Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You're right, and neither are you, which is why people then proceeded to point you toward Mepps's own comment, which states things pretty clearly in regards to the the issue brought up in this thread.

    Since you conveniently cut out that actual part of Mepps's quote:
    Happy foruming! :)
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  2. Carilee Active Player

    your right I did leave that out. I did that on purpose because, and it makes me sad that I have to point this out, I was pointing out the irony of the selective quoting that was going on. again I don't do SM and could care less if people are lunging to get through it. its no different then people exploiting flurry shot to beat sm/elite content.
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  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's an extremely silly comparison to make never the less, lol.
  4. Carilee Active Player

  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I don't care if you do SM or not, you're vocal on this matter never the less and you're getting quotes from one of the Devs themselves proving that what's going on is in fact not intended and will be looked into.

    Flurry shot is also an issue known by the Devs by now and is also being looked at, btw. Although, compared to continous lunging that literally make the tank take ZERO damage during the fight, it's a fart in the wind as far as the impact said exploit does.
  6. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Oh Im sorry I never said lunge is an exploit.Could you mention someone who considers a lunge,1 lunge,a simple lunge an exploit? Thanks!
  7. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I think we have to keep repeating that over and over until people realise whats going on
  8. Carilee Active Player

    I get it. people don't like the fact that people are getting thru SM with lunging. the irony is that those same people complaining have no problem getting through it by exploiting the clearly broken flurry shot spam. its the same people who complained about green circle spam, which got it nerfed thru SC shields cost increase. they then proceeded to use green circle spam from nature which wasn't nerfed to beat foa elite day one along with flurry shot spam. the hypocrisy is staggering. so yes I am going to chime in from time to time.
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  9. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    So let me clear this out for you.

    1st part of what Mepps said means that Lunge by itself is not an exploit.

    2nd part :This way of utilizing lunge was definitely not expected or intented,and we are looking at all solutions that might address the issue.

    Deffinition of exploit: An exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.
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  10. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Things falling into the category of cheese and exploits need to have clear separation because they aren't the same.
    Considered Cheese
    -Phase Dodge
    -Amazon Deflection
    -Water Heals

    -Perma Lunging

    the difference being that you can still complete SM without the cheese category. You can go into sm with a might dps and no amazon/phase (a bunch of tanks already don't use it) without manbat rolls and a celes healer and beat R30 just fine. May take longer etc but you can do it. The same can't be said for no lunge spam, if 90%+ of the groups redid SM without any lunge spam they wouldn't be able to do it because they have relied so heavily on ignoring any and all damage from bosses they wouldn't be able to handle the sudden influx of damage and proper timings needed to clear the same rounds.
  11. Carilee Active Player

    do you flurry shot spam in SM or elite or are you part of groups that do so. if you do then you need to stop posting about this because you are exploiting also.
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  12. Carilee Active Player

    Definition of exploit: An exploit is
    the use of
    a bug or glitches,
    game system
    etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner
    not intended
    by the game's designers
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  13. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    SOO,you pretty much defended the opinion that lunge spamming is not an exploit,am I right?
  14. Carilee Active Player

    no I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the people complaining about it.
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  15. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Ok Carliee now tell me how anything under the cheese category fits the text you just quoted to me? However lunging fits the description entirely from what was already said in this thread which is why I didn't say any of the cheese category was an exploit cause it not just perma lunging.
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Not sure how you can scream "hypocricy!" whenever a clear exploit is being pointed out with hopes of getting fixed. Especially when the Devs themselves are commenting on it.

    Everything you mentioned above should be fixed and until stuff like this do get fixed, players are going to take advantage and then try to justify it being used by pointing toward something else, just like you are doing right now.
    • Like x 1
  17. Carilee Active Player

    I am not justifying anything. if daybreak says its an exploit then it is. what I am saying is the people who are complaining about it have no issue with using other mechanics that are broken which is very hypocritical. I am not defending the lungers. they are depriving themselves the opportunity to get better at the game.
  18. Carilee Active Player

    flurry shot spam is not balanced. this is known. its why all the high end leagues use it to beat hard content and have done so since venom wrist dispenser came out. I am sorry that I am using the words of others to throw these thing back at them but it is disingenuous to talk about people exploiting this or that without talking about flurry shot spam.
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You are basically taking everybody speaking up against the lunging exploit and lumping them in as somebody being okay with using other cheese/exploits. Where's your basis on that?
  20. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    PLEASE Don't Lecture US about Cheese and Exploits since in your video you Clearly had a Manbat guy, You were Bow Spamming AND doin the Lunges.Nice how you call it out AFTER you have gotten your Goods.
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