Tell Devs Why you think DCUO is DPS Universe Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 10, 2015.

  1. Sore Steadfast Player

    Honestly? It's what the players want. The combat in this game is what attracts people to it.
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  2. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I admit that I am part of the problem here as I have 7 characters and all are DPS. Out of those 7, I have one fire and one ice, but I have no interest in playing tank on either. Tried it on the fire character and did not like it, so do not wish to try it again on the ice even if it is better. I have one electric and one nature, but healing doesn't interest me at all either, so I will keep those as damage. That leaves me with my last three which are mental, gadgets, and light, all able to be controllers. Now, this is the only other role in which I have some limited experience with and although I have yet to explicitly play the role and learn it better in my 10 months of playing, I can see myself wanting to do so in the future. However, for me it's not so much of just not being willing to do so, but rather a time and money constraint as well and how to best go about doing it. For instance, doesn't one need to have an extra armory to have the extra load out for the secondary role other than damage, for solo and group content or are we just assumed to only get the armor for the support role and just stick with that throughout the entire game and hope for the best when doing solo content in the damage role as is necessary to complete said content but without the damage based armor? Please, clear this up for me as any honestly helpful and constructive advice would be greatly appreciated. I am not a subscriber, and I do not wish to hear the tried old, just sub-up already excuse. It's a possibility, but not one that I am willing to make yet and yes I am fully aware of the direction that the game is going and how it might be a necessity if I wish to continue to play or not. But, that isn't really what I am talking about here, but if it is a factor then by all means help me to weigh all of the variables for doing roles and progressing through the game. I am sure that I am not the only one in a situation like this, so that is why I am throwing mine out here in the hopes for some advice for not only myself, but also any one else who might have a similar situation and to shed light on that fact, that it's not all just because the game doesn't teach us and there's not incentives etc. Sometimes there are other constraints and confusions to be considered as well.
  3. buddah Well-Known Player

    I think one of the problems is the damage difference between roles. There is usually a 10 mil damage difference between the top DPS and the support roles.
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  4. SnowStar Committed Player

    I do not really like dps'ing. for me it is tanking. I may try trolling with this power respec burning a hole in my bank, once I get enough unattuned gear
  5. buddah Well-Known Player

    If you plan on controlling a second armory is recomended. If you still wish to DPS with that character I would get a second armory. My main is a Quantum DPS/Controller.
  6. Alpha Cell Well-Known Player

    ^^ This is very true!

    Support roles don't have an AM, and they don't even have a WM crit bonus like DPS do. As a healer, if I do WM into a heal, it should be a high crit heal. Same with giving power. As a tank, if I do WM into a shield, that shield should be able to withstand more damage than normal. Also, the content has been designed so that the 5,1,1,1 formation becomes viable rather quickly if not straight away. If players had slightly less resto I think an additional healer would be warranted.
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  7. Alpha Cell Well-Known Player

    I guess the issue then, is why they designed DPS to be so much more enjoyable than support roles to most players. There must be something in the design that makes this the case. And if so, what could possibly be done to the support roles to make them more fun?
  8. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    And that's an issue with support design, that their gameplay often detracts from that, especially a troll pre WM and even after tbh. spam power dump, yay super funs! That said Quantum troll is my main and I prefer it to anything else, but mostly for WM timing. Quantum dps is even more boring than... well it's possibly the most boring thing in game imo.
  9. Revoemag Committed Player

    Just be happy more of those DPs minded players aren't playing roles, people like that can't play support, they would fail horribly at their role and cause more problems than if they stayed DPs...

    I only want support roles to be played by players that can actually play support roles. And have the will to be a team player.
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  10. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    You were WRONG about munitions being a terrible dps power and you are wrong about calling this game dps uo. On USPC Villain side we run with balanced setups and play dual roles.

    You always want to blame the devs for peoples choices, maybe you should make your own group.
  11. lordexecution365 Loyal Player


    I really want to agree with you, but uh (outside of the limited skilled DPS that I know) the set timers for additional adds that overwhelm groups and enrage timers depending on content you are in regarding tier without overgeared players, have to disagree.

    With that said, if I stuck with the very small like maybe 3 DPS, maybe 3, I can agree with that, but I play DC for the social aspect meaning I like to venture outside just 7 others to as many friendly players as possible.

    So yes DC is DPS Universe Online.

    It is that because it encourage that.

    Tanks do as most describe before me.

    Healer, heal because nobody needs 2 healers when 1 can do the job, even in Elite Throne, players need to learn how to survive, hopefully GU47 will be the lesson for this...A.K.A Skillss...

    Trolls are only needed for power, the mechanics in content can be avoided to easily, see elite throne comment in my healer section.

    Having 5 Dps's can help keep the Tank alive in elite throne due to the adds burning faster leaving less attacking the Tank and more burn concentrating on Are's and Hades.

    Post GU47...I have solo'd Troll Elite Throne no problem.

  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Clearly you dont play on USPS hero side. Try finding a 2-2-2-2, its like waiting for devs to make an aftershock mechanic for earth, not gonna happen. Now if your balanced setup consist of 5-1-1-1, we can find that in under 10min no problem, or we can just simply random q into 1.

    Point is, if this game has so many dps that it had to create roleless buffs, that alone is saying something. While other games dont have that problem so they dont have roleless buffs.
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  13. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Yes, just as I suspected. Thanks for the response. So, if I want to troll with my three available characters that I can do so with, I will need to cough up the dough for three extra armories, one for each character, and then resign myself to the grind for not only DPS armor for each of them, but also the Controller armor as well for the secondary roles/armories. This is the real clincher right here. I'm sure that most players just don't care to do so much grinding or want to spend the money for all of this even if it really isn't all that much. Plus, as has been pointed out, if the game is more DPS centric in general then that leaves the incentive to put the time and money into the other roles as pretty much moot.

    I've always felt that having multiple role specific armor and weapons was a bit too much anyway. I think that it would be best if we only had one set of tier gear for each tier that gave us all a new set of base stats and to let our mods handle how we are at our roles. This is kind of how it's always worked anyway, but I'm just saying for how to make it more simple for everyone especially now since mods don't raise your CR anymore. The extra armories are an integral part of the moneymaking for this game though, so it's not likely to go away unfortunately.
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  14. Revoemag Committed Player

    After 4 years of playing this game I fully agree..

    Though I'm not a fan of the idea, the best solution to keep this game alive is to make everyone self sufficient DPs roles..

    DPs that can heal itself (some heals help group)
    DPs with high heath/defence (some powers mitigate damage off others in group)
    DPs with high CC abilities (some powers regen blue bar)

    Let content be run this way, it be closer to the reality of how super hero's would actually group up and fight together .
    There's are no support roles in DC or any other comics
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  15. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Let's be honest here. I've been playing many different games, multiplayer or otherwise. If you count how many people play DPS roles in those games, it would be practically the same as we have here.

    Back in the day, Ragnarok Online, for example, used to have a trend full of Battle Priests--a normally party support-oriented class played as a damage dealer, all because they have skills that make them survive better than the actual tanks/dps and still deal decent damage. In the end, they're still played as DPS. DotA 2 has a list full of supports but many people still play mainly carries or gankers because they like killing heroes more than helping their teammates. Or, like the RO example I've given earlier, they play some supports as carries.

    DCUO is really no different. A lot of people will play DPS because it's so much more appealing to the audience than having to keep people alive. Even moreso now since there has been a lot of updates recently that encourage DPS gameplay. That said, it wouldn't hurt for an encouragement towards support gameplay. Even then, DPS roles will always remain popular.
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Cause most folks like to pew pew, and it's not difficult to be a mediocre DPS, especially with WM and the newer AMs. It's more difficult to be a mediocre support role. There is definitely a lack of instruction on how to play support roles. You have to be interested enough to do some research and to practice. That said, to be a skilled DPS or support role takes work.
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  17. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    They really need to do away with roleless buffs to encourage people playing support roles. I also don't get why everything is a race. Yeah 15 minute Throne runs are nice but 45 minute runs can also be fun. If you want a race so badly, there are many set up in Metropolis and Central City sadly.

    DPS crack me up. Just yesterday, I wanted to get Lab done, so I put my fire tank to dps. I was the one person doing all the objectives. Bad enough, I am fire but I had a munitions side making fun of my dmg output halfway through. Yet I was the one running blocks and water. Who cares what the scorecard states, I was more responsible for beating that raid than his pew pew stats.
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  18. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    Again, you have to makeup your own group and not blame the developers for other peopls actions. Why do you play?
    I play this game to have fun and not to floss my gear, cr and sp.

    If you dont know why the rolelesd buff was put in consider yourself lucky. Youre post April 2012.
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Because there is no need to. If you damage it -> Bam top 1 threat level. In DCUO you don't need to build up aggro/threat with various skills of which some generate more threat than others. It's just that simple: Did you see a yellow number on the target? Yes? You have aggro. If you didn't see one, you don't have it. (Ok that's basically not true entirely but that's the basics).

    A new tanking loadout only requires "main focus" on two things: Has it a pull skill? Has it an AoE damaging skill? If Yes/Yes you have you have at least one pull and one AoE Taunt. That's it.

    I know that is just the tip of the iceberg but I just wrote it that way to keep it simple.

    As a controller? Why would I need a special Sparring target? When I want to check how high my power dumps are I can see it the second I cast it the first time in an alert/raid. If I want to check my PoT I simply cast it. If I want to check how wide spread an AoE stun is, that works on the normal Sparring Targets as well.

    And as for healers: Healers don't have a rotation in this game. They're acting more reactive than active, active being AoE heal fields or HoTs whereas the "real" healing is reactive to health drops. As long as there aren't sparring targets that suddenly and totally random lose health it will not work. Also because you don't have the targets' health bars on your UI. You only see them above their heads. And rarely a healer relies on that in a raid.
  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    True. A lot of the reasons given in this thread come down to player choice. While there are things the devs could to to encourage off-DPS role use (increasing awareness of those roles, for example), in the end it's the player's choice as to how they play the game.

    The closest we come to actually being forced into a role is the first third of leveling to 30, where we can't choose another role beyond damage. After that, it's up to us.
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