Tanks are going to make a HUGE comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. isamunore New Player

    the problem this game has is it's mechanics, dps don't care if there's a tank or not because they're the last to get attacked, it's tank, healer then controller. The developers need to change this so more tanks get invites and more tanks are nurtured so the precious dps live longer than 12seconds in content. The second thing is to continue to expand the massive part of this game with new maps to explore. Metro and gotham are impressive, and alot of the maps are equally impressive with central city being a disappointment but gotham wasteland turning that tide to bring things back into the realm of a real MMo. A hong kong map or a desert map would be proper. I can only imagine that the wonder woman dlc will expand themyscira and the news of darkseid in the future means a potential new genesis and apocolypse map. Something that the developers should also consider is the opportunity they have to create alternate reality maps with the origin crisis theme. A city run by the crime syndicate, or a map where superman is missing and Shazam is the worlds greatest hero.

    Maybe for halloween we visit nightmare batman world. I think going forward when the dev team has multi ideas they want to play with they should open a poll and player feedback to take some of the stress off their shoulders instead of shooting in the dark all the time.
  2. Statman New Player

    I would've stayed Tank if PUGs weren't ********, lol.
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  3. Whiteroom New Player

    Dont know about you, but i can assure you indraw a ton of aggro as dps. I managed to stay up for a good while trying to play dodge the Cyber lex in thebuff room today, and when the tank went down in the ambush room, I became the new tank. (Celestial dps btw)
  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    psssssst. Hey. Keep it on the down-low. Don't create an alt to squat on a name for the new power, and quickly delete the alt and make the new character with the name you were holding when the new power is released.
    How bout that weather. A record high by one degree here today.
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  5. RawR New Player

    I feel like I heard third before.....
  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I hope not.
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  7. Susanoo Well-Known Player

    sike im kidding but hopefully they remove enrage timers so people will run with 2 tanks
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  8. Pumped New Player

    They still won't run with 2 tanks.

    Best regards!
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Simple design a raid that requires two tanks to split 2 bosses in a room. One tank cant split two bosses at the same time. Once you have that you have a 2 tanking raid, but then they will just go on with the solo healer crap.
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  10. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I third that.
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  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    They will if they have no choice
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  12. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I have always thought it foolish to run any way other than the way content was designed to be ran, and the devs have stated before that every raid they design was designed to be ran with two tanks.

    One thing that concerns me though, is if we go down to two dps and two tanks, will the expectations of the dps go way up because now two will have to deliver the burn that three used to?
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Running with one healer....yet another ******** idea this wonderful community came up with.
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  14. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    It s all depends on what will be new power. If it will strong dps and tough tank - then expect massive respecing wave. But if it ll secondary dps like electro or earth and/or noncomfortable often dying tank then in game still ll be lack of tanks.
  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Or its up to the support roles to make up for that missing 3rd dps.
  16. Zezimar Committed Player

    I hope it'll be skilled tanks that will use their brain..
  17. ShadowStyleB New Player

    I haven't seen 2 tanks in a raid since the Outer. Let's be real everyone wants the "Now" flavor. They want to beat it "Now" they want to get through the new content "Now" and they don't want to wait for tanks.

    The reason there are so many bad Tanks is because they feel they have to get the highest CR to get into the high level content. So they bypass a lot of things just to rush to the top so they can sit there and block like the group wants.
  18. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm going to say not really, Quantum didn't raise the amount of trollers, Celestial didn't for healers, doubt new power with tanks. All everyone cares about is how much damage can a new power can do. I'm afraid it's more about the scoreboard chasing then what is needed.
  19. GodzillaBatman New Player

    How many times have we heard this before? Everytime a new powerset comes out everyone thinks the game is going to be flooded with controllers, healers, tanks and it never happens. People don't want to play the various roles for many reasons, mainly I'd say because this is supposed to be a super hero mmo and I don't know too many super heros that just give out power, stand back and just heal or stand in front of the enemy and just block.
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  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    I have faith whatsoever in the devs' ability to create content that will help tanks. I'm positive there's going to be another part of some instance where you're going to be expected to split up into two groups. I am just as positive that there will be an easy workaround.
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