Survival Mode is really enjoyable, but I have a question XD

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Firstly, I just want to throw our developers a huge THANK YOU for this "Event". It is everything I imagined and more :D

    Secondly, a shout out to members / long time friends in our league. We really have some very talented people that know this game very well.


    Feel free to add any methods (no glitch garbage) to the madness of Round 7's Boss Fight :D

    I hope you guys are enjoying SM as much as we are!!! Best of luck to you all :)

  2. Flightboy New Player

    No one has any methods or strategies for this boss fight they want to share???
  3. Gunny New Player

    I would suggest taking a group over to either black adam in Metro Battlezone and testing the move out.... or hope for him to spawn in strike alert. I know for a fact he does the pulse beam move in Strike.

    The league is amazing, and Round 7 was insane. Probably would have helped if we had 8 guys instead of 7 ;)
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  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    My strategy involves wetting my pants and hoping that he slips on the puddle I've left behind.

    But since he flies, it's not a terribly good strategy. :oops:

    (Congrats on the accomplishment! :) )
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Pulse beam is deadly but have seen many rage tanks survive it. The attack he does in the battlezone is the exact same one only much much much much much weaker and the tanks need to be equally apart while the rest of the group should be as far as possible from black adam to have clear visual.

    There are several youtube videos of people beating round 7 that will help, even though most are on a dps or controller point of view but the spacing is important.

    Check out the videos and they should help you devise a strategy or use their spacing technique strategy.
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  6. Flightboy New Player

    I agree with you man. I guess if there is a way dodge or mitigate it somehow. I watched Immortals reflect get smushed even when he popped it midway through the pulse beam lol.

    I agree we had a lot of great everything on that run minus not being able to revive you, BUT as you know practice makes perfect ( or damn close to it )
  7. Flightboy New Player

    I want to let you know that it was absolutely insane. I think britt was talking about the grey hairs that were magically growing during that run lol.
  8. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    We only had 7 people. If we would of had our full group, I think we could have completed the round.

    Like Derio said, it probably would have been smarter to have our rage tank and ice tank switch spots.

    I was just really struggling trying to keep them both alive and with 1 troll. We either needed another healer or another troll :) We'll get it!
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  9. Flightboy New Player

    We kept our distance I assure you. Lol my target was grey the majority of the time.

    Yeah maybe I will take a peak at YT just curious to see what others on here did / do.
  10. Flightboy New Player

    Firstly, you're going to need to pick up some hair dye ( I'm just gonna start shaving my head :p)

    Yeah, it sucked we were missing Gunny...

    I agree I should never tank in there with E Chain err I mean switch the two tanks lol.

    Phenomenal job though on keeping us alive!!! As always!