Surprising Pug Experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Agnetta, May 23, 2015.

  1. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    I pugged NGN for the first time thursday night (usually run with friends/league) and was pleasantly surprised. The tank died a few times on the first boss, but we were always really close to killing the boss. After a few attempts, the tank voted to be excused. However, the group reassured him he was doing fine, and we all voted against excusing him.

    We killed the boss on the next attempt and got through the rest of the raid with basically no problems. At the end the tank was like "wow, y'all are awesome, thank you". I suppose pugs are typically really mean and quick to kick anyone who they think isn't doing their job, but this group was the exact opposite. I don't remember the names of anyone in the group, but thank you if you're reading this, it was a great experience.

    TL;DR: The DCUO community isn't all bad.
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  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Great post!!! :D

    Even I can't think of anything negative to say :eek:
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  3. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Well thats the thing with all accounts from people. When things go smoothly you don't report them, when things go wrong they stick out enough to say something about.

    Most people tend to complain more then compliment.

    HOP II experiences go smoothly once people stop freaking out about wipes tbh.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Anyone who pugs enough will figure this out. I've been playing for about 3 years and pugged probably 90% of PVE. I've never been in a big name, organized PVE league so I went through the ranks pugging pretty much everything. If you run into a group that has no idea what they're doing, I give them a few tries then leave and find another group.

    I think people just intentionally like exaggerating everything to make it seem like pugging is impossible.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    whaa not even 1 thing :rolleyes:
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    its not bad all the time, ppl who found that 1 good league assume the worse due to the few bad experiences then deem all pug groups to be the worst groups ever. There for it is spread by word of mouth that PUGing is bad to do. When in all reality its not, its all based on who you get in the group and how skilled the people really are.

    Which thats no different then LFG groups, league runs, or anything else put together by 1 person. It all boils down to the people in the group if the content is finished or not.
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  7. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    They only reassured him that he was doing ok because it's pretty darn easy for a tank to die there. Otherwise I don't think that would've happened
  8. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    The beauty of thought before action!
  9. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    PUGing is risky. Sometimes it's bad and sometimes it's good. You never know. It's kind of like rolling a dice.
  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    You're right, the community isn't ALL bad... just mostly bad.

    Stories like this are extremely rare. So rare, in fact, I have trouble believing this even happened (not saying it didn't or that you're lying, just emphasising how unlikely it seems based on personal experience).

    To summarise the DCUO community in a picture, I would use this image:


    I wanted a similar image but with a trash dump instead of a desert as that would be more accurate to the overall wider community. But there wasn't one. So just imagine the film Wall-E and the flower he finds.
  11. LanternLove Well-Known Player

    Meh you should have kicked the tank and then disbanded. :p
  12. just an honest dps New Player

    in my experience most pug groups are not as bad as the people on the forums make them out to be. getting a bad group is rare for me.
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  13. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Great story. That pug group sounds awesome. We've had things like this happen too.

    We have a small League, So a lot of times there will only be one or two of us, at most we have had 5 together in a Raid. That's a lot for us. If someone is struggling, we try to help them out. It doesn't matter if they are in our League or not.

    If we want to have an awesome community, and we do have a pretty good one from most of what I have seen, we all need to work at it. That means, even if you are getting frustrated, taking a step back, taking a few breaths, calming down, and looking at the situation, and seeing what you can do to fix it. Normally, kicking someone isn't the answer, encouraging them, and helping them out is.

    If we look at it honestly, sometimes we will find that the problem is actually something we are doing.
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  14. IveGotThaPower Active Player

    Similar thing happened with a group i joined into running FOS2. They had been at it for 74 mins and were stuck on the second boss when i joined. Simply explaining what each role was needed to do during that fight and helping the celestial healer with his loadout from my experiences got us through the next try and finished the raid without another hiccup. On Thursday I joined in exams with a pug group and I was the one who got helped, no wipe and they even got me a couple feats aswell! Happens alot more than people seem to acknowledge.
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  15. Streven Dedicated Player

    I pug a lot and find that most runs are pretty smooth if you stay patient and just work with people. To me a lot of the fun in the game is trying to adapt to the group around me.
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