Survival Mods is a waste

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    What is the point of SM other than bragging rights? It's something that people do that does nothing toward progression. It gives no Feats, no Marks, no Gear, no Prestige. There is no need to run it.

    People are obsessing with it but it gets you nothing. It's like drinking from an empty can do it and do it ...and hours later, your no better than when you first tried it.
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  2. Little Sister New Player

    It's for a fun challenge. Have you never played a game before ? o_O
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  3. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    It gives no progression. So the people who are able to help lowbies and such...are all in SM and not available. All the rest are people who can't do the content due to lack of experience, or they are overgeared and underskilled.
  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    If it doesn't progress you, its a waste of my legendary status subscription.
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  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Then don't sub.

    It seems to me that if people didn't want to run it and thought it was a waste of time......they wouldn't run it.

    And if nobody ran it, the devs would take notice.

    In fact, I have seen exactly one thread about SM being a waste....and more suggesting future versions.
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  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    So you're saying a CR99 person can't help lowies because he/she has no experience, is overgeared and underskilled?
    Well you live in a strange world. I think I helped three our four new league members to do numerous alert feats and gear up to end content in the last week.
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  7. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Dude... Thats the point. Its for bragging rights, and the devs said it wouldnt be for progression. Its for styles and base items n ect, none of which are attached to feats. It wasnt really a waste, it was a prototype. And above all, it was Optional. Ya didnt have to play if you didnt want and it wouldnt have effected you
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  8. sterl320 New Player

    Survival mode was clearly something to the thousands of people that played it. It isn't something for everyone. Not everyone loves a challenge just because its a challenge. It's only for the select few... (see what I did there?)

    I played it and thoroughly enjoyed it, and I'm loving my shirts.
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  9. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Which is why it comes free and you dont pay for it.

    It should never provide REAL progression (IE: Gear or Marks), but i'd be lying if I said I didnt think something should be in there. Exobytes and/or exceptional recovery kits being my main suggestion, feats being the second.

    Put something, ANYTHING that isnt a rehashed style, and more people play and replay it. 38000 individual characters played SM on its first go around, if that thing was dropping Exobytes that number would increase and would make people want to run it.
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  10. Avian Dedicated Player

    The bragging rights is exactly what SM is about. Survival Mode is a challenge for the top players who wants to prove how good they are. If you don't see the point of it then simply don't run it, there are lots of players who enjoyed the challenge and wanted to test how good they and their friends are and that is how it's going to be for future SMs as well.

    SM doesn't offer anything directly to progression but it improves player skill and communication so the longer you get the better you are compared to when you first tried it.

    The point of a game is not progression, it's having fun and SM provides just that for the hardcore players.
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  11. DC-Doll New Player

    For practice. I'll bet darn well if you run it enough you'll learn and discover new techniques of the game mechanics and your own power and learn to do your role more efficiently. You'll learn how to stay on your toes and how to over come a challenge. If you think there aren't mechanics introduced slowly in there that aren't going to be stronger in later raids, odds are you're in for a disappointment. Do you get skill points or gear? No. But that kind of stuff prepares you for new content.

    Oh and you get a shiny new toilet. :p
    Seriously if anybody has a toilet on PC for a reasonable price, hit me up I want one :D
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  12. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I think it's more like climbing a mountain. It trains your skills, exercises your muscles, and tests your endurance...but in the end all you've got is bragging rights.

    You don't want to do it, don't do it, but it's clearly been a shot in the arm the competitive community hasn't seen since the first legends tournament at SOE Live.
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Nothing in DCUO is free.

    We pay for it with our subs, Armories, Replays (well not me since I don't buy Replays.... but you get the idea), Etc.

    So we do pay for the time spent working on SM. Or the time spent testing it. Etc.

    I can see how it could be seen as wasted ressources that could be better spent elsewhere..... especially if you are not part of those who actually use it.
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  14. junglejim New Player

    The challenge was reward enough for me but seeing as I bagged myself a pool table it was best loot ive had in ages. Forever even . Makes up for all the iconic styles ove never had
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  15. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Another "this is a waste" thread :rolleyes:
    If you don't want to run it, or you can't run for this or that reason, then don't. But don't call something a waste when it brings entertainment or joy for other people.

    I personally don't like Survival Mode, but I have seen my league run it and enjoy it because it was a challenge and that is what matters to me. Just cause I can't find anything worth while in it doesn't make it a waste.
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  16. kawe Loyal Player

    fun and progression don't always have to go together.

    I have fun with this challenge. And I don't need progression to have fun.

    SM is meant for those who are basically done with this game, high SP, highest gear. It's here to entertain those who are up for it. But since a big part of the playerbase is not at the point where they have nothing to do in the game, adding progression to SM would exlude those from it.

    Some people like PvE, some don't. Some only PvP, other never PvP. SM is just that, for ppl who like it. You don't like it? Totally ok, you don't have to.
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  17. Lady Thren New Player

    SM is basicly somehing to do after capping and acomplishing your in-game goals at end game. Bragging rights are just a bonus & bragging is a choice. It can also serve as practice & to see how you can progress your skills as a player vs what you thought you knew. Great practice. Nice challenge. Epic time waste-er. Still, hella fun. :)
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  18. No Aywok New Player

    I have a side question, but it's still well-within the thread topic...

    I thought I remember reading that the base items from Survival Mode would only be obtainable through Survival Mode (as in exclusive).

    Am I missing something, or is the toilet the only base item you can't get from running the Origin Crisis 4-man Operations?
  19. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Agreed, nothing is free. That said, I hate iconic solos... they are a waste of resources. If I hated duos or dailies or any other part of this game, again, waste of resources. I know you weren't downing on SM, but the point I am making is that just because a group of people do not run something or like something doesn't make it a waste.

    SM is there for those of us as stated, that are at the end of the game and who love to challenge themselves. I haven't seen a challenge since my first attempt at nexus or wave pre-nerf, and I welcomed survival mode passionately. The reason that it has no progression is that the people who were incapable of running it would complain about having a piece of content out needed to progress and being unable to do it. (like with OC came out)
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  20. russ4ua15 New Player

    SM will make you a better player and a better league
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