T5 & T6 Iconic Anomalies/Legends Solos: A Question On "Relevancy"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xhalur, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. xhalur Well-Known Player

    So with all of this talk here on the Forums lately about needing more Solo content in-game (and rightly so, I might add ;)), a thought had crossed my mind.

    Why are the T5 and T6 Iconic Anomalies/Legends Solos part of the recent changes to content "relevancy"?

    I mean that as an honest question, because let's look at the fact: it is currently impossible to ever over-gear for an Iconic Anomaly/Legends Solo. Since we are basically playing a one-player version of LPvE, our own characters' CR, SP, and other stats are pretty much non-existent inside these Instances. As such, regardless of how much we may improve and progress our own characters, the Legends used in these Iconic Anomalies will always remain the same since their stats are always static. So if there is never any actual change in the Instances' difficulty over time, why are the Mark rewards taken away from us as we move out of tier?

    How about it Devs? Can you throw us a bone here? We're so light on Solo content in this game already, so can we at least keep the Iconic Anomalies/Legends Solos relevant, since we can't actually make them... you know... irrelevant?

    I realize it might not be an ideal situation for Solo-content enthusiasts, but it's a start, and I know that those extra four Marks per day could go a long way for some people.
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  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Because it is irrelevant how easy/difficult content is in order to be in your relevancy window for marks. The relevancy window is simply based on the current cycle + 1 cycle back (the last 6 Episodes total that you can access). Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Difficulty, overgearing or level syncing is irrelevant to what your relevancy window is.
  3. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    All of your points make absolute sense and 4 extra instances really won't impact our current payout. I really only do solos and duos on weekdays, so this would be a big help. However, I'd rather they leave it as is. If this was implemented, I would absolutely take advantage, especially since the T5 ones are among the shortest challenges in the game. I just wouldn't want to play these 'til the end of time.
  4. xhalur Well-Known Player

    But that's the thing with relevancy windows. The only way to move out of relevancy is to acquire more gear/CR and become more powerful, which results in making content easier and easier over time, until there is virtually no effort involved in its completion.

    However, with Iconic Anomalies/Legends Solos, our own gear/CR/SP mean nothing. No matter how much we may increase them, Legends stats are always static and won't increase even though we as characters do, as has been originally stated in my OP.

    So regardless of whether it's part of a "cycle" or not, I ask again (not necessarily to just you, but to everyone, including and especially the Devs): in regards to Iconic Anomalies/Legends Solos, how can something be justified and considered irrelevant just from moving out of tier when it is pretty much impossible to actually make the content itself irrelevant since it can't ever be over-geared or ever have its difficulty/challenge truly diminished? o_O