Tell Devs Why you think DCUO is DPS Universe Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 10, 2015.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The roleless buffs were put in due to the lack of population of support roles. Mainly on the PC server. I have been here since private beta, much before April 2012 and before this game went to f2p.

    Take it from someone else, that making your own group that is balanced with all pugs will not work. I play this game to have fun too, but I have to settle for 5-1-1-1 groups because they are the most effective way for both time and setup.

    Back when the roleless buffs came out it was a slap in the face to everyone who played support roles. You are right I cannot blame the developers for other peoples actions, but at the same time, the community is only a mere reflection of the game itself. As humans we seek the optimal and fastest way to complete a task and that just so happens to be best with 5-1-1-1.

    If in an alert excluding a healer/troller/tank makes it go by faster so be it. There is no regard for the player who is just a support role.

    Is it that players fault for choosing to be a support role only player at lvl 10. Perhaps so, but they are only using the tools given to them by the devs and playing the role they like.

    So why do I play? I still hope for the day devs can turn this game around, but with all the recent changes, that seems to be farther away each day.

    If it were up to me, roles wouldnt exist in this game to begin with. I would take a warframe point of view.
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  2. ssvillae New Player

    Part of the problem is the community they want to dps. Most of the threads here are players crying prime is hard t3 t4 missions are hard etc. instead of saying hey we cant beat this with 4 dps or 8 dps so its broken lol
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  3. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Maybe a support roles should get the damage buff that DPSs get. Whether it be standard or with the Max Damage mod equppied. A good Troll would be able to out damage a bad DPS easily.
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  4. JReel New Player

    This is the biggest issue. To establish a player and intrigue them to run support roles, you must explain that specific role to them when they are beginners. Otherwise they will only think a DPS role is playable and will only build their character to be a DPS. Even when I first started, I did not even know that my power was a troll power and I had no idea how to troll. But I knew how to DPS even though my clipping was terrible.

    My brother plays this game on and off for about 2 years now and once in a blue moon when he plays it, he ran DPS. Now he got back into DCUo and ranked up to CR 36. But people have been kicking him because he would run in healer role trying to DPS lol. I had to breakdown everything for him and he was looking at me like "Wow, why did they not teach us this in game?"

    This game is all about DPS this and DPS that.
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  5. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Just to reiterate things should be EXPLAINED IN GAME BY THE GAME, not on youtube
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  6. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Would love if every power could just do everything if they geared/spec'd for it. Sure have some better than others, but it would open up so much more enjoyment from each power set.

    and yeah we'd need even more armories >.>

    Quite shocked that the roleless buff was added to try and solve this problem, that was really not well thought through in any way.
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  7. ChuckLess New Player

    Didn't read any responses...

    Simple Answer: Because DPS is the #1 choice in every game and has absolutely nothing to do with DCUO.

    DCUO Related Answer: Superhero's / Villains don't Heal or give Power to people. Tanks should really be the second most popular role, (sticking to comic book lore) but are the most underappreciated role in every MMO.
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  8. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Players will often chose the path of least resistance. Players choosing to use what the game gives them to get better/faster results isn't a problem with the player.

    It's the developer's responsibility to provide an environment that rewards players most for playing the game the way the developers intend. This isn't done and it feels like very little was even done to encourage 1-1-1-1 groups.

    The player issues are products of the system.
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  9. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Issues here are present in every MMO.

    Mechanics/content/implementation of support roles often leave them marginalised, less fun, slower to finish content, one trick ponies that can't contribute if that one thing isn't needed.

    We have an MMO industry built on copying what everyone else did and ensuring anything new that is tried and received well is ignored for the next generation of MMOs to ensure we have a bland homogenous mass and no one has the money/balls to do anything different whout half cowtowing to the masses and shooting themselves in the foot and going bankrupt.

    What I liked about DCUO is that it was so different, yet now I'm here it seems all the same problems persist, we just have the joy of beat-em-up style combat and flight, which still give bonus points to DCUO.

    Part of me wishes we could just scrap roles and make it all play like LPVE. You can shoot me now.
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  10. ChuckLess New Player

    There are a lot of games where everyone is DPS with aspects of Support roles.

    DPS, as a stand alone role, should/could be scrapped. It wouldn't stop people from focusing mostly on DPS, but would make the gap between DPS and Support much less.

    For this game it would be as simple as removing the damage modifiers that the DPS stance has has, or adding them to Support stance.

    Or, remove the scoreboard.

    #problem solved
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  11. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Don't worry brother if stuff goes sideways in a raid I'm in the dps are the first ones that I call out and it always goes like this

    1. "We have 5 dps and your burn is that bad step it up or step it out ".
    2."Stop looking at the scorecard I could care less what you killed 5 minutes ago ".
    3."learn to block fool you can't do damage if your dead and I'm solo trolling so I can't waste my time picking you up because you can't see that big skull flashing ".
    4."Don't touch a f-ing thing fool your number 5 on the scoreboard you could of gone this entire raid and been fine but you had to do that so help me I'll kick you myself if you do that again ".
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  12. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    This guy pretty much said what I was going to. Fun. I play for fun. Unless it's with a good group (or an all Rebels Group *wait, that sounded wrong*) I'm doing stuff as a DPS.
  13. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    No, he's actually right.

    The healer, the troll and the tank have nowhere to hide. Its perform or be kicked because thats the group mentality.

    The damagers however have the option to be carried, currently. With the 5-1-1-1 groups you'll quite often see a DPS lagging behind the troll in damage out, maybe two. That means three effective damagers.

    If the damagers were held up to the same standard as the other roles then we'd probably see some of these totally sub-par damagers stop progressing because they are simply not good enough to complete the high end content on their own merit.

    It would be wonderful to have confidence that when I invite a damager into a group that I have the reasonable expectation he can do his/her job.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Damage roles never get penalty for underperforming in any MMO.

    Honestly what should have happened was they needed to recreate the brainiac ship....AGAIN except allow you to play as support role at launch and not wait until lvl 10.

    Another thing they needed to do was outside group instanced was give support roles the PVE legends treatment, and grant the 50% damage modifier so players who play support roles dont feel crippled when not playing as a dps.

    And last but not least, mechanics. Mechanics in this game are terrible. IMO there never should have been a controller role. There should have been just tanks, dps and healers. AM should have been implemented to where power management is on the player and not a single player or 2 people.

    I think DCUO in particular has the lowest tank population across all MMO's and I think that is mainly because tanking in DCUO compared to other MMO's is quite boring and stressful at the same time along with the fact you have no incentive like other MMOs( bonus cash, marks, chance at rare loot), so most players see that and pick damage.

    Since all support roles have an equal opportunity to obtain gear( except for before T6) there is no incentive for you to play as such.

    I find it funny that Devs test internally using 2-2-2-2, when that is not the most optimal way to play, at least not in today's community.

    Or perhaps DCUO massive lack of content is the culprit. I think after my fire needs answers thread, I will make a damage modifier for support roles thread.
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  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    where to start on this?

    lets begin with the obvious 5-1-1-1 ... The majority of the player base seems to think that having a tank, healer and GOD FORBID more than 1 troll on a mission is just a waste of faster BURN. I have seen this get so bad that on one raid where we had 1 healer and 2 Trolls (no tank btw) we had no problem at all beating down the first boss but apparently the HEALER wasn't happy with how long it took. And let me clarify I am not talking a battle that lasted forever and players were using their lair powers a couple time but for whatever reason HE decided we needed more DPS and less power. Now is where this gets REALLY stupid ... he had the controller with the higher CR switch to DPS mode and I became the only troll. Now at 6-1-1 we moved along pretty fast till that LAST BOSS battle and who do I hear screaming for more power as we struggle to take out that last boss? Yeah the same idiot HEALER that decided we didn't need 2 trolls and then also decided to have the one with HIGHER vit switch into the DPS role. Eventually we succeeded but things would have gone much smoother and faster if he had kept his mouth shut.

    Now lets look at the way the devs have set things up to actually take away powers from us. When I join a team as a troll I normally find myself using no more than 3 powers of the 6 I have sitting in my tray. Unless I am the second troll I hit my power over time, I use my power push, and (IF I HAVE ONE) I use my Supercharger when its available. Aside from that I spend all my time firing my weapon to TRY and get my own power level back up so I can have it drained again by DPSers that don't seem to know what a WEAPON is and do nothing but fire off tray attacks. The only time I ever get to use those other powers is when I solo or when I am the second troll. And why is that? Because I CANT use my POT attack or I over ride the #1 trolls POT which I have always felt was ridiculous. I have a CR 112 Troll that has a POT attack that leaves mobs hanging in mid air stunned and helpless while they are being blasted but if I am the second troll I can use that at all and if I am the #1 troll I use it about once every 20-30 seconds or I am just wasting my own power. When I solo I can use that power and have a Sub Boss hanging helpless while I destroy them but on a team there are times when I can't even USE the attack without getting yelled at.

    I have other attacks that debuff enemies making them easier to defeat but if I am the solo troll on an 8 man team forget using those to help the DPS kill things even quicker because I can BARELY keep up with supplying power. I can't use OTHER attacks or no one on the entire team has power.

    The truly hysterical part is I have been on teams that were 2-2-2-2- or 3-1-2-2 (with only one tank) and we breezed through missions. no one ever ran out of power so the dps could just keep firing constantly. No one ever died because their health bars were always full so we could all concentrate on attacking the mobs/bosses NOT running around to rez each other and with a good tank even less healing was required because the mobs were concentrating attacks on one toon designed to take that sort of damage. 5-1-1-1 sounds really great until folks start to die and then by the time we all get back from 2 or 3 team wipes and players have to stop attacking or healing or providing power to REZ the 2-3 guys on one knee the raid actually takes longer than it would have with LESS DPS and more support.

    Sure everybody likes to be the BIG gun and do the most damage.. but if that big gun is on one knee or behind a sealed door what good is he? And the problem isn't just the Devs and their designs its the community itself. Everything needs to be fast and easy or its time to move on. Of course part of that is due to the endless quest for marks we all endure for better gear (which goes back to the devs again) But I have seen DPS quit a team after 1 team wipe and you could even tell they were going before they left.. On a ZCC the other night we wiped and all went to repair gear. The rest of us were back ready to attack again and the DPS was still at the entrance to the alert. In my head I knew he was gone and then POOF we were looking for a new member. Best part.. we got a better DPS with higher CR and round two went fast, easy and in no time we were done. While our former team mate was probably STILL waiting out his deserter penalty so he could find another team and try again.
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  16. Enzan Committed Player

    I think if gear had your Support role stats with the DPS stats then we'd see more Support opportunities. Leveling up a character shows that DPS gear is easier to come by, and you aren't needed as Support(Any longer, back in the day is a different story) until you hit T6, or now T7 when it drops.

    Plus, the Developers give you a choice, be DPS forever, or buy a second armory to put Support Gear into, because it's sooo not an inconvenience to hold looted Support gear in your inventory. /sarcasm

    So all in all, I think they should sell one set of gear that has both DPS and Support in it so players can switch roles when needed, instead of having to buy another armory to switch back and fourth, or to horde Support gear in the inventory. IMO.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Choosing the path of least resistance does not in any way absolve a player of taking responsibility for their choices, and giving players the choice to play as either damage or tank/controller/healer in content is as the developers intended. It's been that way from the beginning of the game.

    As I said in my post, more can be done to at least raise awareness of the off-damage roles (mention being made of it in the HQ tours would be a big start, since that's about when it unlocks). I won't deny that. But there's only so much the devs can do, especially since the community at large seems to actively seek out ways around balanced groups in favor of more damage, even when the devs try and put in more mechanics that are intended to be dealt with via roles. Those kinds of problems were brought up by Spytle in a similar discussion recently.

    It's very difficult for me to blame the system when players choose to do things like scoreboard chase, create damage-heavy groups or run only as a damage dealer. No one and nothing in the system forces them to do any of those things. If they decide to do that, then it's all on the players. No one else.
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  18. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I honestly think armories made the situation a heck of a lot better. In my league we don't have rankings each player is classified according to what role they play and you can be exlusively support, exclusively dps or both. out of 120 members, there's only about 20 that exclusively dps. I actually think there are more toons dedicated exclusively to support. Granted they're likely alts, but I see few people having multipe dps only alts while there are a bit more support only alts.

    Sure, given the chance most prefer to dps, but we rarely are in need of any role since most people can do both adequately, or at least good enough to beat any piece of content.

    It's bad, but not as bad as before thanks to armories :)
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  19. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    This. With a major emphasis on point number 4.

    The extreme over emphasis on DPS has a lot to do with the raid mechanics. The need for 2 of Tanks, Healers and Controllers is only in game during FORCED mechanics rather then general raid mechanics.

    I don't need 2 tanks in HoH or Lab because there is nothing that hits one person too hard or any bosses that need to be split up or anything like that. I don't need 2 healers because the bosses and enemies that attack are generally only hitting the tank at any given point in time, and 1 healer will suffice to heal that one Tank who is taking all the damage (not to mention an absurd high amount of restoration) while the rest of the group doesn't have to deal with threatening group damage. I don't need 2 controllers because power is the only thing required of them and since DPS get all their power back using AMs (and we've established that they make up 5 spots in a raid) that doesnt matter much anymore. I bring 2 of everything into Throne only because Hades will teleport one of each role.

    There needs to be 2 hard hitting bosses to necessitate 2 tanks. There needs to be large, group threatening AoEs that cannot be avoided to necessitate 2 healers. There needs to be enemies that need to be controlled or debuffed by the controllers to necessitate 2 controllers. Instead, we have what we have and it is better and quicker to run with 5 DPS 9x out of 10.
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  20. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I don't disagree with you, however that's kinda the norm for online gaming. It's the minority that behave with decency, respect and thought into their actions.

    When you have a situation where the majority of the playerbase are behaving in ways that are bad for the game and the community, I still feel it's up to the developers to institute systems to rectify the problem (not exacerbate it).

    You can blame the players all day long, they'll still be there, they'll still play the game, the bad behaviour/attitudes mentioned will still persist. Yes it is 100% their fault, but we, the rest of the community can't fix that issue, the developers can ensure there are better tutorials, better mechanics to ensure people aren't rolling their face on the keyboard ignoring everything else just to top a scoreboard.

    Leagues would have resolved half of these issues, but with such a casual mmo as this, PUG became the norm for most, as it's so easy to clear content. I'm glad for this as I play at weird hours and no league in any time zone would suit my gaming hours these days, it's why I like DCUO, I can log in at 7am on a monday morning and PUG LOLS.

    Fixing the poor behaviour will be no means be easy, but I do think they need to start at the bottom, improve what new players learn IN GAME, rather than assuming they'll all go watch youtube videos for hours to find out what's changed in 4 years and what's still relevant and how the game really works.
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