Dev Discussion Survival: Happiness Home

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by NerdOfPrey, Jun 19, 2015.

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  1. kawe Loyal Player

    Well, the word "elite" always had a certain bad smell to it. Those that have to resort on using this word on themselves mostly do it because there is nobody else that can confirm or grant them that status due to them not actually qualifying for it.

    Or in other words:

    On the topic tho.
    I realy like this SM so far. I only had the time to try it 2 times (or three, dunno.) Wipes at R4. But going in with LFG pugs with almsot no communication makes it extra spicey. FOS SM pugs did melt my brain, but HH seems more fun so far. My rule is to at least get a bronze shirt in each SM, that's enough for my standarts, and most realistic for non communicating PUGs ( I detest to use mics myself, so I'm not blaming), but it's enough for me and keeps it fun for me. :)

    So if any EUPS SM pug need a dps or heal, hit me up, I can carry my own weight, I just don't use mic. lol
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  2. Radiohead Restored Active Player

    These comments are comedic gold :cool:
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  3. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    Sorry, only Honest and Responsible people should be testing new content, not Liars and Cheaters.

    Thanks for the admission of guilt too.
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  4. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    While I can try to understand your obsession with spreading negativity, and jumping to conclusions before you've even any to jump to... I cannot however, remind myself enough of how this is not the appropriate place for such irrelevent banter. If you wish to state off topic opinions, it would behoove you to do so elsewhere before your actions lead to the closing of this post. (Perhaps Jokers Funhouse?)

    Thank you all for you opinions and feedback (even if some of it is based on negligent observations), but let's get back to the topic at hand. Feel free to PM me if you have anything further to say. I'd be glad to have a one on one conversation with each and every one of you. :D
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  5. Stark23 Committed Player

    Be polite and as witty as you want to be. Fact is, the 8 people in that video were caught red handed. I'm convinced at this point the poster of that vid had no idea what would happen if he posted it.

    There is no spinning this one, it is as clear as day.
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  6. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Where is this video where all 8 people are standing on the invisible thingy?
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  7. Ogreboy Active Player

    So let me take a stab at this...

    I'm 36... I remember vaguely when I was a kid about this drama about the first ever seeing eye dogs... For this guy to have his dog be considered a legit guide and be allowed to take him into places. Kind of an early "Turner and Hooch" man and his dog buddy flick. The final scene was in a court room where they were going to put the dog to the test, and they made this obstacle course of chairs, trash cans, ropes... They got the blind guy to the beginning of it with his dog and set him loose.

    The dog proceeded to lead the blind guy around the edges of the room where there were no obstacles, no chairs, no trash cans or ropes... A straight walk... The dog just had to see it.

    Pretty smart dog if you ask me.

    Heh and I found the video!
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  8. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I beat round 11 and no one in my group was standing on some invisible ledge/halo mutilplayer-esque wall :oops:
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  9. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    You can take as many stabs as you like. Nothing you say is going to justify your group having 1 person sitting in an area where he can't be touched. That's like trying to justify using Clowbox in Throne. It doesn't work. You're completely avoiding the mechanic of the room. Nothing you can say is going to make me change how I feel about it. I have no idea if you knew about it or not. I really don't know or care.

    Either way, your group used an awful tactic to get past R11. I really hope your server first isn't recognized. Do it it with out glitching. What you did basically trivializes the fight. Why even do SM if you're going to glitch it?
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  10. Ogreboy Active Player

    How dare you look into that sweet, innocent German shepherd's eyes and say he did an awful tactic! He was trying to help that poor blind man with the easiest route possible! Why do you hate seeing eye dogs so much, Britteny? For that matter why do you hate the blind? Have you no heart? If this is the kind of horrific, disability prejudiced mentality that PS4 players have than I want nothing to do with the PlayStation or any of their guide dog hating ilk!
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  11. President Rufii Level 30

    Deflection - the action or process of deflecting or being deflected.

    On another note, I guess this means we did GGS first? :cool:
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  12. zorile New Player

    who cares the luster of sm and dc for that fact is now trivial. you know everyone has glitched dc one time or another. the gm's and designers know of these things. it is when the community learns of these things from them or not is when they cry out and things are done by them to fix it . a pitty, I think I remember gm evil talo telling me things as in they know of these things and let them slide. 0.o such an atrocity.
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  13. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I'm not bashing the person that uploaded the video but...
    Why did you snitch on yourself and put the video on the forums? :confused:

    I could understand if this was a test server video but... :rolleyes:
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  14. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Cool, add me to your ignore list then. Thanks!
  15. stl4now Well-Known Player

    Stop being a toolbox. You got caught, even the CD called it exploiting.
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  16. kawe Loyal Player

    Discussions about SM mechanics are not on topic? Ok now I get this. The Mechanics in HH SM have nothing to do with HH SM, that's why bypassing them is ok, right? How stupid of me. I apologize for commenting on something the poor guy has brought up and posted himself. And I apologize for the devs ( I hope they are ok with it) for their CD to identify it as an exploit too. We are all on the wrong here. u_u
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  17. Lantern Azure Black Committed Player

    If this counts as a Sever First (or even a legit strategy)...I don't know what to think of this game anymore. That's clearly cheating. If there was suppose to be a floor above the battle room, there would at least be polygons there to animate the floor underneath your character's feet...which there isn't.

    I will never understand how players can go unpunished for their "tactics" or "strategies" in this game. As far as I know, this crap dates all the way back when FOS3 was in it's prime and players would glitch that room. It's pathetic and it isn't fair to the rest of us that actually meet the challenges the game has to offer HEAD ON without taking "shortcuts" in the dark, damp, musty, roach infested back alleys around the actual challenge...or simply put...glitching/cheating. What's worse is that these players get rewarded, recognition, and adoration for cheating.

    Glitching doors
    Glitching floors
    Glitching rooms
    Any sort of "tactic" with CLOWN BOX
    Invisible ledges
    Weapon exploits
    Power exploits
    Survival Mode Round hopping/skipping
    ANYTHING that works against how the actual game itself is suppose to perform

    All of these isn't fair to us that actually play DC Universe Online's content AS INTENDED.

    I know glitching and cheating will never go away, but we can at least try. For starters...and the most obvious target is this...CLOWN BOX. Remove Clown Box from player loadouts for good. Remove it from the Iconic Power Tree. If players LOVE Clown Box so much...they can go use JOKER in PvP/PvE Legends.

    Clown Box has been the culprit of many infamous glitches/exploits in the past, and it boggles my mind that it's still available to players today. Paradox Wave, Throne of the Dead/Throne of the Dead Elite (YES, both "tactics", the door glitch and the teleport glitch, are busted and out right cheating and I don't care what anyone says) just to name a few.

    Players are getting so bold nowadays. They literally post videos of themselves hacking into players personal accounts and glitching content in games period. It's sad that nothing is done about it.
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  18. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    People who've used exploits in the past don't get a license to complain about exploiting. It's also hilarious that those guys outed themselves and are backpedaling fast enough to fuel the Speed Force though.
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  19. Lightws Dedicated Player

    How is your blatant exploiting antics off-topic. Please sir by all means explain it to me. Ill take a second.
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  20. Lightws Dedicated Player

    I remember there was a time when you said you would never play with those exploiting hacks in "Solo Elite". Gee what a spin this is ain't it?
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