Subatomic Substitution?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr Torched, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Dr Torched Well-Known Player

    I need some explaining on this power. I have been atomic since it came out and have recently started using this power for SM. The move itself is a 50 percent shield to someone in your group with the lowest health percentage and a detaunt.
    Sounds good except there is one member in my league who is the only person to EVER get this shield. No matter the toon he is on he is the one to get it.
    It is rare that he isn't the one to get it and i'm just confused as to how this power actually works.

    Any fellow Atomic tanks care to drop some knowledge


    ( I really like the enter button )
  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I mean it is always possible he always has the lowest Health especially if he is not a support role. Though I'm confused since you said he ONLY gets it and turn around and also say HE DOES not always get it.
  3. Dr Torched Well-Known Player

    Fair point.
    9 out of 10 times he will get the shield.
    Even while just standing around.
  4. Proxystar #Perception


    I don't use the power personally, but if you read the description it says the group member with the lowest health percentage, if a person in the group is getting it all the time, it has to be because that member always has the lowest health at that point in time that you're popping it.

    It would appear that if the group member is not in tank role then it acts as a detaunt, however that doesn't mean it excludes the other tank, meaning from reading it, you may end up simply popping a shield on the other tank but not detaunting whateever is attacking him/her.

    If it isn't behaving in that manner then I can only assume the power is broken.
  5. BigAl Devoted Player

    I use in my battle tank loadout, in the event I have one person taking a lot of damage all the time (and to be helpful to the healer). It usually goes to a dps, but I have seen it go on healers and trolls as well. Yet to see it on another tank (let's face it, when is there usually another tank?).
    Maybe the one person that keeps getting it is a damage magnet? lol

    For fun, I used to partner up with a friend and use it on him just before he starts a duel. Good times. :D
  6. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Not really.

    When you use a priority heal/shield/buff and more than amount of targets of said power meet the conditions, the power goes to whoever is the closest to the person. I'm guessing his leaguemate always gets the shield because they probably stick together.
  7. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

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