Survival: Happiness Home Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    You know that you did not report anything instead you used an exploit.
    Sorry, but neither are you competent and nor has the word 'elite' anything remotely in common with a player like you and your cheating league.
    • Like x 6
  2. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Really? Should you not ban these guys when they knowingly use exploits to get ahead? Also, if this is the official stance then, you are clearly sending the wrong message to the community.

    Exploiters and cheaters will only be encouraged by this attitude. If Daybreak takes its own policies seriously, than not only should they be punished but any acknowledgement of an accomplishments via an exploit should be withheld.

    I and the rest of the DCUO community hopes to receive some official feedback on any action/inaction against these exploiters.
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  3. kawe Loyal Player

    Seeing how they "cleaned" up this thread, I took Mepps' post as sarcasm. Even if he may not be allowed to admit it as community manager. ;)

    I'm pretty sure the community and devs are on the same page about all this...
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  4. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    You just don't get it, it isn't an exploit! It's obviously a player using knowledge of a particular situation to take advantage of things that were overlooked in design to completely avoid intended mechanics in order to beat content they couldn't beat is that an exploit? Clearly you aren't Elite&Competent 'enuff!!!!

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  5. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    You really should compile all your strategies into one guide. Nowadays you can't put together a group for a difficult raid without someone suggesting the kind of consequence free optimizations you champion, and I struggle to keep track of them all.

    From your posts you seem pretty expert on a whole competence progression here:
    • Exploiting Throne to gear up for Throne Elite
    • Using that full set of gear to easily finish Throne Elite with even more exploits and bonus feats
    • Finishing NGN and HH quickly with your glitched Thone Elite gear and SP
    • Exploits in HH to finish a full set of HH Elite gear and even more feats
    • Using your glitched HH Elite gear with new exploits to prosper in Survival Mode
    I can't believe some people waste their time doing this the hard way anymore. I mean, why would anyone bother when this path continues to be so fruitful?
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  6. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    How do the dev's not take this as a slap in the face and threat to expose every exploit they can find to anyone/everyone who will watch his videos, how this clown still has an account is beyond me.
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  7. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    If you're a clown and they try to take your account away, you hide in a clown box to stop it.
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  8. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Find it hilarious that mister e&c and his otherworldly league have to cheat to win. These are not strategies or clever tricks that you use. It's cheap exploits. pathetic & incompetent
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  9. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Seeing this video and others like it I want to thank the poster and others like him who I know affectionately call P.A.G.E.s.
    I thank them because they are finally making it easier to avoid them in content and it will make getting into a non-glitching group much faster.

    P. Players
    A. Always
    G. Glitching
    E. Everything

    To all the legitimate groups beating survival mode congrats and keep up the good work.

    To the PAGE who got caught out because the healer posted his own video, OWN your Cheating, you were crowing about how E&C your group was until your healer exposed y'all (oopsie). Don't backpedal now and pretend you were helping find exploits, you were caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar. Eat that cookie and just hope it's not your last one.

    I wont pretend to say I haven't been in a group that glitched content, I have. However, I unlike you report the flaws to the appropriate people and don't go around saying how awesome I or my group is for having achieved some feat or milestone through trickery or cheating.
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  10. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    So running up walls in superspeed/acro mode is an exploit? Or is it an exploit only if it is used to avoid danger in HH:SM? Or is it more along the lines of knowing that superspeed/acro can go up walls, be it up a building in Metro or HH:SM, but not really caring too much about it until Solo Elite mentions it as an advantageous tactic in HH:SM's higher rounds? So many questions, so much spotlight, to little time!

    @My Homies, congrats you beasts! Will be joining you again soon, until then, keep sparking the incompetence on these forums and show Granny how it's done!
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  11. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Running on wall to completly avoid the laser mechanic is the exploit, going up in the air can't be done with flight so also shouldn't be allowed with other powersets. The only disadvantage that should have flight should be the same as usual, not being able to run fast in the room. (Even if that always been unfair, but it's just the way it is). But when we check your healer PoV vid, running on walls isn't the only thing the USPC group did, they also stayed on the invisible space above the door , that's even worse IMO.

    On EUPC, we saw we could have done it, but we never used it and never thought any farming group would think it's legit to use it to run SM. Apparently we were wrong and we should have reported it.

    Here are our videos of Round 11 & 12 World First.

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  12. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    You cant even do anything while running up the wall to avoid the lasers so i don't see it as an exploit the onlything i see as an exploit is standing up in the invisible wall spot and healing or casting other powers while avoiding the lasers. Otherwise just running on the wall to avoid the lasers doesnt seem like an exploit because you still have to come down from there to cast any moves.
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  13. LORD CAKE Active Player


    rd 11 check point !!!
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  14. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    You found a glitch in the wall where you couldn't be touched lol. Movement mode wasn't the source of your exploit. Btw thanx for all the soon to be grounding mechanics in our future, stay inept and cheesy.
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  15. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    I think you know what's an exploit. You also understand that you are are cheater. You also fully well know that you and your league is incompetent since you have to use an exploit to get past your limitations of the limited skill you and cheating league mates possess.

    It is quite shameless to congratulate your cheating homies and for feeling proud of exploiting game mechanics.
    • Like x 2
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