over the exact details...this game DESPERATELY...NEEDS a role tutorial...
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    DPS Craze Universe Online. :p
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  11. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    DPS #1. Who cares about support?
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Except for the pesky little detail that it removes player choice from the equation. It takes away the choice of how you want to play your character, what content you want to play and how you choose to progress.

    You can play and progress through the game without having to step foot in group situations if you so desire. You can play the game without learning your off-DPS role and do just fine. It doesn't hurt to have the extra know-how, but it's not needed for progression.

    You want to make it optional, so people have it as a method to learn off-DPS roles if they so desire? I have no problem with that. But holding up progression through the game by forcing a player into a role they may have absolutely no interest in playing? That's just a prime recipe for complaints, and less likely to be an efficient teaching tool because there will be players who would just run it to get it out of the way and not learn a single thing from the experience.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Well its not really optional. You are forced to play DPS at launch. You arent introduced into roles until lvl10 and even then there is no role gear vendor for pre lvl 30, so essentially in a sense you are forced to play dps.

    When devs created this game that is a big overlook. If you look at other MMOs, you are created in as a dps or created in as a support and then taught how to play that way. However with those MMOs support roles are self substantial- meaning they can survive and complete solo content with ease.

    I know Devs wont put in any new mechanics that utilize support roles until the new UI comes, but instead they should look towards getting rid of support roles completely, combine all gear into 1. That will save memory and allow them more time to work on content and less time working on all the different gear sets.
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  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Post level 30 requires you to complete specific missions to advance, and this is simply expanding this area but does one thing, TEACHES YOU HOW TO PLAY SUPPORT ROLES...HOW IS THIS A BAD THING?
  15. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Because choice and free will still need to feature, or players will just quit.

    You can want those players to quit but it's not good business and thus won't happen.

    Tutorials, help, guidance and the ability to practice/train those skills NEEDS to be improved, turning those things into a barrier to entry is not needed at all and will just harm the game.

    Every single solo quest/mission in the game, is pretty much a DPS one, there needs to be some added for the roles (preferably something that scales, 3 pieces of content that's relevant to all players over level 10 isn't too much to ask for).
  16. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    1. Un-imaginative game design.
    2. Unreal engine.
    3. Inability to make a balanced game.
    4. Failing to provide any real incentive to ever be anything other than dps.
    5. Inability to develope community-encouragement for teamwork.
    6. A game designed to pit player verses player by being competetive with one another rather than being a team (the score card holding such prominence is a big part of this problem).
    7. Using what could have been controllers as batteries instead
    8. Emphasis of blame placed on support roles, so others can get their pew-pew on while chastising batteries, tanks and healers for not keeping them up.
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  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Simple question, simple answer: The NPCs do not challenge our stats.

    A single tank can be healed by a single healer and handle all the NPCs thrown at them, in pretty much every single piece of content, except later rounds of Survival Mode. Why? because that's when the NPCs actually start challenging our gear.

    If there is no threat to a solo tank/heal approach, then there's no point in running with 2 of each role. All the mechanics in the World aren't going to change that. Never has done, never will do.

    Halls of Hades was supposed to have mechanics designed explicitly to appeal to a 2 tank run. I've still never seen it done that way and I've also never seen anyone fail on the part which was supposed to demand it. That's why you can't depend on designed mechanics to do it. Because it was stated by Spytle himself that this particular fight was designed to be challenging without 2 tanks and it simply isn't. Where as nobody is gonna dare think about running against a round 15 Non without 2 tanks and 2 healers.

    So yeah, stats & enemy strength not challenging our gear is the reason people refuse to run balanced groups. Why bother if there's no disadvantage? The only disadvantage is that you're slowing yourself down by cutting back on damage.
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I have always called it Disconnect Universe online personally due to all the issues over the years that kick you out of the game
  19. Circe New Player

    They need to introduce special slots for role gear, as well as PVP gear (outside of inventory space). I doubt it will ever happen though because anything game-improving seems to be put to the side uness it makes them direct money.

    If not, just the simple inventory feature to organize role or PVP gear. Of course, not gonna happen anytime soon.
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  20. LanceCucumber Active Player

    Well said.