Style vendor request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doc Vinci, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Doc Vinci New Player

    Hi Devs is it at all possible in the next GU to put aerial defender and alien/rapture tech in the rare style vendor please :)
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Only if all of the remaining Runes styles are added, too :D
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  3. Doc Vinci New Player

    I found the ruine styles quite easy to collect but aerial and raptor/alien tech very hard as when I run bat caves and FoS 90% of loot is weapon styles
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  4. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Kryptonian Flexsuit chest, please. :D
    And Heartshard aswell.
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I nearly have the full Norseman set and am missing a rune style from each set (dps/tank). What's easy for some is harder for others.
  6. Nodens Dedicated Player

    There are actually a LOT of rare drop styles that could be added. For now, I'll just mention that the PvP old style vendor is missing the Avatar Bombardier. I know a few people who would like to complete tha feat for that style.
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  7. kalel170 New Player

    Heartshard is fairly easy to get. Especially if you are a healer. Just grind out your T3 solos daily.
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  8. Xolag Well-Known Player

    1 month just for 2 pieces and nothing :(
  9. kalel170 New Player

    Are you running the correct content to get the alien tech to drop? I thought they only fall for tank and controller roles. You increase your chances of the drop if you run the content daily. Alien tech isnt hard to get. Or you just have bad luck.
  10. kalel170 New Player

    At Xolag,

    What pieces are you missing?
  11. Doc Vinci New Player

    I'm a troll and need raptor tech waist and alien tech hands which I know drops in bat caves also aerial defender chest which comes from FoS2 and medievel shoulders
  12. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    i need the raptor tech shoulders and im done with styles for now...............
  13. Mercenary Renegade New Player

    I just need Runes of the East Hands....I have yet to see them drop for me. :(
  14. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player


    They drop for me, but only off role. I have a set of healer and troller hands in my bank waiting...if I ever switch powers to finish the style!
  15. Magnificent Loyal Player

  16. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Then you were lucky.
    3 pieces hearthard for healer only drop from weekly boxes, and some of them drop very rarely.

    You can get that as dps-piece from TP-alert. :)

    Runes of the East only drops as DPS-style. Demonic runes drops for healer/troller/tank only.

    Alien Tech hands drop as troller-style from Babyface and Clownsanity in the ACE Chemicals T1-alert, east- and west-wing.
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    hush jacket and legs :rolleyes:
  18. Doc Vinci New Player

  19. kalel170 New Player

    Alien tech hands drop in ace chemical alert. If you have a high cr just walk in.
  20. Doc Vinci New Player

    Just checked its the chest I need not the hands