Take Counter Mechanics out Or Fix them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thenewkidd, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Torqz New Player

    There's two things that I think take most of the fun out of this system for me, the first is the loss of control of my character. It's probably ok to cause me to lose control of my character every once in a blue moon, but constantly is very annoying.

    The second is the loss of my power, since I play celestial 90% of my damage is reliant on completing a combo, if I get interrupted etc in the middle of the combo I do close to 0 damage for the full cost of the power I just tried to do.

    If they could have a system that didn't end up making it where I cannot control my character and didn't cause me to blow my power away, I think it would be much more fun.
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  2. oF1RESTARo New Player

  3. TMadness Well-Known Player

    This man speaks the Truth! Hal Jordan has been hacking in AnB and NOTHING has been done to stop him! I'm tired of him being able to do BB damage to me without actually BBing me! He is a Hacker and I demand he be STOPPED! :)

    In all seriousness it is an actual issue that I hope you guys take a look into.
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  4. mollypoppinz Well-Known Player

    i agree fix this. ps. i only get mad because the batmen pull this kinda sheisty tatics.

    i ran nexus one time and 1 batman block breaks 1 blocks 2 are attacking ... what should a player do in this situation.
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  5. Solutha New Player

    The best course of action is to do nothing. Just stand there. Its the only way you don't get countered.
  6. thenewkidd New Player

    Some people are not understanding...

    I love a challenge like the next guy and I don't care if the counter mechanics are in PVE... BUT ONLY when they work...
    Since they don't work half the time I would rather them not be in PVE at all than sitting and waiting for an enemy to come out of block... because hey... some "brand new" player who knows nothing about immunities just made that enemy "immune" for a period...

    A DPS can still learn how to block, roll, and block break if the enemy doesn't have immunites..... instead....
    you are going to frustrate the people who know nothing about immunities and thinking "Block break doesn't work" so why do it?

    Why block when the enemy can knock you down ANYWAY when you do and they lunged you...

    So maybe I was going about this wrong...
    Take away Immunity in PVE... it is stupid to have it in PVP.. but I can deal with it there..... In PVE... I want to be able to use the mechanics and the mechanics to WORK...

    I doubt the Devs care anyway... This thread has how many likes and yet the devs like that we get frustrated when we cannot counter our enemies.
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  7. Spidey Well-Known Player

    It's annoying. Some bosses just sit there and turtle the entire fight with very few block breakers actually registering.
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  8. Sylo Committed Player

    If I wanted to play against macro's and speedhackers....I'd play pvp :D
  9. EzioNight New Player

    Take em out! Better fix than anything!
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  10. Bokugo New Player

    Until they fix/remove this crap(and quite a few other issues), they will not get any money out of me at all. This game has become boring and dumb and the devs seem to not give a f***. So many horrible decisions NO ONE asked for, calling bugs features (still have never seen the "glow" the feint supposedly does), and bad customer relations. This game is starting to die now. It's a shame too because the PS4 could have brought much more new life to this game, but they messed that up royally as well.
    I would say "That's my 2 cents", but I wont give you that.
  11. NexGenX New Player

    You haven't acknowledged the "broken" ascpect of them. Most of us enjoy the challenge they propose. But ALOT of the time bosses and sub-bosses can become immune to the mechanics while you're still vulnerable to them. Not mention the ridiculous notion of weaker mobs being able to block punish or interrupt and I'm talking the normal trash ones such as "Lesser Demons" or such. (not to say that they are the mobs that specifically exhibit this).
  12. Whiteroom New Player

    While I agree the could use some tuning, just imagine Berserk without them.
  13. Redscreen5 New Player

    Phatom triangle users in my league have been in constant bad spirits

    Aside the DPSing it is very annoying with us trolls simply building combo's up for power out and getting lunged half the time. I don't see how its supposed to be "challenging" its more annoying then anything else.

    Also the CC is a massive issue and it will rot the mechanics of the game the longer it is unresolved. It feels like my toon is fighting in space with the juggling feeling and receiving CC from a NPC's weapon attacks ? that is absurd.
  14. thenewkidd New Player

    So we are supposed to have broken mechanics in a game because of one specific power?

    The game was great till the devs decided to give Add immunites... they have a bad habit of breaking things that aren't broken.

    Something that still hasn't been addressed is... HOW is a brand new player supposed to know about immunities?.. Is it in a tutorial?
    All they get is the counter tutorial on the ship.. and when they try and do those counters (learned on the ship mind you)... they think.. hey.. my block break didn't work.. or.. I got lunged and they knocked me down and I was blocking...

    These are the things that kill the game.. and though I would never quit... if I started this game now... I would quit or not even begin to want to pay a monthly for a game that teaches me counters that do not work.
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  15. Whiteroom New Player

  16. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    that is why u get tossed around like a lvl 3 on the open world missions. try more cc on them and there is very little "trowing around". or run them with other weapons - bow or hb do wonders there...
  17. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    I despise handblasters & bow. Why should I have to change weapons for a low level? I like the rifle. It's when u get a huge group of NPCs like in the wastelands it always seems to target the NPC farther than where u r at when switching to the next target and just drags groups and more to u. The targeting system is just as annoying.
  18. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    you don't have to but then life with being tossed around. LOL and by the way, do u know how that you can target the enemies by yourself? i dont know the keys on pc-side but on ps its l1 and dpad left or right...
  19. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    It needs to be fixed.

    It just slows everything down.
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  20. game007dad Well-Known Player

    I think they should be removed from PvE altogether, they are beyond broken. The staff using NPCs in the new content are among the best example of how broken this mechanic can be. If they block you can almost never block-break them, even the Explosive Block mod rarely works(at least in my experience). Keep PvE as PvE & PvP as PvP, not an unreasonable request seeing as PvE pays the price ever time a nerf comes out aimed at PvP.
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