[Suggestions] Fabulous' quality of life improvements

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pults, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    These are my demans. (Not really)
    Just a few improvements I'd like to see in the near future.

    1.Account wide base upgrades (supply drop, tactical mods, sidekick, back-up, orbital strike)
    It's more than obvious that maintence on these is rought, especially if you are making a new alt. First upgrade is 25 marks, second is 25(?) and the final monthly is 7 marks per each upgrade you desire. This system was fine with the old mark system but the current model isn't alt friendly and the maintence is absurd if a player has limited time to enjoy the game and a need to play a lot of characters. (I
    m having a hard time maintaining bases for 4 toons)

    2.Secondary trade verification screen which displayes the items and cash placed in a trade and asks if the players is pleased with the trade he is about to commit to.
    I honestly don't know how we've managed to drag this out so long. The UI isn't the smoothest and scamming is a daily occurance in game. A second accept/decline screen would lessen the odds of players being scammed of thier in-game goodies.

    3.Weekly resets moved to Friday or Saturday evening (depending on which day the game is more populated)
    The weekly loot locks usually mean one thing. Almost everyone tries to complete all the raids on the day it resets (thursday) making raiding durring the weekends almost impossible. Shifting it to Friday would make the game a bit more friendlier to casual players or those who have a busy work schedule.

    4. Unified gear in PvE.
    Whilst unified gear in PvP did introduce a slight inbalancement between powersets it also made the gear grind easier. I for once think that change in PvP was great and I would love to see it come to PvE as well. It would also reduce the DPS centric environment within the community.

    5. Mod sockets taken out of gear pieces and placed in the base generator or a similar concept not attached to bases.
    Unified gear in PvP introduced another problem - modding for two seperate roles was made inconvenient. For instance if a player wants to play the damage role in PvP he has to use precision mods, if he decides to heal he needs restoration mods. What happens is that he needs two seperate armour pieces of the same set to play both roles. If suggestion Nr.4 would be implemented PvE would have the same problem - players would need to ether play both roles poorly with one armour set or get two of the same armour sets to play both roles effectively.

    Any suggestions or comments are welcome!
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I would love 1. to happen but I bet it never would.
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  3. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    If a pet was alive when you died it auto re spawns when you respawn
  4. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I like 1.
  5. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    They are actually good ideas, but I don't like them because someone named Fabulous killed me in open world while I was afk lol.
  6. Pults Loyal Player

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