Style vendor request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doc Vinci, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. kalel170 New Player

    Yeah I remember. Do you run all T3 content weekly? I banked the styles for months that wasn't my role until I collected all the role specific style. Then changed powers caused I wanted to collect the styles, and i was ready to try another power. I wasnt lucky on some styles. I grinded my style feats out. Took me 3 months straight of running a bat cave raid to get my last raptor tech style. It sucks yeah. But its the grind of an mmo.
  2. kalel170 New Player

    Ace chemical alert. The metal mimes drop them
  3. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Yeah, I know that. Did the same on my main long before the rare style-vendor was introduced. ;)

    But some people might not have the time or stamina to grind out rare styles from old content and would rather farm high-end-marks to buy them, so I still support putting more and more styles to it. :)

    When you willing to respec, if needed, you can also farm the tank-chest from Scarecrow in the Arkham alert, the least annoying wing, which can be soloed quite easily, when you're overgeared. :)
  4. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    No, only thing new will be, the antifreeze feet and some ancient amazon noble styles.
  5. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Um ... folks ... every set in this game (save a very few) are all either "very easy" or "nearly impossible" to get. You either have the RNG's favor or you do not. I'm not saying "don't add any of these." What I am saying is, stop telling people that the set they're looking for is easy to get.
    Come on people, just because you got them early and easy doesn't mean it works the same way for everyone. I know some people who have been playing longer than myself who are still looking for certain ones.
    Truth be told, the only styles that are really, actually, literally, and definition wise truly 'easy to get' are those that come from Briefings and vendor gear. The rest is a random crap shoot and nothing about it is ever 'easy.'

    I would be of the mind to say, put all drop only styles in the Rare Vendor and keep the Marks top Tier and keep them expensive.
    Though this final statement can be construed as sarcastic, I mean it in all seriousness.
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  6. Doc Vinci New Player

    Ok thanks