Dev Discussion Survival: Fortress of Solitude

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Loche, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. Loche Committed Player

    We have found the issue causing headlines to not fire after round 9. It has to do with starting at round 9 using the progress point system. Fix should be in a hotfix coming soon.
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  2. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Wait so we were suppose to get headlines? o_O
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  3. Loche Committed Player

    yes. The bug only reared its ugly head if you left and came back at 9. 7 and lower were fine.
  4. Benn 10 Committed Player

  5. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Took Little Daddy to meet Big Daddy ;)

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  6. DcuoRebecca Level 30

    Love the rewards! The pet trinket is awesome.

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  7. Rumple® New Player

    hello devs. can you post a list of all pets that are possible to get from all rounds?
    i'm asking cause i saw that you can get pets of bosses from earlier round like broodmother and prime assassin and i'm curious to know if in later round like 15-20 you can get pets of other bosses from those rounds like tiny krypto or tiny power girl
  8. Dogico Loyal Player

    I absolutely love seeing Krypto again. He's not a major part of the game (no need for him to be, really) and not a major part of the Superman mythos but whenever I see him in various media it always makes me smile. He's also a pain in the *** to tank, haha.
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  9. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    My man Hyper and his BEASTLY luck, snatching the OP item version of base items from finishing Round 10:


    ...and not just any Cardboard Box, the MEDIUM jealous it's not even funny. Nonetheless, grats homie!
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  10. TayTay16 New Player

    It's telling Hyper to live out of a box. :p
  11. Flightboy New Player


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  12. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    They just don't know what we are capable of!
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    I also had a very kick *** team and partner n crime through that run :)
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  14. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Yea it's good knowing that groups won't exclude taking someone for their power choice alone. And congrats to you all too!
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  15. Elusian Crowd Control

    Thanks for the Scorpion legs fix. Much appreciated as its my favorite pet :D
  16. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    Do progress points reset weekly?
  17. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    Yo where that op love in your sig? Congrats on ten bud! Who said your not good enough?
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  18. MeloMan New Player

    No they dont. The pp will persist until SM is taken down. I pmd loche on here for that answer so its accurate.
  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    what is the earliest round you can get that trinket in? love trinkets but SM after the league fell apart seems not so good.
  20. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

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