Tanks are going to make a HUGE comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    With the upcoming power (maybe rage ;) ) hopefully it will be a decent tank role and bring back some tanks in game. For once I think my main will be switching my powers, (not just for style feats ;) ) but I won't be FOTM like some and dps only ;) Thoughts, speculations, let's keep it clean. Best of luck!

    P.S. I'm very excited about this!!! :)
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  2. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I hope you're right, we need more Tanks out there!

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  3. TheRealDeathern New Player

    IF the power can dps and IF the power can tank, you will be right. New is always popular, if only for an instance...
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  4. Mr AFK New Player

    if red rage tank... yes I go tank :)
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  5. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    Depending on the content. I have no doubt there will be a lot new rage pwr toons. Like every new pwr that comes out but tanks I don't know. All content can run w/o a tank, except nexus. Paradox wave w/just tyrant a lone u don't need a tank. Plus w/ud32 nerf of paradox wave I don't see an influx of tanks.

    Don't get me wrong I love having tanks but burn is priority first, IMO.
  6. fairyofdiscord Well-Known Player

    we shall see they should announce late this month or next month.
  7. Burnt New Player

    Three weeks after the new tank power is released people will remember that they can get through content faster with an extra DPS and tanks will be left behind again. I don't like it but history proves this to be true.
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  8. Flightboy New Player

    I agree I hardly dps with my main because of the above fact!
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  9. Green Lantern New Player

    Man I hope we're talking more constructs. I might just go back to Tanking, my first love.
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  10. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    i wonder if it'll have prec combos like HL, celestial and earth
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  11. Whiteroom New Player

    With the tank revamp and the new content being more designed for two tanks, this may not be as feasible.
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  12. fairyofdiscord Well-Known Player

    might is the word here and its a big might.
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  13. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    More dps as usual. Tanking is dull and underappreciated. I'm aiming to make one..but only owing to the fact that my only tank has been on villain side. Levelling a tank is to wallow in disappointment as alert after alert would rather you were a dps or anything else...then scream where are the tanks when it comes to a raid.
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  14. Burnt New Player

    I hope for people who enjoy tanking you're right. Just remember, we were supposed to run FoS 2 with multiple tanks but I can't ever remember doing so. I guess only time will tell.
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  15. Flightboy New Player

    I agree with you some what. Closing tunnels in wave I disagree. I think a tank controlling the spawned adds is a bigger plus than controllers CCing IMO. Also, having a tank range the tyrant is very beneficial (especially when it's just the tyrant) to the group because he will only beam the tank if the tank positions him/herself correctly.

    With the reduced to normal difficulty this may change, but IMO for T5 raids currently it's very beneficial to have a tank.
  16. Flightboy New Player

    I agree only time will tell. I'd love see content that will require it. That alone would be game changing for all.

    Strictly speculation here: if we base the history of new released powers it looks like it may be a might power

    1. Light - Precision Based
    2. Electricity - Might Based
    3. Earth - Precision Based
    4. Quantum - Might Based
    5. Celestial - Precision Based
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  17. Whiteroom New Player

    Of course people are going to try, no matter what, people will always try to complete content faster. Given that completing content means taking out enemies, this means burn is better. They way around it will be do things where different bosses have to be pulled to different areas to be burned or to be knocked out at the same time. Whether it is by burning them in a specific spot, or burning them out of range of each other.
    I cant see them making it impossible to run without two tanks due to the limited number of roles available. Some of those things seem to difficult though, given that people have trouble grasping the "dodge the one shot" of nex/dox.
    We will see how it goes, I will be switching to the new tank power myself, I have almost a full bank of tank styles to use up as well as almost full 88 tank, and none of the current tank powers interest me.
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  18. Whiteroom New Player

    good attitude there. time will tell.
  19. Lodar Monak Active Player

    Depends on the new content and which direction this will take the game. I would like to see new raid content require the following composition for completion:
    1. Main tank
    2. Off tank (hybrid spec, or dual armories spec for specific encounters within an instance)
    3. Vit troll
    4. Dom troll
    5. Main Heal
    6. Off heal (same as off tank)
    7. Dps
    8. Dps

    I believe that this composition would make for some refreshing raid mechanics and be a welcome change from the current tank and spank that we are given. The OFF roles can be hybrid specs and not require armories at all and Dom trolls should be made relevant in encounters where CCing adds for the duration is more efficient then killing them. This will also encourage dual speccing as there will only be 2 of each class in a raid.
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  20. Susanoo Well-Known Player

    Or it will spawn wanna be tanks n give the good ones all bad names lol