Survival Mode - Soloing the first wave of adds

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deathmike, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Deathmike Devoted Player

    They should definitely do a major balance pass on all the tanking classes.

    Deathmike out.
    • Like x 5
  2. Akroma New Player

    nice. what the reasoning behind using dash attack while rage tanking?
  3. Flightboy New Player

    Well done! :D
  4. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Wow jealous much? You know the forums saying, Video or didn't happen, well this is him showing it did happen, Viva la Death Mike
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  5. Deathmike Devoted Player

    It shields you for 50k damage for 3 seconds.
    This can give you a fighting chance in situations which would otherwise be utterly hopeless.

    Deathmike out.
  6. Akroma New Player

    oh damn thats really good for rage. those adds in the later rounds are absolutely brutal on me before i stack my health. in fact this can be good for just about every role lol. boss lunges at you to do a special and just speed dash away.
  7. Deepeess New Player

    Hahahaha!! Sure you solo the first wave of add in SM all the time,
    And I ONLY believe you do because, I got to round 7 soloing in DPS role,
    not gonna post a vid tho, don't really want to you know.. brag.
  8. M1 Garand Well-Known Player

  9. NCR RANGER New Player

    Well maybe if dominance actually scaled our control effects.
    • Like x 1
  10. Hero of Justice New Player

    Wow :eek:

    But awesome :) Major kudos, Deathmike.
  11. Crimson Jonni New Player

    O yea tell me about it lol. These adds have some dev level breakout trinkets; even with 1800 dom, well above the required amount, these amazon just stretch a bit and boom, cc effect broken. Now when i try that, its trinket, get stunned again, spam breakout till im out of power, rinse and repeat. No bueno
  12. Lady Thren New Player

    Grats Mike!
  13. John New Player

    as you can see rage is op imagine this in pvp though
  14. John New Player

    It will take you a week to solo the whole sm
  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Can't forget how much the colas and repair bots costs.
  16. John New Player

    repair bots when would he have time to repair?
  17. John New Player

    when would he have to to repair?
  18. John New Player

    Deathmike out?
  19. Deathmike Devoted Player

    I calculated my Damage per Second to be somewhere around 1.5K. (this was just by dividing the Damage Out on the scoreboard by the time the fight took, ignoring the fact that some of the damage out is fake for rage; don't know exactly how much that would factor in)
    Anyway, rage is indeed pretty crazy; not only can you survive indefinitely in situations where any other tank would get mangled in seconds (or tens of seconds if burning all SCs cooldowns etc.) but you can also keep up some pretty high damage while doing so.

    Deathmike out.
  20. SoulflyMike42 New Player