Synthetic mods not increasing CR

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lexluker, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Lexluker New Player

    I had read that synthetic mods increased your CR, but I just added one to my chest and one to my legs & there was no increase.

    I purchased the Tier 3 mods from the Heroes PVE Tier 3 Healer gear vendor for 125 MOT each. I was 68CR before adding them and 68CR afterwards. This is the first time I have added a mod so I really don't know if it should be a noticeable CR increase or not, but since they were put on the Chest and Legs I figured there would at least be a 1CR increase.

    Has there been a change to how these work, am I expecting more out of the mods then I should or was it some kind of bug?
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    A Synthetic Mod increases the Item Level of a piece of gear just as a Crafted Mod.
    Since your Combat Rating is based on the Item Levels of your gear slots, it may take Mods in several pieces to increase your CR.

    There are several online CR calculators that estimate what effects certain Mods should provide.
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  3. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    yep sometime it takes more than i expected to get those bumps.........synthetics bump it up but not as much as crafted. I use the synthetic on lower but the higher your CR, the more it is worth it and harder it is to get supplies for crafting you mods.

    So always collect the shinnies, and save them for later because you will need them.
  4. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Exactly! I just put synth mods in for my alt in 4 pieces of gear and my CR went up by 2.
  5. Lexluker New Player

    Thanks for the info. Looking at the calculator I am guessing I am just resting on the tipping point of getting to the next CR level. Must have just been a tiny bit under getting another CR level up with the two mods.
  6. ArchibaldIII New Player

    Not what you asked but at CR68 there is a MKII weapon that appears in Central City. Usually very helpful for improving CR.
  7. Lexluker New Player

    Oh, I didn't know about that weapon. I picked up a level 52 or 56 weapon from the vendor there a bit ago. Does it appear at the same group of vendors after you get to CR68 then?
  8. ChuckLess New Player

  9. Lexluker New Player

    Thanks everyone for the help. I really enjoy this game, but finding useful info about stuff like this seems to be way harder then other mmos like WOW & Final Fantasy XIV.

    For instance, I still have no idea what to do in Safehouse pvp matches. It says that there are goals in the description, but once the match starts I just get flooded with so many players and npcs I have no clue what to do. Doing a search for, "dcuo safehouse pvp" doesn't bring up any useful info at all either. :p
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  10. HersheyKiss New Player

    1 mod usually wont bump your cr. And syn mods dont bump the IL up as much as crafted mods do.
  11. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Sometimes a relog is necessary for the UI to populate the new CR. It's been bugged like that for years now.
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  12. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Don't worry. No one else knows either :p jk

    Usually the safe house PvP is a "Take the rock" to the objective marked on your map. Another form of the safehouse PvP is where you get in the mech suit and disarm the bombs marked on your map. Should be noted that due to poor design the markings on your map might not show if the objective area is on a different elevation than you are.

    I personally hate safehouse and hope it dies. I also feel the same about Shadowlands an random respawn timers.
  13. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Exactly why I don't do the Safehouse PVP matches because there is no description on what to do and people start yelling at you when you wander around looking all lost. :D