
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Prime OG, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    As stated, I fully support a scenario that benefits all; the current setup benefits none. Sure, there are many above-tier folks that would solo the lower-level content; at the same time, with an instance teleporter in the WT/HOD (for example):
    • a low-level character shouts "need help with [instance x]"
    • a high-level character shouts "I'll help, inv"
    • both enter instance via teleporter
    Or, this:
    • low-level character groups up with high-level leaguemate or someone from friend list
    • both enter instance via teleported
    Both of these hypothetical situations benefit at least the lower-level character, and in the case of a higher-level player needing a style piece, feat, catalyst, etc. then both would benefit.

    Perfect? No. Something? Yes.

    I'm happy to hear other ideas & I'm certainly open to constructive critique; however I have neither the time nor energy to deal with petty snipes like: "Your idea is terrible and that's it; I have nothing else to offer except a stupid /sarcasm tag." (not referring to you Lorax, btw)

  2. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    First off, the insult came from you ("Brilliant idea! /sarcasm" -- remember that?) Second, yes there ARE in fact higher level characters who are willing to help out lower-levels; I see it often in LFG & shout channels. Also there are leaguemates & friends who are willing to help lower-levels. Yes there are self-serving high-levels that couldn't be bothered, but (a) I wasn't referring to them, and (b) to imply that there are NONE who are willing to help out only bespeaks cynicism on your part, for which I sympathize but otherwise can't do anything about.

    If you can't resist the impulse to **** on someone else's idea, then at least take the time to THINK (your word) and come up with an alternative & have the maturity to be civil about it.

    Good day.

  3. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    I expressed my opinion about your *idea* and your response included a personal insult:

    “without bothering to exercise the tiniest bit of intellectual energy and propose an alternative solution (to be fair, it's entirely possible that you don't have much to spare)”

    Remember *that*? Nice try. I’m done.
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  4. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    You're done, really? Fantastic, you just made my Monday.

  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Alright Mepps, you keep saying you all don't see any wide spread issues. Last night, in the E3 duo, it happened AGAIN! Went from first area to the Lex fight, and disconnected. Now with link dead gone, I have to start over? I get that link dead isn't coming back, but teleporters need investigated. I've been reporting the same issues from the same duo for a couple of weeks now.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    When this happened to you, did you get a message asking if you wanted to send them a report of the issue (possibly including a video of said incident)???
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yeppers. I didn't the first few times. The last couple I have.
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If those reports don't go out, the issue gets underreported and could lead to them not seeing a "widespread issue". It's possible other people are ignoring the report feature too. Hopefully people reading this will send them in so that it can get noticed and fixed.
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I know, but I've been reporting this now for three weeks. Before the link dead was gone, it wasn't an issue. Now I kind of feel for those if the DC from a pug group raid. Add to that my concerns over the new scoreboard leading to more kicks or not inviting people back. Not looking good.
  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yes, but your answer requires low-level characters to 1. know how to use LFG from the get-go, 2. put together their own group, 3. rely on the good graces of high tier players who may or may not actually exist.

    The actual solution (IMO) relies more towards the devs incentivizing running lower-tier content (beyond a few guaranteed drops that are only eligible once a week), implementing cross-faction queueing and/or helping low-level players to just skip that early 8-man content entirely without suffering for leveling up.
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  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Whoa, mini-necro there, lol. Well, only 4 days. Not that bad.
  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I'm not sure why people are panicking about the new scoreboard. I get that people are going on past experiences and all that, but haven't you noticed that the forums have been deadly silent when it comes to the issue of unwarranted kicks? So much so that people think it would be ok to reduce the kick timer penalty (people have been trying to get that reduced from the second it got put in...but now they feel it might be time to rethink the 3 hour penalty).

    Pugs are pugs. As i've said here repeatedly, time to take it old school. Add the group leader to your friends list, and let them know in case of a dc, you'll be back quickly and notify them so they can bring you back in. If they move on without you, maybe take note of that and decide whether or not to put that person on ignore. With the state of the playerbase today, I don't foresee as much kicking as you do.