Tanks are going to make a HUGE comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Pumped New Player

    Its boring because thats all your asked to do in T5 raids.

    Best regards!
  2. Wellens Well-Known Player

    That has been, and always will be, one of the primary functions of a tank. To keep the aggro off of the group and stay alive. But I know how you struggle with those two simple tasks.
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  3. Doc Holliday New Player

    It will flood the game with horrible tanks just as Cel did with healers and quantum did for trollers.

  4. Tre Day New Player

    Ahh, the short-sighted thinking of some people.
    It may not be the tank's job to do damage, but they can.
    No wonder the Devs have to implement stuff to force us to use two tanks in later content with thinking like this.
    It may not be the whole playerbase with this kind of thinking, but it seems to be large enough to put these limits on roles when it would be so much better to fully explore what else a role can do besides their primary role(s).
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Spoken like a DPS. GG, chief.
  6. Tre Day New Player

    Where in that what I said makes you think I play mostly DPS?
    I actually want all roles to do more than what the majority requires them to do, and not confine themselves to ONE part of their job description.
    But that's awesome you just lumped me into single-minded DPSes.
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  7. Poo New Player

    Discussing the idea of having no DPS stance in this game (in another thread) and buffing up the damage output for the other 3 roles.

    I'll put that idea in here too ;)
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  8. Flightboy New Player

    Well, some of the speculation I and others had are true!!! Rage Tanking sounds like it's going to be superior to ice!!!
  9. Flightboy New Player

    I agree to an extent with you Doc. There will definitely be an initial learning curve, but from what was posted about how the power set will work sounds pretty legit.
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  10. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Personally, I love running with a good tank or two.
    I would love to see more people learn to tank.

    (I'm no good at it, so I won't be one of them!)
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  11. ZeroAccess New Player

    Not to thread jack but I created a thread to try and get some idea's out there to bring tanking back into the game. One of the biggest idea's is to give us the opportunity to run older content in Heroic difficulty (slide rule difficulty) so that as we're level'ing up we can make older content replayable.

    Also to remove the buffs you get when running content with a specific role.

    I'd also moving forward like to see different mechanics where other roles than DPS are needed a bit more. I'm not sure how to do that exactly and so far I haven't heard anyone's opinion/reasoning that would truly make it to where we need more than just DPS to complete content.

    While splitting the group up would offer a different dynamic just imagine taking an 8 man and turning it into TP. You can run TP all day long without a troller, healer, or tank. It's just a fact. I think of other games and they have difficulty in keeping tanks viable as well as the other roles get more powerful you just don't have as much of a need for them.
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its officially been said. Tanks are going to make a comeback, watch tonights livestream, and watch Odessey Lockbox episode 13 for more info. Tanks now being more than a punching bag.
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  13. ZeroAccess New Player

    If you disappoint me and all my hopes are crushed..I'm gonna rage on your grave :| ...jus saying :D
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  14. TripleC123 New Player

    That was punny.
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  15. Charlie Fantom New Player

    Just like earth did? :p
  16. Flightboy New Player

    I dunno man from the description it looks like rage will be a pretty awesome tanking power time will tell.
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  17. Flightboy New Player

    That episode was extremely informative I suggest everyone tune into that episode :) and I completely agree with what was written ^ ;)
  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The tears all the healers will have once all the new rage tanks fail at life will be delicious. I can see it now: "Need tank for X not rage though. They die too fast"
  19. Flightboy New Player

    Have you read through the description of the rage tanking mechanics? It's sounds like it actually will be pretty OP especially in PVP. That being said, let's try to keep it constructive and not derogatory :)
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  20. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Look, I have to test this new power and see. I use land because my character is based on super strength. And from what I read in the power of rage he does not seem to me something I can use like this. And if so I will continue with the same land until something that can replace the same in this regard. Personally I would have arrumassem the earth but ...o_O