Survival: Happiness Home Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. Invitation2Hades Well-Known Player

    June 25, 2015


    Congrats to everyone who put in effort.
    • Like x 6
  2. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Congrats! :)
    • Like x 2
  3. OG Sage Level 30

    Dat tank doeeeeeeeeeee.......... /drool xD

    Well done everyone, good team work :) on to the next challenge :3
    • Like x 4
  4. Yui Loyal Player

    Just wanted to let you know that you misspelled 4 of our names, Mepps.
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hmm, our script must fail at spaces.
  6. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Round 12 Done ! EUPC Singularity® ... Special rewards? Parademons pets! ;)

    • Like x 12
  7. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Congrats! Will you post a pic of what the pets look like? Thanks!
  8. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    • Like x 8
  9. OG Sage Level 30

    grats on beating r12 you guys :)
  10. YinChakra Dedicated Player

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  11. Reformed New Player

  12. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Nah, always been random. Was the same in SM#3 FoS, some pets are rarer than others, but all of them can drop in all rounds.
  13. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    But .... but ....

  14. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    "Later Rounds" doesn't mean Round 12. The pets are gonna be different, a whole new loot table. That's all.
    Remember last SM, we add same pets from 11 to 20, Mepps came online to give exclusive pets to the winners of R20.
  15. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Well done I am suitably impressed by your group. Congrats to you all.
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  16. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I never heard about this.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Loche corrected me. There are two sets - one for 12 and 14 and one for later rounds.
  18. Reformed New Player

    So if there are, say, 5 different pets for R12, then we can assume there are 5 more for r14/16/18/20. That's a lot of pokemon to catch!

    Last SM, Pwny and One Pieced got larger versions of the regular pets for beating r20. My guess is maybe the devs did something similar this time and each even round is a larger and larger version of the r12 pets.
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Round 12 down. Congrats EU PC!
    • Like x 2
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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