[Suggestion] In times of COVID-19 self-isolation make Open Eisodes event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ekart, Mar 14, 2020.

  1. Ekart Committed Player

    Dear Jackster, Nerd of Prey, Mepps and the whole DCUO team.

    The World is on hold. Country's all over the world are slowly locking down on public life. Since self-isolation and therefore staying at home is the only thing that contains the spread of COVID-19 at this moment it would be great if you would make Open Episodes available for March and April, maybe even May. Maybe this will ease the time everyone will be spending at home.

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  2. ErickStrife Well-Known Player

    While open episodes are always welcome. I sincerely think you are asking for far too much. March, April and maybe May? That would be three months of losses for the company. But, who knows...
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    if everyone has to self isolate, that means everyone at Dimension Ink, as well. just be keeping your fingers crossed the lights stay on, 'ey?
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Back from the hack 2.0 anyone?
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  5. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Atleast put some hazmat suits in the marketplace for sale.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Not everyone is self quarantined. The world is not on hold.
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  7. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Grow up, Buy a subscription, Quit asking for hand outs
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  8. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I would rather they focus on keeping the office healthy and getting out what they can because as soon as one person goes sick the game is in the paws of the server hamsters.
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  9. Ekart Committed Player

    Things are turning bad fast, for a lot of countrys. You'll see in a week or two.

    Before being a jerk to everyone, know your fellow players. I have my sub. Been having it for years and will continue to pay for it when this pandemic is over. Because I can afford it. Some people don't have it that good.

    It's a suggestion, where the result can maybe keep people at home, so they don't get infected and then don't infect their family or friends. If they do it, fine if not also ok.

    I don't know how countrys all over the continents are handling stuff, Europe was hit hard and it will be worse in a week. The same prognosis is for the USA.
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  10. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    See, what's being suggested here is that DCUO give people more to do that encourages them to stay home and avoid spreading disease. On the face of it, not a horribly bad idea.

    However, open episodes are a recruitment ploy. If they get people to play episodes they don't usually have access to, when the event is over, maybe they will pay to continue playing those episodes. Also not a bad idea.

    Now... combine those two, add in a healthy dose of journalistic sensationalism, and you end up with news headlines like, "Cynical game company uses coronavirus to get new customers!!!" So the two together are, potentially, an extremely bad idea.
  11. Brit Loyal Player

    [Suggestion] If you're going to be under home quarantine and want to spend that time playing through the old Episodes of DCUO, pay the $15 to subscribe. If you're getting to play all day every day, it will be well worth the $0.50 per day.
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  12. Soul Dedicated Player

    "Asking for too much" when asking for open episodes for a limited amount of time out of a game that describes itself as "Free to play".
    "Buy a subscription" to a player that's been around for years supporting the game and has a sub as we speak.

    When did people in this forum turn into Mepps' mouthpieces? Let Mepps do it, at-least he's funny when he's doing it.

    I think this is a good marketing opportunity and it doesn't have to be cynical or malicious unless you force your twisted PoV on others, there are online services already giving away some of their services for free knowing people will be using their services more now that they are stuck at home. (Discord, for example)

    Grow up people.
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  13. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    These are probably the same people who want to charge everyone for vaccines. Be careful of certain people, going too far in any direction makes you an extremist.
  14. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Bottom line, everyone be safe. There's a lot of white noise out there, so educate yourself on the facts and do what you can to keep you and your loved ones healthy.

    I'm an expat based in Shanghai, where we've (seemingly) weathered the worst of this pandemic and were able to get things under control. What is happening in America right now is a reflection of what was happening here five to six weeks ago. From my personal experience, what is even more alarming than the actual virus is the paranoia that this situation causes in others and the actions they take because of it.

    So buckle down folks, because sh*t is about to get real.
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  15. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    If it helps people panicing and staying saf I'm all for it :)
    A little off topic mabye but:
    I think the worst part except the deaths is to see how greedy nature humans is.I feel so embaressed beeing from my country when I see so many hamsters.a grocery store had a facebook thing saying "we are closed tomorrow chause of vermins,800 hamsters was observed in the store" Take care of your next of kin and your neighbour and behave :)
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  16. FoolsFire Devoted Player


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  17. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    No Hack So I'm Back?
  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    or a company ends up with news headlines like "Social Game company eases the period for the people who are in lockdown, supporting in the fight against the spread of the corona virus"

    Now add the free advertisement in there and the three together are, potentially, an extremely good idea.
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  19. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Out break from China had been known for 2 weeks before publically announce by the media this means several people had contracted and passed it with out ever knowing they had it , Only people with low white cell circulation or respiratory ilness are vonerable , Corona has been known for over 60 years yup sixty years, Good job that the world media Scaremongers hasn't notice dengu fever yet or the world will believe it's an apocalypse sigh.
  20. CandySlinger Active Player

    Open Episodes seems like it would kill their new DLC right out the gate. A replay sale would be more "Here's the new thing you paid for, now sit there and do it repeatedly".

    Either way, stay safe guys and if anything set the game up so you have as little actual time at the office as possible. Players can survive without bonus weekends for a while. The United States is about to be rocked by this, let's all be smart about our actions.