Style Locations

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Little Sister, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Mileena New Player

    What is farming?
  2. Valor New Player

    Farming in gaming terms is, basically, the act of collecting in game items.

    Yep, helpful sarcasm.
  3. Orphan Fromdabloc New Player

    You're missing the Alien Tech Back location. Any idea where it's at?
  4. Orphan Fromdabloc New Player

    It drops at System Breaker in The Armory.
  5. Taymazing New Player

    healer heartshard hands also drop in weekly III boxes, got 1 farming healer heartshard waist in nightclub duo
  6. Strydorman Well-Known Player

    Viking waist dropped from Supes and Lex in T5 Brothers in Arms operation.
  7. Azure Black New Player

  8. Azure Black New Player

    I got the Controller Kryptonian Waist style after defeating Scarecrow in the Challenge just now. It wasn't in the Weekly Box.
    • Like x 1
  9. Little Sister New Player

    Thanks! And might I add, I HATE YOU lol. You're extremely lucky, I am still looking for this.
  10. GFMN New Player

    Seraph back (Healer) and Tech Ninja waist dropped in Smallvile today :D
  11. Black Peacock Active Player

    Can anyone confirm Talon Lord controller legs drop in Weekly Box III? I opened atleast 60 of them and nothing...
  12. Morich Well-Known Player

    Yes, they do. Personally, I'm having trouble finding Talon Lord Head.
  13. Robo Kristy New Player

    Thanks, this helps a lot! Are there any more lists like this one?
  14. Robo Kristy New Player

    Oh, hey, I just got Seraph hands from the weekly box in one of the Battle for Earth Duos.
  15. Robo Kristy New Player

    Snake legs are in Ivy's section in Markham Asylum
  16. MrBlazEakaJB New Player

    I still need the freakin Talon Lord back piece and that crap never drops out the weekly boxes!!! Those T3 solo and duo weekly boxes have been giving me FE3s and a lot of Kabuki lately!! Really FE3s Really??!!!?? Is the game purposely screwing with me or is it working as intended?
  17. LLSmoothJ Active Player

    Not sure if this was posted (Too lazy to read the whole thread, I know), but I got the Tank Viking Feet from defeating Prince Ulgo.
  18. Statman New Player

    Tank Winged Fury waist is starting to get on my nerves, it's worse that I don't even know exactly where it drops, lol.
    • Like x 1
  19. Little Sister New Player

    I've only ever seen it drop from the Weekly Box, so I suggest running all T3 content every week. :(
  20. Statman New Player

    I am, hence why I'm getting frustrated, lol. If I happen to find it from a solo I'll definitely post here though