Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Apr 2, 2015.

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  1. DJM GAMING Level 30

  2. Selene Herondale New Player

    Creativity beat round 16. Great job team! :) :) :) And thanks to all who watched our stream and gave us support. You guys are awesome. :)
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  3. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Damn, awesome work guys! And I'm here happy with my 14 hahaha
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  4. the duqu Level 30

  5. the duqu Level 30

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  6. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    Ominious Few Beats Round 15 on EUPS

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  7. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    USPC just beat Round 15!

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  8. not_again Dedicated Player

    Congrats on all those still grinding away at this and getting to high levels. Just wanted to talk up my league a little with the help of Tryckz from War Party. We beat round 11 with the following setup:

    Tank- Rage

    This goes to show that with proper teamwork and skill any power can beat some of these higher levels in SM.
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  9. Flightboy New Player


    Yes you are correct about Skill>Power

    Our set up we beat Round 16 was:


    To make matters more interesting we 5 manned SuperGirl when she was at 20% with 1 tank, 2 heals, 1 troll, and 1 dps :)
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  10. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    3 fire ewwwwwwwwwww
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Updated! Round 16 down!
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  12. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    One Pieced finished 16 today even with 2faced hypocrisy
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  13. Phoenix Five Active Player

    Maybe not much of an achievement when I see that people reached round 17, but Yesterday I got to round 7. :)
    I got a silver chest and I felt happy about it. ^~

    I am a fire tank, CR 114 - SP 140. (Unusual load out, only fire powers.)
    I was grouped with 2 controllers, 1 heal, 1 rage tank. 3 dps.
    I switched to dps every time we took down a boss alone. :) In the later levels they seem to have a mind of their own and not stick to the tank's taunts. (It could be that fireball (Powerskill) isn't all that good? I don't know.) ;)

    I hope I could get to gold eventually. :) :eek:

    Sometimes you get sunstone module drops. What exactly is this? Is it like a prombox? Giving you loot when you click on it?
  14. Thabet New Player


    Congrats on all groups that try to get past round 10 and more.
    Our league and the EU PC gets left out ( we always finish the furthest 1st or second on each sm )
    So again my leauge and me beat a round (this time16) first overall and we dont get a server first updat only a couple days after US PS.
    My guess is we will get overlooked again (and not know our league name :D) on the SM recap live stream.

    It seems like complaining and crying but it had to be said (Pew Pew Pew :p :D )
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  15. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Digital Hellstorm USPS villain has downed 11 and is working on 12. Had Prime Assassin down to less the 5% health when he wiped us with Super Nova last night.

    Next time Assassin, next time!
  16. Trykz Dedicated Player

    The sunstone modules are base items.
  17. Latif New Player

    EUPC. Setting the bar since Origin Crisis :)
  18. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    Had fun fighting a cr155 sinestro last night after someone froze in our sm run
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  19. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

  20. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player


    Round 17
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