Tanks are going to make a HUGE comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Ice Lantern New Player

    This has nothing to do with this being a superhero game. It's more to do with every powerset being able to be DPS'es and it being the most fun role for more people.
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  2. GodzillaBatman New Player

    I don't think content should be made so you're forced into having 2 of a certain role. You should be able to go into anything with atleast one of every role that knows what they're doing and beat it. forcing 2/2/2/2 is just too limiting.
  3. GodzillaBatman New Player

    It's the most fun because all you do is attack, if healers could heal and do damage at the exact same time, I guarantee we'd have more healers. If tanks could keep attacking and not have to block, we'd have more tanks. If controllers could give out bursts of power with something like gauss grenade, we'd have more controllers.
    The way the game is setup is too limiting for the support roles and no one wants that.
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  4. TripleC123 New Player

    All of you don't understand how much easier it makes a healer's job if a tank is present. It makes it easier... Unless the others start going crazy or whatever.
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  5. GodzillaBatman New Player

    The controller's job is much easier too.
  6. TripleC123 New Player

    Oh Yes it is.
  7. Flightboy New Player

    From my POV I saw an influx of gadget trolls switching to quantum mainly due to event horizon. Also, I saw an even bigger influx of healers switch to celestial. I think if it is "OP" like ice but busy/fun like fire/earth then we will again see an influx of tanks.
  8. Flightboy New Player

    I think the problem some of you are getting tunnel vision on is LFG. This was a general post of tanks making comebacks not just tank population in the pug world. ( I know it's low ) I have many friends / leaguemates who used to be tanks/currently tank and are already talking about switching to it or starting a new toon. Again, if I'm wrong so be it, but I'm still going to remain positive and stay excited about it :)
  9. Flightboy New Player

    For those of you who either think we are or you yourself are a "statue", please step outside your safe zone mindset and realize we as tanks DO NOT just stand there and block. Nor do we need to... There are sooooo many windows for tanks to do something other than block in both Nexus and Wave. Getting kind of old hearing that false information...
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The new raids are rumored to be designed for 2-2-2-2 with tanks being more than a punching bag and controllers being more than a battery and healers being more than a medic. I do hope that this new DLC puts a spike in the tank population. I do not tank myself but I have all respect for those who do.
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  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    Up until now tanks have been able to attack without having to block but tanks were still in relatively short supply. Why? Because of the difficulty of getting into groups. Yes, if the game was set up differently, then more people would enjoy being controllers and healers. But tanks would still be screwed. This is why I think the only real way to change that is to create content that forces parity.
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  12. TripleC123 New Player

    I think Tanks are underrated. It's not all about DPSers. I remember when people used all four roles in a wonderful blend... Now it's just DPS, troll, heal, occasionally tank.
  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    It's not that tanks are underrated, it's just that people want to shave time.
  14. Pumped New Player

    Easier content in the the next DLC means less tanks.

    Best regards!
  15. Ionthas Well-Known Player

    Unless they come up with game mechanics to use tanks. For instance, imagine if the split in Nexus required splitting the group in two at the beginning of the split and not recombine until both bosses were dead. (this would be a great use of armories btw)
    As it relates to this thread, having a new tank power means that more people will be a powerset that can tank, but I honestly doubt this will drive more people to tank.
  16. Pumped New Player

    Tanking is boring. Unless they allow them to do more damage they will only be used when there is a need for someone to stand and block.

    Best regards!
  17. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Just imo tanks not have power yet, that can be primary dps. Trollers ve hl & gadgets. Healers've celestial. But all of tanks average dps es except earth, which is broken. If rage ll be powerful, then maybe pop will raise. Also depends how anims will be new and shiny. But if number will be not increased who knows maybe in dlc 10 or dlc 11 they decided to push one more tank power immediately after previous. It also depends how hard t6 content. Who knows? Just if after dlc 9 chars those can tank will be less 20% & t6 req 2 tanks per raid. Game may become bogged, & they may afraid. Thus mah opinion first time rage ll be quite op. Both dps & tank.
  18. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It's not the tank's job to do damage. Perhaps this misunderstanding of the role is why you think it's boring?
  19. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Why bother. All the community wants is 8 dps raids. Pew Pew Pew!
  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm just glad that T5 raids make tanks still sought-after. It's still the hardest role to level-up, imo.