Teen Titan Collection drop

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Th3Anc13ntH0rus, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Th3Anc13ntH0rus New Player

    I’ve been spamming both the alert and daily missions for the Teen Titan’s Lost and Found Box collection and still would get nothing but green and blue gear drops and a random item since this dlc became available. I’ve also spammed the raids and so far gotten 3 collections in total. Most I was able to buy, but the top three expensive collections in the broker. There must be other locations that drops these. I’m currently missing Starfire’s fire-proof scrunching, Cyborg’s missing screw, Kid flash’s boot strap and Donna troy’s whip holster.
  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    What is your idea of spamming? I have found a few, but considering that the DLC is still fresh I don't expect to see them all drop. I also don't replay the content like other people. I think maybe the duo once or twice.
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Starfire's Collection: Giant Robot/Fearsome Five Bounty
    Cyborg's Collection: Nightwing Weekly (support either Cyborg or Raven 5x)
    Kid Flash's Collection: Mammoth (Alert)
    Donna Troy's Collection: Cyborg (Alert)

    I can confirm all of these drops since I've gotten all four collections on different toons from these encounters/boxes.
    • Like x 3
  4. Th3Anc13ntH0rus New Player

    Spamming for either marks or possibly have the collection drop by resetting with replays.
  5. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I understand why people do it. I was getting at how many times it was done to get an idea of the drop rates and make it so there is a meaningful discussion.
  6. Duzzit Active Player

    • Like x 3
  7. Th3Anc13ntH0rus New Player

    I spent like $200+ on PSN for running resetting replays this weekend, then last week $150 PSN.
  8. dresserball Dedicated Player

    This is like asking how far something is away and a person says 30 minutes. Minutes isn't a distance. The amount of money you spent also doesn't tell me how many times you replayed.

    Ok so how many times did you run stuff? Go by each item if you can.
  9. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Thanks for your support.
  10. Th3Anc13ntH0rus New Player

    Does it matter? Just wanted to know what other locations they drop in. Besides I’m not the only one with this problem. Couple of friends and a few of their league mates, and a few of my league mates have gone through this but ended up buying them in the broker. And the drops they got are similar to mine, which mostly drops green and blue gear and a random exobyte.
  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Can confirm that this list is accurate. These are the only known locations that the collections drop from.

    The Starfire collection has an extremely low drop rate. I ground the entire set of Cyborg and Robin gear on test, back before the episode came out, using currency from both bounties (so in other words, I opened a lot of boxes), and I only saw the Scrunchie once. I've also ran it multiple times on multiple characters on live, and I'm still waiting to see my first one.

    As a guess, I'd say it's probably because the Ornately Carved Sea Stone from Episode 31 had a ridiculously high drop rate and was too easy to get, to the point where it was selling on the Broker for less than $1,000.

    I've seen the Cyborg collection a few times, but it only comes from the Large Loot box, which is only given out by Nightwing. So you need to complete 5 solo missions before you can even get an opportunity at it. Despite this, I've still received it twice, personally, on live, and know someone else who's received it 3 times.

    The other two are in the alert, which has typically always featured the difficult-to-obtain collections, due to the fact that they can be played daily, for free.

    By all means, choose to play however you wish, but I'd recommend working out how to make money in-game and buying them off the broker, than gambling any more of your money on something which is designed to be extremely difficult to acquire.
  12. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I guess it doesn't, but you felt the need to say you were spamming. I was just trying to find out what spamming to you was in order for you to get more constructive responses. I don't spam and have had about half the collections drop for me.
  13. Photonaxon Well-Known Player

    Anyone know where Starfire's Fire-proof Scruchie drops?
  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Titans Island daily/weekly loot boxes.