Switch Server Downtime - April 28, 2022 - Episode 43: Dark Knights

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. Arrakhiss New Player

    If i m allowed to shout out, i fun mind the delay for seitch hpwever i notice theres tons of undolved bugs yet to be npticed by dev. Instead of compensation we got, we feel treated like unwanted son in law, if dev to peek other mmos, they also have disaster lsunch of new expansion. I am an immigrant from ffxiv and swtor. No means of promoting other mmos, but they does give compesation and reward for reporting bug exploiting and founding. Perhaps the mods n devs n the shareholder wants to study how ffxiv toppled wow as the best mmorpg. I will say. Dcuo also can.
  2. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Actually, there are tons of unresolved bugs on EVERY platform, some of which have been around for many years.
  3. Morrigam Level 30

    Thank you for letting us know. However, according to mepps the switch should be able to run the game without the current issues. So either he's lying (not saying he is, just that the "you playing on switch" doesn't hold much weight against that). Also, as far as I know the terrible lag is only on switch NA. I've heard switch EU doesn't have this issue (I haven't personally play there so don't take my word on that), but their population is really low sadly.
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  4. DubiousOP Active Player

    The problem is Daybreak did mess up, they knew Nintendo had a deadline to get things approved, daybreak ignored the deadline. I see no reason to blame anyone else but daybreak for this delay.
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Because of the different platforms' logistics and our own timelines, we expect and intend to launch Switch episodes and major updates about two weeks later than the rest of the platforms from now on. We understand it isn't ideal.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Also, all worlds are now online.
  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Notice how horrible this argument of yours really is:

    1. Whil it's true that "You are playing on switch" is a terrible answer, he is referring to the logistics of the DLCs, not as means to justify the lag. Misinterpretation.
    2. "as far as I know" -> You are basing your answer on what you think it is.
    3. "I've heard that" -> You are basing your answers on RUMORS.
    4. Switch EU doesn't have this issue exactly because of its smaller population. If you get ANY game to play with only 2 people with any internet connection, you will never suffer from the same laf you will if you run the exact same game on the exact same console, with the exact same connection, but with 20 players. This is simply a false impression. You wouldn't suffer from lags like this in NA Switch if you were playing alone, you know.

    I am usually not nitpicky on people who are not as*****s, but for some reason people insist on blaming mepps for the craziest things possible when he is just relaying information. This is as crazy as someone shooting ME for saying "Your home looks fine" 5 seconds after it explodes.
  8. Morrigam Level 30

    Is very nice of you to defend mepps. However, none of my comments have been attacking him directly. Never said that the "I've heard that" wasn't based on rumors. I stated that is all the information I have. I also have heard that the switch can run the game. Can I prove it? No, but is all the information I have. Most, if not all the people from switch that have come here have keep it respectful eventho we have been suffering and frustrated for the lag.
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  9. Iggy True New Player

    Yeah? Well you honestly wouldn't get my money either... js.
  10. KingFLT New Player

    Sir we do suffer the same things on EU than you guys on NA just a bit less intense, that's all i ever said about lag on EU to you as i am your source for that knowledge.
  11. Morrigam Level 30

    Not a very reliable tho. Just to be 100% clear you can notice I used the word "server".

  12. Morrigam Level 30

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  13. Nezquick Level 30

    Wait are there no base items this DLC either? Is that the new norm?