Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    So if you feel like that. I just tell how it is.
  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

  3. L T Devoted Player

    Errr.... exploiting a bug is, in fact, an exploit. When we exploit something, we call it an exploit. That's... you know... what it is.
  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Well its true
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Again, have you or have you not watched the video? Because all this arguing is absolutely POINTLESS if you haven't even watched what is actually going on. So again, after watching the video examples,... If you want to keep argue against this being an exploit that is being taken advantage of by players in this SM, your call.
  6. AV Loyal Player

    Except I can't replicate it via the only step people indicate is required. Ie. lunging, for me, even maintaining a perfect deflector with no gaps, still results in all melee attacks and most un-counterable specials still dealing full damage. That suggests some players are simply bugging out and getting unintended behaviour. If players are, in fact, taking specific additional steps to force lunge deflection to apply to all attacks instead of just ranged attacks and select specials, then yes that's definitely an exploit. Yes, an exploit is effectively taking advantage of a bug but the difference is that an exploit guarantees a specific behaviour when specific actions are taken (eg bootility belt). If a behaviour isn't universally achieved by a specific behaviour, it's just a bug (that still needs to be looked at).

    No but since I already know all the attacks lunge is supposed to deflect, it's a binary question: In the video, is lunge preventing damage from melee attacks: yes or no? Lunge has always prevented damage from US' flame/electrical attacks... people don't typically "exploit" that fact because it's generally imperfect and clumsy at worst and, unless lunge is incorrectly preventing damage from melee attacks and bombs, dangerous at best. His mortars also ignore lunge deflection and their damage can only be successfully mitigated with a perfectly timed lunge, executed at the frame where they begin their attack (must be read and pre-empted, cannot be reacted to in time). So if the video is showing anything besides players lunging through arc/flame but still getting hit by melee, then the players/instance are either bugged or they've done more to exploit the game than simply "press square."
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's preventing damage from taking point blank flamethrower to the face, ground lightning, channeled beam.... Watch the video.
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  8. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    So basically what you're saying is: if we don't play the way you prefer us to play, then we can't join your club? Well screw your club and your elitist attitude too.
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  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    This isnt about him saying it doing it his way, he is saying do it the right way by not using a cheap tactic that is clearly being used errorneously. He is calling out an exploit that has cheapened what was suppose to be the toughest of tough content. This isnt about joining a club or being an elitist. He is bringing attention to a exploit that needs to be fixed.
  10. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    Obsidian is full of crap. In his whiny video he said that lunge spamming is an exploit in pve, but it's ok in pvp. He said it's just a different way of approaching the game. WTF ROFL. A massive contradiction if I've ever heard one. It's either an exploit or it isn't. But he wants it both ways. Just goes to show you he likes to skip over key details to suit his agenda.
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  11. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    The only damage you will take by lunge spamming away is lunges,which barely hit you for 60-70k on r30 and some special attacks that are not as much of a threat.Also,watch the video.
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If you're so hellbent on arguing in regards to the exploit that have been taken advantage of by players in this SM, I suggest, for the third time, that you actually watch the video that was provided.
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  13. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    The game declines in population because it's the same formula every dlc. People get tired of having to throw money at the screen to stay competitive.
  14. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    How can you compare lunge spamming in pve with pvp?
    In pve if you lunge spamm away from the boss, he's scripted to do 2 different things,either lunge you or blockbreak you.
    If someone lunge spams at you in pvp you can either lunge clipped with a passive power to get closer to him,stay on the node or /rest waiting for him to come back lel.
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The game declines in population because of a plethora of reasons, which is why I expressed "one of the reasons" not "the ONE reason". ;)
  16. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    is everyone abusing flurry shot considered doing it the right way or does that make players good? its right down the ally of cheese. id give players completing it as might base specced validation if anything since actually seeing survival mode completed that way is just as rare as seeing the megalodon

    were all elitist though yes definitely
  17. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    How can I? It's called being consistent. Look it up. You guys want to have your cake and eat it too. Obsidian himself in his video mentions that people lunged spammed to avoid finishers in pvp. The community didn't have problem with it then. What changed?

    All this is, is egos are hurt in ego-centric content. It's high school drama.
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  18. myandria Item Storage


    Not good.

    The devs have said they wanted more people to try Survival Mode: with this exploit, I guess more people will but it won't mean anything, since teams can now obtain those coveted crowns without much effort.
  19. spack2k Steadfast Player

    It can be done without exploit, there were 1-2 lucky moments in the r30 fight :p but thats how it works, skill is when luck becomes the norm.

    2h of uncut r29-r30 frm the pov of an earth tank on EU, other tank was low cr dont mind him:p
  20. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Lmao youre talking about lunge spamming & dodging only one attack which will happen once in every fight(since its a finisher it would happen when your health was bellow 35%).
    Lunge spamming in pve means dodging 95% of the attacks.
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