Test Discussion Survival: Fortress of Solitude

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Loche, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Have you tried running this Survival Mode yet? Just to clarify, I'm talking about putting a repair bot in the round selection area. The way this SM works is that you pick your round and take a portal to enter the fighting area. Once the fighting starts, you wouldn't have access to the repair bot. If you want to repair while in the fighting area, you'd have to use a Marketplace repair bot. After the group wipes, it'd be nice to have a repair vendor in the round selection area so you can immediately repair/restart without having to requeue.

    This has nothing to do with being hardcore, competent, or anything else. It would just be a small quality of life improvement.
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  2. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Uhh having a repair bot in the Start has nothing to do with any Eliteness or anything. It's simply for incase everyone wipes you can repair in the start area before resetting, so you don't have to disband. Not everyone is going to buy repair bots. Those things are such a waste of money. Plus they are only usually used in between rounds. It would be nice to not have to waste a repair bot in the waiting lobby.
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  3. BigDaddyDru New Player

    Show your dedication to Survival Mode by purchasing those Repair Bots and coming into the Arena prepared! Of course I agree with you that having the repair bot at the beginning is a plus, but that has been brought up several times before and it has not happened.

    Whether or not this is implemented should not be a big deal because you are a "Dedicated" SM player who came into the Arena with his Repair Bots and with 7 other Competent people.

    You'll be allright!
  4. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Stop with the Elite and Competent stuff, it's really insulting to people and it makes you sound like a Tony Robbins sycophant. Survival Mode is meant for everyone CR111+. And you don't need to explain what Competent or Elite means in every single post on the forums. This thread is for real feedback.
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  5. Steak Sauce New Player

    What utter nonsense. The ability to buy repair bots now makes people "Elite", "Competent" and "dedicated"? What does that have to do with anything? Are you aware of the progress points in SM? Do you understand the implication of having progress points? Not every little thing in the game needs your "competent" and "elite" label. It's just a repair vendor we're talking about here.
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  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Looks like its 4 to 1. Guess everyone else is just incompetent, huh? How's it feel to be the Master of the Universe?

    On topic. For those that have gotten the iron shirts...is it the same as the last SMs, some are set and there is one that's changeable?
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  7. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Probably. I got green, saw different colours around. I'm guessing/hoping the custom one is there as well.
  8. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    Wow, that is such a bad attitude!

    Survival mode isn't made just for the "elite or competent" it's made for people to play and try, whether or not they succeed or not; or how far they progress, is determined by their skill ability.

    Putting a repair bot outside the arena would make no difference to the 'difficulty' of surivival mode, once someone is out they can't get back in, so all a repair bot outside does, is save time so that people don't have to waste time disbanding and re-queuing, they can repair and just go straight back in.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this idea. It's not like you can leave the arena between rounds and use the outside repair bot. Clearly you missed the point of this idea dru
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  9. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report:
    My group just encountered a rather nasty bug with the Alpha Triad group during Round 2 Wave 2. The Triads bugged out on us as they were defeated and became invincible. When they bugged out, they each had a small sliver of health and their red shields were up. Wave 3 started with the Triads and the Golem/Phaser/Scorpion group. Invincible, pull-spamming Alpha Triads + the Golem makes for a very deadly combination.
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  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    If you kill all three at the same time it will bug out. You need to keep one alive and kill it last then all three will disappear.
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  11. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Also is Parasite supposed to heal himself? Because unlike the first SM I didn't really see him heal at all.
  12. Loche Committed Player

    Yes he should. He should be very similiar to that SM.
  13. Lightws Dedicated Player

    I figured as much.
  14. Loche Committed Player

    We have figured this out. It was a global issue. Fix should be incoming.
  15. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Please tell me Doomsday is a boss in here. :)
  16. Loche Committed Player

    Ok. Today I fixed or adjusted the following:
    • Scorpionod going underground and staying there
      • This isn't something I can reproduce locally by myself. I *think* I have it fixed now.
    • Scorpionod's Encase can be broken out of now.
      • If this is deemed "unfun", I can change it back and work in the Rage immunity.
    • Triad no despawning, and advancing the wave too early
    • Sunstone Assassin's Called shot now has an additional FX at your feet
    • Sunstone Phaser's Absorbtion field is using more brainiac-like colors
    • Jor-El's "Charged Blast" ability has been renamed (because that is a Handblaster ability name) and damage has been reduced to normalized amounts. You can reduce it further by blocking. I have also extended the delay between his tell starting and the attack firing.
    Tomorrow I will work on some other notes I got when I played, like one-shots that shouldn't be there. As well as figuring out why Parasite isn't healing in this version.
    Please keep the feedback coming, I really appreciate it.
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  17. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    This is great. There seems to be several bosses that have a really large radius for their one-shot. It's kinda annoying to play the max range game where you are just moving back and forth to get your grey reticule to turn red. Would like to see the range reduced or like Jor-El give a skull with a little time to get out of it. Specifically talking about Non's attack. Non also seems to leave the tank for a scripted attack but just flies away to random spot, usually with no players or pets nearby.
  18. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I will be so beyond disappointed if he isn't Round 10's Boss.
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  19. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Nope, it's Brainiac-Controlled Trigon, sorry.
  20. Lightws Dedicated Player

    The first bullet point isn't fixed neither is the 2nd one. Also what about Jor-El's ground pound? Will that be lowered or staying the same?
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