Tank Vs Tank! Revamp Edition

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by L T, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    How much Dominance is too much? I’m at 209 cr with 173 skill points. I have 150 put into dominance and wearing full tank gear and my dominance is at 6377. I have way more dominance than I need. Earth 3: The Escape (Elite) suggested dominance is at 5853. My health is 33860 I feel that’s too low. Should I continue increasing my dominance or focus on health?
  2. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    As far as health it depends on your powerset. I'm a Fire Tank....and have about 67k in health. I have 225sp. I spec into health and resto then a little in dom. The gear gives enough dominance for me cr226 in Tank gear and full health and dom modded ...my Dom is over 7.3k

    Edit...just remembered seeing you in other posts...you're Rage. NM. Disregard. Irrelevant info for you. I have rage tanked but prolly not the one to give advice for a good build.
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  3. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Yeah I know what you’re saying but and dominance for rage is the way to go but when is enough? That question might not be directed at you but help would be appreciated. I just think as a tank our health should be more than 33k.
  4. L T Devoted Player

    I need to re-run the numbers for Rage now that Severe's Defense buff lasts 15 seconds. If you're running with Severe Punishment, Redirected Rage, and Remorseless Recovery, and you're buffing your health by keeping the hit counter up, Dominance was a solid winner by roughly 10% of your total health. If you don't run with a shield for some reason, or if you're not keeping the hit counter high, Health becomes more valuable. Don't look too hard at suggested Dominance-- Ice and Rage can never have too much Dom.
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  5. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I don’t run with Redirected Rage or Remorseless Recovery. I do just fine, I been experimenting with Vindictive though. The thing about the hit counter is you have to reapply it everytime you encounter an enemy and reach 50x. I usually just let my defense buff with Severe Punishment keep me alive. I could just swap out Channeled Hate for Redirected Rage to be more safe. I just feel 33k health isn’t enough and 150 points into dominance is enough since gear alone gives you a lot. I’m working on acquiring components for the health justice underground mod (forgot the name) that gives I believe 441 and just modding all my gear with health. Also, add skill points into health as well. I just been stuck on whether to continue adding points into dominance or leaving it as is.
  6. L T Devoted Player

    That completely changes the equasion. Forget Dom-- Go pure Health. You're not using the abilities that benefit from Dom.

    Vindictive seems great. Not sure why it's not more popular, especially with the mod for it.
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  7. Cyro Committed Player

    It was great then they gave it a 30 second cooldown. With soul cloak it looks more appealing however.
  8. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Doesn’t Severe Punishment benefit from dom? I’m just gonna go ahead and swap out Channeled Hate for Redirected Rage and focus my skill points for health. Yeah the 30 second cool down is absurd the only time I use it is when I don’t have power and I’m hard stunned or just getting ganged up to the point I can’t move lol. Thanks for the help by the way. One question. The tank artifact, does it give health or does it buff up your health?
  9. Cadens Dedicated Player

    After reading this, i almost want to try rage with 195 health points (remainder in dom), and using empowered channeling with channeled hate instead of a shield. You gain defense, heal yourself, and you won't be interrupted. Might be kinda fun to try!
  10. Cadens Dedicated Player

    No, it does not benefit from DOM. Your hit point increase (from your combo meter) and heals from other powers do though. Severe punishment is a set 75% heal based on the damage you are taking.
  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    That’s good to know then.
  12. Cadens Dedicated Player

    When I run Earth, I spec full might and crit, using the brick pet. I have done all content in the game without taking much damage at all. If you keep your pet healed at all times, it is literally the easiest tank power in the game, and you can rival average DPSers in raids. Many times, I get top DPS in tank stance as Earth, and I hardly take any damage because of Brick.

    It is not much of a solo power though (when your group wipes you wipe). Rage on the otherhand, I am able to continue a boss fight for the most part, and complete it by myself as long as it is within striking distance and wont take 45 minutes to kill them.

    I highly suggest everyone trying Earth with a full might spec (dont bother with dom), and just mash your powers being sure that you keep your pet shield up and healed. If brick dies, you were already doing jackhammer so your defense instantly increases (not as much as if you would have spec'd dom though), then recast him. Use a shield if necessary while you get him back out. Dominance has zero influence on brick other than your defense. The defense bonus with 195 skillpoints in dom v 0, is negligible at best when brick is out.

    Guess what I am trying to say is that I have played all of the tank powers, and Earth, Rage, and ice are the top by far. Earth can double as a DPS in raids and hardly take damage. Rage and ice are their own beasts, but the damage output doesn't even come close to Earth. Earth battle tank is the best tank in this game if you don't get forced to solo finish a boss.
  13. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    So you’re saying Density+Proton Remedy+3x combos while aura on? I don’t like how density looks lol Hybrid or Superpowered?
  14. L T Devoted Player

    For Atomic I've been using both. I think Atomic tanks must get some kind of a regeneration buff because no matter how fast I combo or what other abilities I clip in between I never seem to run low on power. I very rarely use weapon attacks as Atomic, and I only block when I'm purposely trying to get things to lunge at me, and still I rarely run low.

    If that's not you, go superpowered. If it is, go hybrid and grab the extra 5% Dom.
  15. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I noticed I would run low on power because I combo all three combos from both powers and the supercharge generator. When I tried to use weapons to regenerate power I noticed I’m focusing my situation to regenerate power and that can cause me to lose focus of having the aura up. Having switched to Superpowered I noticed my power rarely goes low. The extra %5 dominance is eyeing me though.
  16. L T Devoted Player

    I don't use the supercharge generator for either role. If you run low on power then 100% go superpowered. You just can't count on weapons to regenerate power as an Atomic tank. You don't last long without constantly doing combos.
  17. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Yeah I noticed that’s why I switched to Superpowered. I have the supercharged generator because I also use Energized. I was messing with Neovenom Boost, Atomic Blast and Energize. NVB was alright just didn’t like the long cooldown. I like the 40% more damage output and defense though. But, for 12s I believe, I replaced it. Atomic Blast is alright as well but it’s a cone attack. Don’t know if it’s any use when I’m taking. A little damage is still useful than no damage. Energize, you said it’s a strong heal. Is it based off of restoration? I like the 0.5 second cooldown.
  18. L T Devoted Player

    Yeah it's standard Dom and resto heal, that should get you close to max health even without healing crits (those will apply to energize).
  19. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I need some Atomic tanking input. I don’t have a lot of skill points. I recently made this toon and leveled him up to 30. I tanked 4-man event and Centennial event perfectly fine. In fact at cr 48 with 39 skill points I can do any instance without trouble. It’s just my load out and Atomic powers I have questions with.

    1. Atom Splitter (my pull)
    2. Proton Remedy (quark aura and HOT)
    3. Density (damage absorption-shield)
    4. Energize (this is amazing and the cool down is too)
    5. Thermochemical Explosion (my spam combo, it’s slow, but has a faster
    6. Unleash Anti-Matter (supercharge generator)

    I’m undecided between Electron Flare and Proton Remedy. I’m not a dps so I guess Proton Remedy more beneficial as a tank?
    What’s your opinion?

    Thermochemical Explosion is slow and I noticed my health was dropping because I wasn’t comboing faster. Out of the three range combos, which one is faster and better? Some say Beta Surge.

    Is Unleash Anti-Matter worth it or can I get away by using the artifact and mod
  20. L T Devoted Player

    First off, character looks cool!

    suggestion for your load out: use a ranged combo in addition to atom splitter so you can taunt adds that spawn far away. I think beta Surge is the fastest, but nuclear burst might have farther range and will be nearly as fast. Ditch proton remedy for electron flare only for alerts or content where you're looking to "battle tank" -- ie pretty easy content. Also, as a Tank I usually like to run with a group break-out in harder content also. There are a bunch of AOE crowd control moves that the bosses in the latest content have where it's useful to cleanse the whole group.
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