Tanking Lockdown with 4,4k deff 1,8k dom

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GrowlingNight92, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. GrowlingNight92 New Player

    Today i decided to have a little fun...and oh boy i did ^^. Pushing my rage tank to its limits , i guess i'll do this more often :).

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  2. yssandra Active Player

    When I switched my troll to rage I did something similar, I also tanked LD but without tank gear, so i had around 800 dom and was unable to pull any of the adds, it was really fun, but we were only able to make it thanks to our trollers, that took care of the technitians. :)
  3. GrowlingNight92 New Player

    Well i guess i could have done that too but if i can't control the adds it wouldn't be much fun xD
  4. Ogat New Player

    pfft, dat emp from full range dpsing .. xd I hate you all just when i went to work :(
  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Wow, mind bloooooooown!

    You are a good tank, I'm actually going to make a rage tank alt now.
  6. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    That's really fun, and a great demo for people who think that meeting the dominance recommendation impacts holding aggro on enemies. I did A&B in mostly DPS gear, total of 600 Dom. Wasn't even a challenge until Hank and Sinestro were both beating on me.
  7. Unida Dedicated Player


    use the lower neck mod or drop it all together/