Style Locations

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Little Sister, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Little Sister New Player

    That's the only spot it drops. I see it quite often actually, you should run with me : )
  2. jflusson Well-Known Player

    well at least you have given me hope. i dont know what it is but the styles that i need from alerts, vault, raids never drop and not just you but other people have no issues, im convinced the games mechanics like to pick on that.
  3. jflusson Well-Known Player

    HA! just after I complained , ran it 4 times today and on the 4th try, bam got it. the fix is in i tell ya
  4. Z3R0 Psyker New Player

    I can confirm:
  5. Rumour Committed Player

  6. The Doctor Loyal Player

    The Controller Medievel Head is a drop from Weekly 2 Boxes. I've received it twice.
  7. Little Sister New Player

    Lots of updates today : )
    • Like x 2
  8. The Doctor Loyal Player

    The Seraph Tank Feet drop directly from Scarecrow. Just got them
  9. AgentX44 Committed Player

    I'd like to ask, since the locations mentioned for the Norsemen are from the Hero side, the corresponding ops raid in the villain side should have the corresponding drops, right? Eclipso <--> Ra's; Tala <--> Swamp Thing?
  10. Little Sister New Player

    I don't know, my villain doesn't have the CR to do Ops. Hopefully a Villain can chime in.
  11. FrontlineR Well-Known Player

    Controller Sector Agent hands dropping from Vice in Oan Sciencells

  12. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I was farming the alien tech hands for trollers in ACE for weeks (even got the kick-me-sign before I got the hands :D), and they dropped for me from Clownsanity, as it is also mentioned in
  13. Little Sister New Player

    Yes I used to have it listed as Clownsanity, until I personally saw them drop from Babyface. My guess is that it drops from both.
  14. Old Gravyleg New Player

    This is correct. Ra's and ST are the final bosses of the t4 ops, and are the only two bosses I've ever seen drop the norse codex.
  15. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Yeah, i get that they are the final bosses (I only need 2 more pieces to complete the style), but I'd like to know where certain pieces drop so that I could try to farm them. Like it says Norsemen head drops from Eclipso... so does that mean on the villain side Norsemen head drops from Ra's? or are the loot tables different villain side for norsemen?
  16. Divine New Player

    I'll post a few that i have noted down from the villain side when i get home.
  17. Midori Toro Level 30

    There's a flowered midriff blouse that mobs in Metropolis' Chinatown wear. I saw a PC wearing it the other day. Does anyone know what this garment is called, and where it drops?
  18. Little Sister New Player

    You probably mean the Hawaiian shirt from the Oolong Island collections.
    • Like x 1
  19. Divine New Player

    Unpaid Dues:

    Burning Path Master:
    Runic Hood of Warlord
    Runic Chest of Warlord

    Ra's Ul Ghul:

    Seeds of Rot:

    GCPD Elite Enforcer:
    Runic Epaulets of the Warlord
    Runic Epaulets of Restoration
    Runic Leggings of the Defender

    2nd Boss Seeds:
    Rune Sash of Manipulation
    Rune Gauntlets of Manipulation

    Swamp Thing:
  20. Little Sister New Player

    I don't really know them by name. Would love it if you shared role/piece like in the OP.