Support doesn't help, so...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TANK69, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    ...I hope you can.
    The problem is, that my mouse view and scrolling doesn't in the game. Mouse buttons works, but nothing else. Its a Logitech G502 Hero mouse. Drivers are up to date, so as Windows and other stuffs. The problem is this game only, I can play other games perfectly (WoW, Days Gone, Far Cry 6, etc).
    First, when I reached the support with this problem, they told me to delete config files and stuffs, which worked. This was at January.
    Then, when the triple currencies week came, and was a patch, the mouse didn't worked again, and this time the steps what the support told me didn't worked either. This was 3 weeks later from the first issue.
    I reached again the support, told them that the previous steps not working this time and because this is the only game where I experiencing this problem, my bet is that you have to solve this problem. Sent First they told me to reach out Logitech, so I did, but I knew and Logitech knew that this is problem is not their side so I went back to DCUO support that the problem is still on, and need a solution. This time they told me that they can't report bug, I should make a forum post in the bug section (LOL). So I did. Nothing happened, nothing changed. I tried sometimes that I installed back the game and check that something is changed and maybe it works, but no.
    So, anybody has any solution for this? Even a green one?
  2. myandria Item Storage


    Perhaps you have checked this already, but I will ask anyway; did you check the in game settings to make sure they are still the same way you originally set them up? If not, check the first one (controls) and the last one (schemes).

    I suggest waiting until the new content releases before trying anything else apart from buying/using a different mouse/controller. As you have just experienced, new content launches can make things wonky for game controls. If your problem persists after the new content launches, you may have to consider using a different mouse.

    Good Luck!
  3. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling mouse? Not just updating drivers but completely removing..
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  4. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    I won't using different mouse, why should I? Freshly installed game, mouse doesn't work. One year before, with the same mouse, worked perfectly. I don't think that I have to do something about it.
  5. myandria Item Storage

    Well, it's always nice to have options when things don't go your way.

    Question: What will you do if the issue cannot be resolved or if it will take a longer time to resolve than you expect or are comfortable with?
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  6. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Its already 3 months. If not resolved, I won't pay and play with this dumpster fire anymore.
  7. KidKretz Committed Player

    solution would be to get a cheap mouse and try that
  8. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Can you post screenshots of your in-game settings? (Camera & Controls)
  9. Limey Committed Player

    1) Have you tried defaulting the settings ingame?

    2) Do you have any mouse macros or customizations via Logitech software?

    3) Are you running the game via the standalone launcher or via steam?

    4) Are you running other apps like OBS in the background?
    • Like x 2
  10. Lo Nova New Player

    ARI needs to be replaced in your discord immature and abuse of power. I got the screen shots.
  11. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Its freshly installed, didn't touch any settings.
    I tried it without any launcher in the background, also nothing.
  12. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Freshly installed, didn't touch any in the settings.
  13. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Still no reaction from any employee...
  14. fulldevil66 New Player

    i have the same problems... i cant move/look arround with the mouse. i ask the support, but thers no anser.... i have a Trust CXT, driver all fresh
  15. VIRALITY Dedicated Player


    I have no idea what the 'fresh install' or 'default' settings are, man.
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Means he installed the game and didn't touch any of the settings.

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic and not anymore LOL
  17. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    At this point you'll need to post your Win and driver stats if you want help from the community. We don't have enough info.
  18. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    LOL, no, I'm being 100% serious - I have no idea what those settings are. I've had all of my settings changed for the past 12 years.
  19. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    The problem is at their sides, not on my, or the dude who has the same problem with different mouse.
    I already sent them msinfo and dxsettings what they asked at the first place, and even asked them that what other information needs to localize the problem.
    That's where their asked me to post at the bug section, because they don't know and looks like they don't care.
    I don't think you can call this support at all.
  20. RTX Well-Known Player

    Since i´ve misunderstood your issue in the Bug forum section, with "Client" i understood "game client".

    You could try this:
    Download this file,
    Place the dinput8.dll into path "\UNREAL3\BINARIES\WIN32" where the DCGame.exe is located at, and tell us your results.

    Note that it might gets blocked by your anti-virus, however it´s a simple api wrapper (Not specificly created for this game, but should overwrite/use DirectInput) normaly games load it from system32.
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