Tank Vs Tank! Revamp Edition

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by L T, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. ObsidianChill_DCUO Well-Known Player

    True enough, I use it more as a panic button than anything else as you can just as easily sit in deflection until your other powers come off cooldown if you are out of a sync rotation. Amazon Deflection has no upper limit to its defense, which is something the devs should certainly address if SM ever comes back. I have tanked DWF omega beam for 175,000 dmg, the nuke from USE 184,000, the laser from Ultraman 136,000 all without even feeling the slightest scratch
  2. L T Devoted Player

    Fire is up. Analyzed and exposed. Reed it and weep.
  3. Korlick Loyal Player

    I thought the Healing-In buff was just for the heals received, not for the self heals.
    Anyway...it seems like my impresions about blocking>active were correct. Adding the HLShield and Amazon Deflect would make the difference even bigger.

    But ill wait until you finish with everything in this guide before i take any conclusion.
  4. L T Devoted Player

    The healing buff is definitely all healing in-- from yourself or from a healer. You can verify that yourself pretty easily as the heals get noticeably smaller when you hold block.

    HL Shield is really strong. Amazon Deflection is OP-- until you get countered. When I tank with Fire-- and I try to avoid it these days-- AD has replaced Eternal Flame on my loadout.
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  5. L T Devoted Player

    Earth is up!

    It's changed A LOT under revamp. Gone are the days when Aftershocks and Brick were identical.
  6. BrandonB Well-Known Player

  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I really appreciate the work you put in for the tanking class so far. My only complaint is the cheap shots you take at dps.
  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    Did you test the Chest mods? to be precise Hearty vs Quick Healing.
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  9. Op argillite Active Player

    shut your face lol, don't ruin a good thing earth needs amazon deflect to be truly elite don't ruin it for everyone
  10. L T Devoted Player

    I just call it like I see it.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    Glad you enjoy the read. Sorry to insult all the DPS out there. I'll go back to ripping on the controllers in the Rage write-up!
    I do 99% of my testing on the Test server, and the Hearty mod isn't available there. I'll try to add a section to the Iconic section.
    Speaking of the Iconic section, Amazonian Deflection will be described there. Moja and Spord are totally aware of how strong the Iconic abilities are and AD in particular. I'm reasonably sure that it's working as intended and no nerf is planned.
  12. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    This is a good point, something I had wondered about too. I have been running the Hearty mod as Fire, based on nothing more than an assumption it’s better than the healing in mod. Not wishing to preempt any upcoming work LT has done I’d also be interested if there are any Tank thoughts on the Guardian Angel neck mod too.

    Great work by the way LT. Looking forward to the rest of your work.
  13. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Read the description of Guardian Angel on its tool tip... the effect occurs once every 5 minutes or something like that. It will save your life once only to get it taken away by the second hit.
  14. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    I made an assumption that it might have been obvious by my post that I’ve read and understood the tool tip. Just to clarify, I’ve read the description of the mod and understand fully how it works. Apologies if that wasn’t clear? I just wandered if anyone has actually decided to utilise the mod or whether people had experience of it, especially high end content where one shots are present.
  15. L T Devoted Player

    The hearty mod looks to be a slight (1-2%) win for fire. Haven't looked at the other tanks yet.
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  16. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    What is the Hearty mod?
  17. L T Devoted Player


    Rage's performance will have people seeing red. Because... you know... I used a lot of red in my spreadsheet.
  18. L T Devoted Player

    The hearty mod is the super-rare mods that came out of one of the time capsules. It gives a 5% health buff, which was really weak when Quick Healing was a 10% heal buff, but now that Quick Healing is 2% Hearty looks ok.
  19. mr maartie Level 30

    I like this thread, cant wait for the next parts!
  20. L T Devoted Player

    The Summary is now live. Those of you who've been reading along won't be surprised by the conclusions.

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