Survival Mode Has That Olympic Feel

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Benn 10, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Benn 10 Committed Player

    When one thinks of a Challenge it is shrouded in ones self interpretation. Our community has quite a few individuals that consider themselves the "Crème de la crème" of their respected roles. Survival mode seems to Represent the spirit of the "Ultimate Challenge". I feel survival mode is where teamwork shines the most. Situational awareness has to be at its peak, pick ups,call outs and blocks have to be on point. Everyone has to be contributing to the team to maximize the possibility of success. I love the concept of survival mode because, there will be no special raid room mechanics involved. It's just one Room, your team and whole alot enemies.

    I have been speaking to a lot of in game friends lately, and everyone seems pretty excited for the upcoming SM. Seems like a lot of leagues are getting ready to step up to the challenge. I keep hearing all of this talk about who will be first. And everyone talking about going for the gold. Or even better the platinum. Lol Well I don't see anything wrong with a little healthy competition.

    Hate it or love it, Anticipate it or could care less for it. It is soon on it's way. How do you think your team will fair?
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  2. Flightboy New Player

    I think our league is going to... Stay tuned... :p
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  3. Kiddslayer Well-Known Player

    I think your league is going to do great. I didnt really see yall do alot of the Trigon SM but I'm pretty sure yall ready and are prepared to beast this one.:D
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  4. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Oh yeah?
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  5. MrB Dedicated Player

    We got to level 8, didn't get the strategy right about 3 times, on Trigon before the skip option was available and then we got tired of doing it. So this time with fast forward option we should get pretty far. I'm really excited for the base items.
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I agree. Survival Mode is definitely a highlight of the game.

    My only problem is that my usual cronies are either M.I.A. or playing FF14.
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  7. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I only care about Round 2 and Round 6 because Iron and Silver pieces look the best. So I hope to at least beat Round 6 :)
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Survival mode is the only game mode that encourages balanced gameplay. That is why it is the best gamemode this game has to offer.
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  9. Flightboy New Player

    Thanks buddy! We bounced around Trigon a bit... PVP / PVP Gearing took precedence when they released that SM.
  10. Flightboy New Player

    You already know! ;)
  11. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Balanced gameplay? The whole thing is going to be solo trolled ROFL.
  12. Flightboy New Player

    Does SOL have a team for the upcoming SM?
  13. Flightboy New Player

    Trueeee, butttttttt what if that troll dies and the boss is at 10% health? Armory switch to troll FTW!!! :D
  14. Lightws Dedicated Player

    The max that you will need is 2 healers for about 2 bosses. The rest can be solo trolled. The only thing is for those going for the long haul..... You guys and us lol. You might want to stack the tanks.
  15. Benn 10 Committed Player

    I didn't say anyone was the best at anything. I stated some consider themselves the best. And also spoke on the teamwork it will take. :)
  16. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Only time will tell though.
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  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I do wish you all great success though.
    looking forward to seeing how far the top guys progress

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  18. Flightboy New Player

    Idk what Im more excited about... SM or Cross Play :D ( A bit of both LOL)
  19. Lightws Dedicated Player

    :D I agree.
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yea we do.
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