Survival mode feedback

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    Tried it for the 1st time last night. Made it to round 4. Here are my thoughts:

    No, its not comparable to paradox. Yes the bosses take freakin forever to die and some of them have some interesting mechanics but none of the fights (atleast up to round 4) require as much engagement as paradox did. Paradox still wins (or looses depending on your perspective)

    After 70/80 minutes it becomes very hard to keep focus and patience.

    The reward for round 1 and 3 was lame.

    Styles are cool, but need legs to pull them off.

    There should be a way to let the people who gets disconnected back in the fight.
    Scratch that. There should be a way to let the people who gets KO'd back in the fight. May be not immediately but after each round? Cause once some one gets KO'd it doesnt feel worth trying anymore.

    Why cant we save our progression?

    Why isn't there a soder vendor or repair bot?
    Nvm I think I know why.

    Overall? Nice and challanging addition to the game, but I really dont see myself doing this every day for 4/5 hours for the kind of rewards that we get right now. Anyway thanks to the devs for coming up with it, has a lot of potential to become a major part of the gameplay in the future.

    PS. Those who got past round 4, can you guys post some screenshots of the styles? Im curious.
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  2. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I like it. I wish there was rewards beyond a style but that's OK. This is what I've been asking for. But the disconnect thing really sucks.
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  3. LowerWiskers New Player

    They need to put those styles in the Rare Style Vendor and have them cost MoT!!!

    *giggle* :p
  4. Minecrawler New Player

    Are you kidding me !?!

    Oh you are :D
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  5. Minecrawler New Player

    I am curious if its the same style drop or if there are more in higher levels. So far every drop I have seen is the exoshirts with different glows. Would love to see some screen shots if someone has something different.
  6. Tikkun Loyal Player

    The chest matches the Scion of Ion and Scion of Rage. It's in Oan Science Cells, remember? ;)

    The chests are the same, just different glows and a rare custom glow. Confirmed are Iron, Bronze, Silver and we speculate the last two are gold and platinum.
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  7. Crimson Jonni New Player

    This. Im just hoping for the iron or silver green glow shirt so i can make john stewart's injustice costume
  8. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    The ExoChest matches well with my Sharpshooter legs :oops:
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  9. TDSK Committed Player

    Our group got through Round 2 then called it a night (although when we all decided, someone instinctively went and hit the console to quick-start Round 3. :p) Hopefully, since this is still a prototype technically (no voiceovers right now, only 10 rounds), they open up another Work In Progress thread for it and take more suggestions.

    But if this is a feedback thread, I have a few, but the main one I would have is less health. We were in there for about an hour and 15 minutes (1 dps switched to tank for first boss, and then some of the group wasn't full Strategos or were in mixed 91/Vestments gear), and even groups who are full Strategos are going to end up taking forever as the rounds drag on. Keep the damage and everything, just reduce the HP on the bosses. It feels like Themyscira Divided times 2.

    Also, add some form of damage that needs to be dealt with. Maybe by controlling an add (Kind of like Starlings) that can't be killed, but can be Some Arrow Storm like effects (from the Archer Statue in Circe's Trial) that aren't completely deadly, but still pack a punch. Something to keep every role outside of Tank and DPS occupied. Just having constant one-shots is very boring,
  10. La Shark Dedicated Player

    its only been out for a day for some of you people, give it time. You'll burn through it faster. By the 3rd week we, on test sever, were getting to round 4 in 35min, could have been faster had the burn been a lil better.

    The rewards are fine. This is merely to pas time for some of us that wanted a challenge.

    Again its an option.
  11. Akroma New Player

    love it. just fix the loot drops because sometimes instead of getting base items every round we got sodas.
  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    A lot of this feedback seems to be suggestions about how to make it "easier" or whatever. Completely missing the entire point about the game mode.

    You aren't meant to beat Survival mode. There is no end. The developers do not expect us to beat round 10. There's only 10 rounds in it because it's a prototype and in the future they're looking at making it last infinitely. Which means that even if you were better than anything the game could throw at you, you have absolutely zero chance of beating it.

    There should be no check points or people allowed to re-enter the group. If it goes wrong, then it goes wrong. You can't start changing the rules. It's not really survival mode if you can restart where you wiped. It's fine as it is and the rewards are perfect.

    Perhaps in the future they could up the amount of rewards given and instead of it being every other round, you get something unique every round. Of course, as I said earlier, this is a prototype version of the mode and therefore I wouldn't expect them to have 10 unique styles ready to go.
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  13. Techvolt Well-Known Player

    I think it is boring and pointless. jmo
  14. Minecrawler New Player

    Hmm...what kind of group set up did you guys use? Cause we tried 2-2-2-2 and it took us that time to clear just the 1st round. I guess we could cut that to around 20 minutes if we had more experience, but round 4 in 35 minutes seems very hard to pull off.
  15. Minecrawler New Player

    Yeah sorry to miss the entire point of the game mode.

    I dont think I want it to be "easier" or whatever.

    I would like it to be more engaging however. ( That implies more interesting and challenging boss mechanics to keep people busy rather than standing in one place and spamming buttons till your fingers fall off ) .

    I understand this is a prototype. That's what feedbacks are for.

    I dont want to start all over from round one because someone got disconnected at round 5 causing the group to wipe. Last time I checked internet connections are not part of a players kills to survive.
    I certainly dont have enough time to do it from round one to round x everyday in order to give round x+1 a shot, it is time consuming and pointless after a certain point.

    If any of these makes sense.
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  16. DC-Doll New Player

    I finished the first round and I got nothing. Yet on the on duty menu it says I'm locked from the first boss. Is this normal? One guy got a soder, one guy got a chair and the other 6 got jack squat but a repair bill.

    I love the concept of Survival mode, but the length it takes to finish even one boss on the first round takes forever right now. Yes, I understand we'll get better gear and more skillpoints and it will be a joke one day, NO, I do not want a nerf. I like the difficulty. But even with a fully capable group that's fully geared and modded, NO boss should take several minutes to take down a single letter of a bosses health. Especially when the dps's are hitting over 10k at times. Later rounds I could see, but jeesh. At least reward the whole team with something. Not just 2 players. No matter how mundayne the prize is.

    1 hour in, at 2 rounds, we had 5 people left (Disconnections or leaving) Yes, I had to solo dps that awful slugfest they call Manheim and the worm head guy. I'm not asking for feats or trophies, nor do I feel entitled, I really don't. I'm sure we'll end up burning through the first couple rounds in 3 minutes each one day but really right now to me the time it takes to bun Ursa and Metallo down aren't worth it for no drops.
  17. HHAAZZEE New Player

    The style drops are on rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
  18. DC-Doll New Player

    Yeah but is everybody supposed to get something round 1 or just 2 people?
  19. HHAAZZEE New Player

    I think just random people get a random trash base item thats already in the game or a cola. Not sure if everyone is supposed to or not but their not worth worrying about. After all were doing it for the styles arent we? And the bragging rights that come with them?
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  20. CTEN Well-Known Player

    Spent forty minutes in the first round, Did the same combo over 100 times in a row.
    Got a crappy drop.
    Someone crashed at the start of the second round.
    Team wiped.

    This is stupid.

    The only thing we're surviving is hand cramps and boredom.
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