Tanks have it the worst don’t we? (Artifacts)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Single Difficult alert -> Try going into one of the add rooms in the Atlantis alert at tier and having 10-15 adds attacking you because you're a nature healer. Try going for the Stake feat for the JLD alert as a healer and 3 dps's and you have the boss and 5-6 adds attacking and cc'ing you repeatedly.

    10% healing received instances where it could be useful -> Try pug'ing Shattered Gotham and having 3-4 adds attack you because your tank has a slow reaction time on pulls. Try healing CoTe last boss as nature and the tank with the adds dies and you get mobbed instantly by 7+ elite rank adds. Try going for the Raving Mad feat in Elite where a tank is going to have late pulls because of the shere amount of adds that spawn and how distant they are from each other and 2 of them spawn near you completely across the room from the tank. 10% extra healing received + the mystic passive is going to be several primary heals worth of healing for free. That extra 1-2s is what you need for the controller or other healer to pop a group supercharge in order to save you and the run.

    For someone calling someone else crazy, you seem like someone who hasn't healed current or last tier's elite content, in which case, isn't it crazy for you to speak on healing when you don't heal? But then again, didn't you say you quit for a long time? Which means you have relatively no idea how current content and mechanics work, let alone elite stress or add damage or healing numbers? Do you even play or are you just here on the forums to voice your opinion with no in game experience to back it up?
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  2. Controller Devoted Player

    Tanks have perhaps the most THANKLESS job / role in DCUO - but an experienced tank is often the Most Valuable Player in ALL raids and some alerts.

    We get in the bosses / adds faces, put the seatbelt on and use whatever at our disposal to take damage.

    I'm not a super experienced tank but from what I've seen with our artifacts they are decent.

    Our "Box Score" for tanks is most damage taken in - not damage out, power out, heals given. How many of us even look at Damage taken in after the raid / alert is completed?
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  3. Elipsed Level 30

    Hello I'm a healer. Just here to give a healer perspective.
    Demons fang is a **** artifact. 5% resto does nothing. To be honest I don't really give a crap about my resto because you can pretty much solo heal all content even with low resto, just pay attention to mechanics and understand how much your heals do.
    I never run demons fang. I run omegahedron instead. Coupled with orb of arion, I can spam priorities even when the troll is out. My power bar is basically full most of the time. I can be out of the bosses range and heal from as far as possible with omega, where as with demons fang I need to be in range to hit the boss when I need power which makes me more susceptible to getting hit and dying. Also if I heal out of range with demons fang, I get no power back..
    Makes a big difference. So no not all healer artifacts are as good as you say they are.

    Gemini is great and all, especially for nature because of the low cooldown on their sc. But like its not practical anymore. I feel like there is no point running sc with a healer anymore these days, especially at certain elite bosses. Like for example I wouldnt run gemini if I'm healing Tala in sge because I have to get the meteors too. It's too much effort to pop a 25% sc every time for the group because what if the meteor spawns on me while I'm doing it and everyone dies? Same for last boss in sge. If I'm healing and getting all the boss rolls, theres no point in feeding the group.

    If anything as a healer I do use manacles of force.
    They're a great cushion, especially in elite content when adds spawn and the first person they jump is THE HEALER not the tank, THE HEALER. I have literally 81k health and 1 add in sge hits me for 65k. How am I supposed to survive, heal others and do mechanics if the tank takes a long *** time to grab the add? I can only heal myself, spam lunge and shield for so long.
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  4. Anri Myst Active Player

    I score a little different using my own system. I just look at how many times people died, and consider how many times it was from a large AoE or something I couldn't pull and keep aggroed.

    The fewer deaths the better I did my job.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    To be fair, Manacles is a prime choice for any Healer set - especially for Elite - and it's bread-and-butter spectacular for Ice in day-to-day play.
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  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I, too, am a Healer, and Fang is an MVP if you are using Orb Of Arion. It serves two purposes - timing your HoT from your weapon attacks, and restoring power to mitigate the Orb drain. And 5% Resto is the best Resto buff you can get out of any of the artifacts. Period.

    I find your claim that you can spam your PH with Orb somewhat unconvincing. You're right about the range though - but there are so few instances where you need to be at extreme range and there aren't convenient adds (I dunno - maybe Ultraman?), that I don't find it a problem, and would happily swap out just before those fights. Any red reticule works. You don't have to be on top of the boss.
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player


    It's not so much that there aren't any Tank-only artifacts per se - it's just that Dom, and particularly Health are useful across the board for non-DPS roles.

    What would you suggest as a new artifact that would be Tank-centric? Back in the day I would have said something that throws your Defence sky-high when you block? But that was then.

    If it's going to be anything, it would have to work around the one unique aspect Tanks have - taunts. But since taunts are endemic in Tank powers, it would have to be light.

    I'd say maybe to keep up with the power level of Orb, then every time you taunt, you get a 2-second free shield? That way you can spam it when you need it, or just throw it every 10s?
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  8. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I disagree. The prec equivalent to Tetra is the cog and they're basically the same. The venom wrist is what puts prec on par with might. Without it the best prec player would have trouble keeping up with a trash Light DPS. So really prec only has 2 slots. Might also has soul cloak which not only gives might but allows SC's to be used pretty frequently and EoG is pretty damn good for Might DPS as well, particularly when used with the soul cloak, which you already know, lol.
  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Mystic Seven is good for other roles in PVP but it wouldn't be a wise decision for any other role to run it in PVE
  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Me too. Healing, I rarely look at Healing Out, since that's almost always a function of damage taken by the group (which is largely out of my control), and so doesn't have anything to do with how well I heal. What I want to see is if there is more than 1 Tank death, and if so, who was stealing my priority heals from the tank. The Healing In column tells me that, and then I can adjust if they are in a group again. Or just let them die. Depends on how egregious an offender they are.
  11. Beast Nero Active Player

    why in pvp lol...

    FIRST of all in pvp it counts Toughness not defense!!!
    SECOND you cant enter arena and think that you have artifact still on, because you dont.
  12. Beast Nero Active Player

    but the question here is... are you leveling mystic symbol as a healer???
  13. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Soul Cloak and EoG are equally available to everyone and not specifically might dps. The venom wrist is what puts Precision above Might not on par, you can take nearly any powerset and sub in a venom wrist with superspeed movement smokebomb clips and reach nearly 60k parsers for melee which you won't hit with 2/3 of all the Might powersets. Might dps are stuck running an artifact that could be completely useless to them just because we don't have a choice because it's the only might artifact with 5% in the solar amplifier. Heat Vision isn't used in aoe melee rotations yet we still have to run that artifact because if we don't we lose 1200+ might. Precision have no such restrictions in that regard whatsoever. They can run VWD, Sparring AI for even more dmg on counter heavy fights, Grim which aids precision more not having to waste a power on setting up a pi.
  14. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The funny thing is you confirmed my whole point in my original reply. Healers are running the Manacles, cause there is no other option for healers because all the healer artifacts are subpar, it's a wasted artifact slot for any healer besides Water. 10% cooldown on your 1 shield that is only a 4man isn't going to save any groups in elite and you won't be earning your supercharge shield fast enough to take advantage of. Healers have the lowest health pool so the actual manacles proc is the weakest if you are getting hit by any large dmg attack, all you are using it for is the base resto and dom which when a real supplementary option comes for healers if they run the manacles it would be instantly dropped.
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  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I find that I can run Blessing, Death Mark combo and Sacrifice - with Regenerative Shielding, Accelerated Blessing and the Manacles, I can keep a 4-man Shield up 24/7 and not bother too much about my own lack of Shield when I use Sacrifice if the Tank is slow :(.

    But then again, you are right in a way - I use that loadout to make full utility of the Manacles, rather than it being my immediate go-to choice.
  16. Elipsed Level 30

    I use shield as a weapon so weapon attacks are whatever to me. I do them when I can. I need the range most of the times, especially in FOAE if I solo heal it. I need that range to deal with all the mechanics. I can do about 6 priorities in a row with omegahedron. I spec superpowered NOT hybrid. 10% resto doesn't really matter to me. Orb honestly doesn't drain me that much with a good troll I always have plenty of power. I have like 472 sp but also spec 50 into dom and the rest into power. My resto is lower than most because I'm missing the 10% resto buffs from hybrid and demons fang but I still solo heal everything including new elite content every week with ease. At the end of the day its the end result that matters. If demons fang works for you then props to you.
  17. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    If you didn't half read the other post, you would've read that I run Orb Manacle Symbol when I healed :rolleyes:
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  18. Beast Nero Active Player

    good for you :) pro player :D
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  19. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    There's this place called open world that exist where artifacts do still count. And in those scenarios the 160 bonus for a constant HoT is useful. Between the escalating skill points that are reduced in pvp arenas being gone and having access to unnerfed augments and op gear, your restoration-based heals on each attack compared to your health/damage in is off-balance'd for obvious reasons. If you have someone with a mystic and a high resto spec, you can take a hot minute just to kill them from that artifact alone. And after hitting them for 30+ seconds, they'll just use an Arion to go back to max health and go back afk.
  20. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    I prefer mathematician :3 Lmk if you ever need help.
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