
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Prime OG, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Warp Rally is no picnic either.
    It's not safe. Way too many DC's especially in open world.
  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Happened again last night, but to my buddy. E3 duo after 2nd boss. I came thru fine, he DC'd.
  3. Swamarian Committed Player

    I'm also seeing new behavior in "The Visitor." When I teleport to E3 Gotham, the game's telling me to go talk to Supes, and everything's frozen. Then the final boss battle happens. (I guess the other player skipped the cut scene somehow?)
  4. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    I haven't seen this mentioned on the forums for awhile, but since we're (kind of) on the subject...

    How about an "Instance" teleporter mod to enable walk-ins for queue-able content? Even for the catalyst-awarding missions, wait times are often ridiculously long.
  5. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Right, so let’s do something that will make them even longer for at-level characters. Brilliant idea! /sarcasm

    No, something that actually makes queue times shorter is what we need there.
  6. myandria Item Storage


    What I would like to see is a list of my friend's bases from the base teleporter inside my base, instead of having to go outside of my base and open up the base tracker to choose which base I want to go to. For example, my base has League Halls, Safehouses, Gotham and Metropolis and Urgent Warfront mods in the generator. When I use my base teleporter those are the locations I see. What I would like to see is a list of bases I have access to on top of what the generators show. The base tracker should only be used if you are outside in the zone already and are looking for a particular base to go to. If you are inside your base and using the teleporter, every base location you have access to should appear in your teleporter list. Also, your bases should be a list option when teleporting from the HQ; if I can teleport to HQ from my base, why can I not teleport back to my base from there via the teleporter(s)? The same is true for the League Hall teleporter(s); I can teleport to the league hall from my base but I cannot teleport back to my base from the league hall.
  7. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Bases or Bases and League Halls generator mods
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  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Where you in a group when it happened?
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I haven't had a game crash in a while. I mean, it does crash, but it's when I'm going thru the teleporter. And mainly seems to be the E3 duo.

    No issues tonight.
  11. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    There used to be an exploit with which one could make other players' game freeze. I ususally don't test exploits regulary... so I don't know if it was fixed or if it was the cause.

    I can only reveal that the exploit requires to be grouped.
  12. xaocel Level 30

    Just use warp base and then use the amenity to jump to whichever base you want to. Sure there`s double the wait time which sucks but overcrowding the map menu will only confuse people. They are confused as is already.
  13. Maddie Xin New Player

    Tell me about it! On PS4 the game crashes too often when teleporting. Sometines it goes linkdead, other times not. Its apperantly been an issue since PS4 launch.
    And this happens when teleporting to base, watchtower, event areas, alerts or whatnot. And thid has happened to me on 2 different PS4, one with original HDD and one with SSD.
    Many league members experience the same thing. The random crash and that 42xxx something error message that you can google and see hundreds of complaints about.
  14. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    One or more at-level characters could still partner with one or more higher levels and take advantage of an instance teleporter, whether it be in the form of an actual teleporter added to HQ or a new base teleporter mod; neither scenario would 100% eliminate the queue-time issue, but both would go a long way to alleviating the problem for many, if not most players. I'm all for shortening the queue for at- and above-tier characters, but as it stands currently wait times are ridiculous for both. My point is that it would be nice if the dev team came up with a way for people to enter lower-tier content in a more timely fashion.

    And what do we get from you? Instead of engaging in a civil discussion on the issue, your apparent gut reaction is to shoot down the idea without bothering to exercise the tiniest bit of intellectual energy and propose an alternative solution (to be fair, it's entirely possible that you don't have much to spare). Nope, all we get is the clever-to-you, otherwise snotty and unoriginal "/sarcasm" tag. Brilliant, indeed. /sarc

  15. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Do you actually think the high level players who are screaming loudest about queue times would be willing to take someone who’s lower level with them and risk being slowed down with the ‘faster, faster, gotta take out the bosses and finish this in less than a minute so I can move on to the next one’ attitude that so many of them have, particularly considering their attitude here on the forums towards those who are playing instances at-level and complaining about how those same high-CRs that queue in with them act towards them?

    Keep your insults to yourself and THINK
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    But he's correct tho. Teleporters for every instance would mainly benefit the higher levels.
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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Happened again this weekend. Twice on Saturday, and once on Sunday. The one Sunday pissed me off. This time I was on an alt and qued up for the vault. Boom, black screen that leads to a disconnect screen. When I got back into the game. I was loot locked from the vault but no loot.

    I know I'm not the only one experiencing this. What's going on with teleporting?

    What do I need supply to show this is an issue?
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I had a buddy dc all morning. I saw many people in my friend list dc and come back regularly.
  19. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    This how it happens for me, it's usually when I'm in instance, we finish, time to leave, go through teleported, and 'poof' get Dc'd.

    So basically whenever we go through loading screen what kicks us off

    Also when I use almost any teleported in WT, to go somewhere it would work fine, coming back, gets me dc'd. Hopefully that helps a little bit to see where the issue might be
  20. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player