Test Discussion Survival: Fortress of Solitude

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Loche, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Oh god...Thankfully I was in TS with Venge last night when you all got to Doomsday or I'd be all :eek:o_O:mad::confused: right now. lol
  2. Loche Committed Player

    The build with these changes has not been deployed yet. By "Ground Pound" you mean where he jumps up and slams his hand down? That one was called "Charged Blast", and I adjusted it. If there is another out there, I will try to find it and fix it as well.
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  3. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Yeah thats the ground pound. But I know there 2 different things im just asking about it lol.
  4. Elusian Crowd Control

    [off-topic]SM2 had a showcase stream for the vanity pets, any plans on doing this for this SM too?[/off-topic]
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  5. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Only things that need fixing ATM

    Round 1/Round 11
    • Scorpion staying underground for the entire fight.
    • Scorpion Trapping whilst underground. Which it shouldn't be doing so.

    Round 3/Round 13
    • Jor-El's "Ground Pound" Having massive range and one shotting any one who is not a tank. On round 3 alone don't even want to think about what will happen in Round 13.

    Round 4/Round 14
    • Parasite not currently healing at all.
    From what I had saw and tested there wasn't anything else that really needed to be changed/fixed besides this. After these are fixed this Survival Mode is perfect and ready to launch to be completely honest.
  6. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Competent and elite are two different things. Competent means descent (not the best of the best but can hold their own), elite means the best there is (absolute top level and unsurpassed). You seem to lack that understanding.
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  7. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    The Round 10 Headline doesn't pop up. Any chance for a cutscene before R10 starts? That Trigon one was pretty cool.
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  8. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Maybe have him hold superman's head and throw him over the side and get ready to fight? That would be rather interesting.
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  9. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    The repair vendor outside would be really nice though. Will save time on the disband/requeue thing. Pretty please?
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