Dev Discussion Survival: Happiness Home

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by NerdOfPrey, Jun 19, 2015.

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  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Rather Exploit Elite or Single Minded Elite or Solo Exploit huh? ^^

    This is again really pathetic. But do not worry your league isn't the first to post exploits here. You're just another addition to the forums hall of shame dumpster. Hilarious ^^


    PS: The DPS were probably lightweighting there hehe...
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  2. SteelSD Level 30

    Absolutely. Those clowns just need to rename their league to Solo Echeat and be done with it. That's FOUR...count 'em...Thrones/Thrones Elite (Clown Box Exploit), Survival Mode FOS (glitching friends to round 9 PP), Happiness Home/HH Elite (body block/dead body Exploit), and now Survival Mode HH (wall glitch). It ain't right to do that and keep it in the privacy of your own league hall, but to brag about it to the world??? What kind of person does that???

    At what point do the devs figure out that they're ruining their own game by allowing this kind of weak-minded, unethical crap to go unpunished? At this point, any "race" to server first is just a race to figure out which group of 8 weak players can find the glitch faster than anyone else. No skill required.
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  3. Taxman New Player

    Not an exploit???? What a Joke.
    I didn't know Game Genie works on DCUO. The cartridge says "enhancer," so I guess it's not cheating...

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  4. QuantifiedICE Active Player

    right on Steel! This game is going to die because of people like this. They exploit and cheat their way to complete content, yet what skill do they have? I dont know what the devs are thinking by letting this crap go on. You want your game to die because groups of people such as this glitch everything? I mean come on, this is the whole reason im letting my sub run out and im not giving this game any more money, you can count on that.

    i sure hope you see what is happening before it is too late...oh wait! it already is.
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  5. Radiohead Restored Active Player

    Clowns :cool:
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  6. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    But,but,wait......they are elite and competen(t).......myth bust again. What they are is a great group of finding exploits, using them, posting it and then puffing their chest like they are the best.

    All this does is diminish the accomplishment of those that beat it without an exploit.
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  7. Mighty Committed Player

    Guys, guys. I'm sure we're all having a good laugh at echeat incompetent outing themselves as glitching in survival mode and then chest-thumping about it. But, let's not forget this thread isn't about feedback regarding dillusional weirdos exploiting an invisible ledge of shiesterhood. Instead, it's about Survival Mode feedback. Let's all be respectful, constructive adults ... and take these jokes to Twitter where they belong. :D
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  8. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    Want to know what my feedback is? Here it is:
    Daybreak: Get a paid testing group for new content to prevent this crap, ban the exploiters, and stop being so lenient when it comes to people who do this.
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  9. FTR Techno New Player

    The problem I have with this sm is all the stupid repair bots you need on 11 and up I won't spend any money on this game at this point and I don't expect anyone in my league to's just rediculous 1 shots you can talk about skill all you want but at the end of the day it's just not fun...
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  10. Reformed New Player

    Just to let you know, <Solo Elite> does this garbage all the time. It's kinda how Dru gets his reputation.

    I do admit that this SM seems to be more challenging than all the previous ones (if you don't include the lack of progress points in SM1). However, I also find it rather bland. I'm not sure why, maybe it has to do with the HH map rehash.
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  11. Mighty Committed Player

    This really was my beef with it. Hopefully the fix tones it down. I can handle challenging and pickups and moving. What gets old is constantly shelling out for repair bots when some things feel like they're put into SM to promote cheap deaths.
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  12. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    Dru, stop liking our posts. Do you think you're immune from being banned from the game? If the devs don't do something about your consistent exploiting (jumping on the consoles for GGS to avoid the laser then having your leaguemates calling us ignorant) I know I am one of many who will unsub. You alone can't support the game with the amount of replays you buy, the ones you entice people in with free resets to exploit with you.
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  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Don't rise to it. We all know he's just being passive aggressive by liking our posts. He's just doing it to get a reaction. The video is there. It is clearly an exploit using the environment, in a similar way to how Paradox Wave was exploited when it was released. If there is no action over this I'll be extremely disappointed to say the least.

    I'm assuming Dru will like this also, smirking behind his computer screen. Rest assured your childishness doesn't bother me in the slightest, deary. You can call yourself E&C all you like, but it doesn't make it true.
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  14. Radiohead Restored Active Player

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  15. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    You know... On this note -- I can't help but think that we Solo Elite would make perfect Testers ;)

    Just food for thought.

    But back to being relevant. Congrats to my League Mates and their companions for completing Round 11. And congrats to all for your accomplishments. Glad to see the competition is up and out there getting it done. It's tough in there.
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  16. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Not really. Not when you use these exploits and act as if there anymore then just that. I mean we found some of these things they just weren''t fixed which probably wouldn't make such a big deal if some people didn't use and exploit it to there advantage. But you also don't give any feedback to any exploit you find so there's that as well. You hold it until someone else reports it. Long story short no you make terrible testers.
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  17. Reformed New Player

    I completely agree with this statement.

    The only toon I have flight mode on is my nature healer, and that is only because I use bug form. I hate when I accidently enter movement mode, then get zapped by the eye ball, and have it follow me around like I'm some sort of juvenile. In the regular and elite mode, Superman will laser you down and kill you if you don't heal through it.

    I get that flyers have been able to exploit quite a bit in the past, but the way other movement modes are free to roam while flight is handicapped is unnerving.
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  18. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    First I didn't want to share it because no one other than Singularity knew how to do the lasers without glitshing them. So we wanted to keep the advantage, now that Loche confirmed that there is a mechanic, people start to understand how to do SM R10+. Which is great and gonna bring some challenge. But seeing someone taking credit for beating R11, saying "I like the laser mechanic" but can only do it by using exploit like he does for everything. It's just so hilarious to see <Solo Elite> call themself Elite and Competent one more time. Are you conscious of what you are doing ? Seriously!

    Here is the video of the WORLD FIRST ROUND 11 and it was done almost 1 week before everyone else, and without glitches. (That's being competent! :p )
    (yes we did it with 2 heals because when you go for a world first, better be safe than sorry).

    I'll post the World First Round 12 later today or tomorrow. (Video is on youtube but not published yet).
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  19. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Mov mod don't need a nerf, it's just the bot in the room that seems to need a fix, and space above the door that also seem to need to be removed.

    I don't understand that people who pretend to be good players for years on DCUO don't see that if a mechanic can be completly avoided like that it's because it's not intented and it isn't the way to do it. But no, they still do it cuz they don't have the skills to do it in the proper way, and then they come on the forum and pretend to be good... stupid...
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  20. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    "Expendable and Carriedâ„¢".
    I really hope the Devs take a look at these kind of players. Exploiting and bragging about it, shouldn't be tolerated.
    • Like x 7
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